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PEN - Peninsula Energy

Chalea, we could go on like this for days:

Paul Gunter has been an anti-nuclear activist for over 30 years ..... Is his opinion un-biassed???

As i said, I respect your choice to be anti-nuclear, but these videos of anti-nuclear folk prove nothing more than if I, or others posters posted up pro-nuclear videos !!

ps. If these people admitted they were "Short" Uranium stocks with their own cash, I would have more respect for their opinions ....... are they? ... I doubt it !
Incredible how gullible people can be, and extremely galling when they masquerade as intelligent saviours. Suspect the same front lobe dynamics as religious nutters of any persuasion.

Sunshine, I love sunshine and all forms of renewables and can't wait until they can power the world, especially the hundreds of millions in northern hemi winter and the booming billions of the re-emerging economies. In the meantime, the sooner we switch to safe nuclear (think about that notion sunshine and do some research) and save hundreds of thousands of lives from coal each year the better.

Won't even get onto greenhouse gasses and the like and btw note wind power has killed more people than nuclear energy in the past 10 years, google it. As for 12,000 deaths from Fukushima in the US, you really have to be joking or very gullible.
The Glass guy seems to be one of the few who have noticed the 80% move to the upside
PEN has enjoyed over the last week or so.
Not many stocks doing that!
The Glass guy seems to be one of the few who have noticed the 80% move to the upside
PEN has enjoyed over the last week or so.
Not many stocks doing that!

No not many, but many have noticed PENs move up...some even making money out of it ;-)

Happy new year to you to by the way, I did notice your glum response to my general interest topic as did your cohort lol.

You may not like fundamental drivers but get ready for them regardless, as they are coming. Some will take notice and some won't, but hey who gives a toss.

Harden up chaps, money to be made this year and I am off to a flying start with both PEN and NWE and few nice trades on the likes of SSN and especially HOR toward the end of 2011.

Happy trading and taking the mickey out of each other, I see it is rampant here as usual lol

ps. Chalea whats the low for PEN this year and when? I will note it in my calendar

Typically the first thing they do is move to see how it will affect themselves, on the other side of the planet. The whole interview made me laugh.

Anyway, so;

A. Meltdown in Fukushima
B. Radiation causes leukemia
C. Rate of Leukemia in the US rises a slight percentage

Therefore Fukushima caused Leukemia's rise in the USA thus costing 14000 lives?

Bit of a leap here - sounds like bad logic to me.

Nice one hangseng.

Been following you, but buying and selling on dips and ups. Makes my bottom line look very respectable.

The Glass guy seems to be one of the few who have noticed the 80% move to the upside
PEN has enjoyed over the last week or so.
Not many stocks doing that!

May have been some very intense hoping that no one was noticing!!
Nice one hangseng.

Been following you, but buying and selling on dips and ups. Makes my bottom line look very respectable.


Still following GG?

Nice move up again today.

For the unknowing... or the not wanting to know...

Pen's latest announcement is telling. If they prove up high flow rates as they believe they will then a Capex reduction of around 20% could be achieved. Also this DDW will remain in place as part of production and they will have installed part of the initial wellfields as a part of the testing.

Here is the best bit...

I have long stated PEN would be able to proceed to early construction. IMO they will do so post the next board meeting in March. At this meeting it is almost certain now IMO that the decision to mine will be made and that they will announce early construction.

Now 3 directors have bought recently with the MD buying over $103,000 at market. Why did they do this for such a "dead duck" stock as so many here on ASF comment?

Get ready for a surprise IMO. One smile for each of the announcements I expect to see over the next few months
1. Early construction
2. Decision to mine
3. Funding
4. confirmation of DDW test success.

One smiley just for Chalea ....simply because I can

See you all in March.
Now 3 directors have bought recently with the MD buying over $103,000 at market. Why did they do this for such a "dead duck" stock as so many here on ASF comment?

And some only comment when it is going up
And some only comment when it is going up

Boggo I have been posting on PEN since 2006 here and elsewhere through thick and thin. It seems the johnny come lately's like yourself have no memory.

Just keep throwing the crap, the last laugh will be all mine.
Boggo I have been posting on PEN since 2006 here and elsewhere through thick and thin. It seems the johnny come lately's like yourself have no memory.

Just keep throwing the crap, the last laugh will be all mine.

Sorry, as an observer of pattern behaviour I did notice some consistency in the timing of your last three postings as noted on the chart below.


  • PEN 190112.png
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Boggo I have been posting on PEN since 2006 here and elsewhere through thick and thin. It seems the johnny come lately's like yourself have no memory.

Just keep throwing the crap, the last laugh will be all mine.

Your a genius
You've "evidently" averaged from 3.6 c to 11c to 16 c then Back all the way down.

I doubt your in profit.

You've watched 600% profit fall to a loss!!!!

Yet the technical boys have been spot on the whole time.
If you'd been an astute trader you'd have sold at 12 c and be back in at around the 3 c

But " thick and thin" holds on in HOPE
You bluff yourself with questionable knowledge.

Anyone who is capable of blowing his trumpet after watching his holding which is up 600 % fall to zero twice really needs to re evaluate his self opinion.

6 th Jan I picked it so here I am NO WORSE OFF THAN YOU!

Pull your head in
We trade ---- you hope.
The analysis has always been relative to the stock at the time -- positive and negative.
We can see both sides.
You ---- you are a regurgitator with no knowledge of the art of trading.

So before slinging in our direction--- I think you need to show some humility
Your not that good!
In fact your god awful.

Your pretty good at dishing it out
About time we/I had a say.
Oh tech/a you have been dishing it out on a personal basis here longer than I care to remember. "pull your head in" is something that could have been said of you quite some time ago. Yes the TA posters are always right...after the fact. Bloody geniuses all, must be one wealthy bunch is all I can say.

