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PEN - Peninsula Energy

Tech/a, would you mind to expand on your statement a little, not sure what you mean - thanks.

Yesterday I had a sell in at 6.9c if hit.
It was
For the next few days I now have a buy just above the most recient high which will stay there until I see definative signs of a turn around or correction---if I do then I will remove the buy and look for a counter trend entry opportunity---or it will power ahead and take out my buy sitting there and Ill be fabulously--richer--.

Here's the hourly chart -

Bearish Head and Shoulders Reversal pattern.
6.6c is neckline support, currently forming the right shoulder.
Measured move target should 6.6c support fail =

6.6 - (7.5 - 6.6) = 5.7c

Bearish SP/MACD and SP/RSI divergences = falling momentum

Pens performed exceptionally.
300% in a few months.
Few have performed as well
Uranium's doing well...
View attachment 46051
"The mismatch between demand for spot uranium in Europe and supply in the US reached its ultimate conclusion last week when simply no one wanted to play. That mismatch, clearly explained in last week's report ("Uranium Mismatch Continues To Frustrate") has been driving down transaction volumes in the spot market even as medium and longer term demand begins to emerge from the dust of Fukushima. Last week, reports industry consultant TradeTech, there were simply no transactions reported..."

Don't say you weren't warned...

"Stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant at dire risk of massive new earthquake, scientists warn

Scientists have issued a dire warning that the damaged Fukushima nuclear plant is at risk of a massive new earthquake.

Research using data from more than 6,000 recent tremors has found that last March's disaster has reactivated a seismic fault practically beneath the power station.

Now scientists are telling Japanese authorities to urgently shore up the damaged reactor in expectation of more massive 'quakes..."


Canceled Higher High Buy stop order.
Now looking for a counter trend trading opportunity.
Enjoying this movement.
Hi everyone,

It's my first time posting on this thread. Would anyone be so kind as to post a link or explain what the bad news was that came out on Saturday?
Hi everyone,

It's my first time posting on this thread. Would anyone be so kind as to post a link or explain what the bad news was that came out on Saturday?



1. Environmental Contention 1: The application fails to adequately characterize baseline
(i.e., original or pre-mining) groundwater quality.
CONTENTION: The application fails to comply with 10 C.F.R. § 51.45, 10 C.F.R.
Part 40, Appendix A, and NEPA because it lacks an adequate description of the
present baseline (i.e., original or premining) groundwater quality and fails to
demonstrate that groundwater samples were collected in a scientifically
defensible manner, using proper sampling methodologies. The ER’s departure
from NRC guidance serves as additional evidence of these regulatory violations.
NRC, NUREG-1569, Standard Review Plan for In Situ Leach Uranium Extraction
License Applications, § § 2.7.1, 2.7.3, 2.7.4 (2003).

2. Environmental Contention 2: The application fails to analyze the environmental impacts
that will occur if SEI cannot restore groundwater to primary or secondary limits.
CONTENTION: The application fails to meet the requirements of 10 C.F.R. § 51.45 and
NEPA because it fails to evaluate the virtual certainty that SEI will be unable to restore
groundwater to primary or secondary limits.

3. Environmental Contention 3: The application fails to include adequate hydrological
information to demonstrate SEI’s ability to contain groundwater fluid migration.
CONTENTION: The application fails to assess the likelihood and impacts of fluid
migration to the adjacent groundwater, as required by 10 C.F.R. § 51.45 and NEPA, and
as discussed in NUREG-1569 § 2.7.

4. Environmental Contention 4/5A: The application fails to adequately assess cumulative
impacts of the proposed action and the planned Lance District expansion project.
CONTENTION: The application violates 10 C.F.R. § 51.45, NEPA, and the
Council on Environmental Quality’s (CEQ) implementing regulations for NEPA
because it fails to consider adequately cumulative impacts, including impacts on
water quantity, that may result from SEI’s proposed ISL uranium mining
operations planned in the Lance District expansion project.
62% profit taken. Not too bad!!
It's reacting to uncertainty, short term profit taking and mostly to PDNs rather dismal figures.
Not a lot to make it jump again and financing is still an issue as far as I can see.

Whitney Huston Died.
So funny!
Green light given for more nuclear plants.

"Feds Approve Unsafe New Nuclear Reactors Requiring Billions of Taxpayer Dollars...

...“The license may be granted, but these reactors are far from a done deal. As in the past, expect delays and cost overruns, and rest assured that we will challenge the validity of this license in court,” said Damon Moglen, director of Friends of the Earth’s climate and energy project.

In a shocking dissent by NRC Chairman Gregory B. Jazcko against the four other Commissioners who approved the decision, Jazcko said that the approved designs did not take the lessons of Fukushima into account. “I cannot support issuing this license as if Fukushima never happened,” Jazcko told his colleagues."


Whitney Huston Died.

He said " bad news "

Anyhow, stopped out at 6.3 cents, all in all more than happy with the gain.

There are some possitives in the chart, so will be looking for another entry as I think there is a lot of interest in PEN now...
Filled at 6.5c
Nice gap at open.
Stop at 6c
My idea of a low risk trade.
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