One wonders why when so damn successful you all find the need to post on a penny stock forum. I dare say a fair amout of hindsight BS goes on rather than actually trading.

You have no idea at all what I do, yet you assume to know all. That in itself is the height of arrogance, the latter of which you are particuarly good at. As for awful, I am very pleased with my SMSF performance having increased a nice percentage in the last year, compared to most super funds that have gone backwards.

No complaints from me, PEN hit 2.7 and now 4.5 up over 70%. I wonder what geniuses here picked that up. Looking at the BS posts I would say not one except maybe GG. Yes geniuses all with no idea at all unless it is on a chart AFTER the fact.

Quite touching that I have made the charts boggo ROLOL...

Watch and learn children...None so blind that will not see.

I dare say as your "charts don't show it" you will all be wondering why NWE took off when it happens. Some things charts and TA geniuses simply don't see because they don't look. Simply hindsight wizards.

have a great day, back to the trade desk for me. This is fun but it doesn't fill the bank acc.
Dont know what it is you think is so clever.
Your in no better position than any of us.
Your average is I would say from your posts
greater than 3c.
So your on the ground floor after 2 yrs??
Just like anyone else.

look and learn.

Youve already taught me and many here heaps.

(1) Dont fall in love with your stock
(2) Have a trailing stop.
(3) Dont average down
(4) Dont put all your eggs in 1 basket.
(5) Markets can and do change.

tech/a all I care about is my bank account and it is doing rather well at present.

Unlike you and your abusive cohorts I concentrate on making money out of stocks, not waste my time attempting to analyse posters.

You still have no idea at all about me nor what I have nor what I do. You and your mates were canning me long before PEN hit 16 and still doing so, the party isn't over yet, it has just begun. But your charts won't show you that.

I do recall one stroke of genius on your behalf earlier in 2011. Where you stated you bought (at around 11.5 from memory) then sold equally as quick at a loss then PEN went up again. What a great trader jumping at shadows LOL.

Just stick to what you (think) you know best. You truly have no idea about this old just like to think you do.

So give us all the benefit of your wisdom in TA and tell us where PEN is heading now and whee it will be in March for instance. Shouldn't be too difficult for the TA geniuses here. We alraeady know Chaleas it is always sub 2c no matter where PEN is. He has a chorus on the "other" forum now as well proclaiming a "secret indicator" ROLOL! About as credible as the other that proclaimed a "little black box" and in possession of "poison arrows"... charlatans the lot of them!

I think your are all hindsight traders that have no idea of how to assess company fundamentals or assess projects. Your charts won't tell you where this is all heading, if they did why not put it up in lights for all to see now, not months after it has occurred then proclaim some great brilliance in reading charts.

Not one of you saw the long fall of PEN in 2011, yet post Fukushima so many proclaim they did...BS! What would have occurred in the U industry and with PEN had that event (unrelated to the U industry, it was a Tsinami that caused the deaths and so much damage, not a nuclear accident) had not occurred?

But continue the personal attacks, I WILL have the last laugh, of that I have absolutely no doubt now. This has nothing to do with "falling in love with a stock", another erroneous assumption of the personal attackers both here and afar. However time will tell who was right and who was wrong about PEN, I saw all the same crap with EXT.
Sorry, as an observer of pattern behaviour I did notice some consistency in the timing of your last three postings as noted on the chart below.

As I said Johnny come lately, you can't see past a month. But how flattering you take such an new interest in me rather than stocks.
Don't feel special H/S
Many here are just like you
And can associate with the
Poor decisions made

Hope you make your million
----- or second or third whatever
Your case maybe---

I think I can see why you no longer favour charting HS, it has obviously let you down and got you in the situation you are now in.
Don't shoot the messenger matey, you got yourself into this with comments such as the one above and charting exploits such as the two examples in the links below, I simply identified the timing of your recent potentially opportunistic posts.

hangseng technical analysis...


"No longer favour charting"....Who says I don't? Again another erroneous assumption. I don't favour one without the other, that is a big mistake IMO and has served me very well using both.

"got you in the situation you are now in"...Oh I like that! What situation would that be Boggo? Responding to childish poster chasers such as yourself maybe?

Thanks for posting those Boggo, clearly you can't read english or you would be pointing out the disclaimer on the chart as well of which as it turned out occurred. Sometimes it comes off and sometimes it doesn't, simply the way it is. One clearly did as it was the 4th of Feb when PEN was at 11.5 and then went on to 15.5 on the 16/2...Not a bad call after all eh.

Also I note tech/A liked the chart at that time, posting AFTER my chart and posting his own obviously positively "Damn thats a good looking chart." So you better bounce him as well eh.

Obviously though, you (think you are) are a perfectionist and must be a wealthy one at that as you ALWAYS get it right eh? I think not, go away and look at the snail trail you have left behind of losing trades. No sign of boggo at that time though, I wonder why LOL.

Eddie the experts that never lose and always win...Bulldust!

Keep it up kids...

Of late many trades out there if you are game and willing to wait for the herd to catch up. My best at the end of 2011 was HOR, entered in Nov at .19 on FA and chart showing oversold and exited when the herd arrived at 37.5 and the long wick was forming. Yes charts can be of assistance, but they aren't the be all and end all that is professed here. It is merely another method.

NWE will be my next and PEN has done me particularly well of late (and GG it seems) and will continue to.

I don't fall in love with stocks, nor do I take any notice of chest beating chartists that profess to be experts in everything and never lose. Especially when the best they can do is personally attack posters and post nothing on the stock.

Forgive me for thinking so, but I thought forums were for stock chat and sharing information. Clearly I am misinformed and it is now only for personally attacking posters.

Is this what ASF has become? If so then I won't be a part of it for much longer.
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