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PEN - Peninsula Energy

Each to their own Dougs Antiques

Can't see why you wouldn't use 5.0c as the starting point of the drop.

Volume bar shows a significant selling day no?

"If the pattern is on the smaller size, then the expected price movement should mirror the price movement preceding the pattern."

Yes it was a selling day as was the 13 Dec.
I will be buying a small parcel at .026 about 400,000 units to see how it goes with a short stop loss set.
If it hits .022 in the next month I will applaud you but I dont think that it will except for the fact that the EURO causes it to happen.
If you want to use the top of 5 cents thats fine ....but just stick to that,dont mix tops with bottoms IMO


If you want the full range of the move you have to use the peak to the trough

Method worked here

so 5c, 4c, 3c, 2c... how low will it go??

The company is dead?

The company is still valued at $60m.

The truely dead companies are valued at $2-3m.

So it's not dead, it's just not in perfect health.
Let me confess I see the vertical bars with black and red and interpretation but technically I am very naive to understand predictive values from chart analysis.
But there are thousands of good chartists doing a great job and I respect them
So the charts show that PEN is going to dribble drastically.

I have been dreaming that PEN will come down at 2 cents very soon as shown by chartists.

That will be probably more so for all uraniums shares as PDN also drifting now
Well here you go a newslink from a not so good chartist. He is the Prime Minister of the largest democracy. A partner of BRIC at one time. He is a Ph D in finance and was the Governor of the largest central bank in India. He declined to come to Australia so Julia change the labour momentum to release uranium to India

Why Russia and India decided to work jointly to open the Atomic Power Plant ? Not to make nuclear aresnal but green power. India is also very high producer of power from thermal coal.

why Uncle Sam is saying this :

Of course there is no love affair here. All want business. India is in command. So we are looking for - Making money. Not buying emotion but selling emotion to earn money.
Will the charts show this until the reactors start producing power and then share prices start jumping accordingly ??
Chalea;675328 10th-December-2011 08:31 AM said:
Bearish continuation rectangle support broken
Measured move target = 3.6 - (5.0 - 3.6) = 2.2c
View attachment 45480

Weekly chart shows the measured move.
Lowest weekly close since July 2009.

Click chart

Long term trend/support line.

Click chart

Ooooh. I was so close to buying at .026 yesterday. But the global stuff and over all market trend was making me too chicken. PEN just upgraded it's resources!! up 8%.
Ooooh. I was so close to buying at .026 yesterday. But the global stuff and over all market trend was making me too chicken. PEN just upgraded it's resources!! up 8%.
I bought PEN yesterday as I said that I would in an earlier post @ .026 and took profit @ .029.
I gave it a chance to rally more but with the very high volume today and no buyers above .030 I feel that its not quite PEN's time to shine.
So now I live to fight another day
Nothing like a DFS to give it a kick start. Thankfully I have been slowly accumulating at rock bottom prices throughout the year and am seeing some green for a change on this one. 2012 should be interesting year for PEN so I think I will hold on to this one for now.
Happy New Year ASF'ers...long time no post

A little dated but for anyone interested. My personal views and that of a fellow poster from afar regarding the Strata Energy pre-hearing conference 20th Dec 2011.

I eventually watched the entire replay of the pre-hearing conference.

Without trying to absolutely pre-empt the final outcome. IMO there is now way this petition will succeed in doing any more than cause the slight delay it has.

My summary view:

As an outcome Pugsley issued a "NOTICE OF REQUESTED CITATION" (see NRC ADAMS document list 22/12/2011) and I am now certain it relates to groundwater protection and the restoration bond. The lawyer for Viviano tried to add in that the bond "may" be insufficient in the event of an excursion. Pugsley on more than one occasion argued this point strongly citing the case in this recent notice. He was clearly very well prepared, I could not say the same for the rather inadequate display from Viviano's lawyer.

It is the elevation of the Viviano property that the (environmental) judge so gently put it to the lawyer for Viviano that causes water to flow down, not up as it would need to if in the unlikely event an excursion occurred.

He went into a lot of detail to demonstrate how there would be no impact on the property as far as UG and surface water were concerned.

Strata hardly saying a word in the opening and the NRC judges doing the claimant no favours by displaying their own evidence presented. Pugsley's case was made very easy. That said apart from the environmental judges comments and discussion on presented evidence there was no apparent bias displayed.

Apparently she also travels a lot and uses ALL of the access roads EVERY day according to her lawyer. That and her claim is ridiculous in the extreme regarding dust issues as the road has been used for years by her and the few other property owners and accessed by other operations over the years with no demonstrable impact.

It was clear to me that there was also no demonstrable impact on the claimants property in regard to UG water, water runoff, lighting.

The light aspect was thrown in for good measure I am sure. From 16kms away all she MAY see is a very dull glow on the horizon.

Her laywer speaking of the MANY oil and gas fields in the area both past and present shot himself in the foot IMO. Listening to the NRC judge (environmental scientist)explaining the plugging and abandonment process and regulatory requirements simply closed down the argument of impact on her water wells through migration from Strata's proposed activities.

The claimant also tried to put up that Strata has not adequately addressed any potential cumulative aspects. It was during this that the NRC put up that this project is most likely going to expand significantly. I toook it that the additional permitting would cover these aspects and it wasn't relevant as far as this application was concerned. The NRC and Pugsley also commented this was a "guidance" note of the GEIS process and not a regulatory requirement.

I found the NRC very supportive of Strata and they defended the review and approval processes in place.

The admin judge closed without giving anything away. He stated the judges response, or reason they can't pass judgement, would be given toward the end of January. Date was given but I just can't recall it exactly.

Pugsley in closing re-stated the claimants case regarding the restoration bond should not be considered as it wasn't a part of the claim and he again cited the test case precedent. The Admin judge requested he cite via notice of which he has now done.

IMO, this has no chance of success and will not delay the issue of the permit any further than it has. Spudman (from afar) put it perfectly in a post on the day "Just been listening to the first 30 mins or so and to me it comes across as this lady is clearly looking for some $$$ compensation." I could not have said it better than spudman and I am sure the 3 judges heard what we did.

On to the next supposed hurdle. PEN sure has had their fair share and shareholders along with it. It will make the final reward taste even sweeter. No surprise Alf Gillman saw fit to top up post this hearing.

Full hearing here for a limited time:

Initial Prehearing Conference, Tuesday December 20,Strata+Energy
Truly amazing.
Rags to riches to rags and nothing learnt!
A little dated but for anyone interested. My personal views and that of a fellow poster from afar regarding the Strata Energy pre-hearing conference 20th Dec 2011.

I eventually watched the entire replay of the pre-hearing conference.

Welcome back and happy new year hangseng.

With all due respect, all of this to and fro nonsense is a complete and utter waste of time regardless of whether it comes from Pugsley (or the whole Addams Family).

You guys are never going to make a profit if you stay dependant on this sort of nonsense, there are over 1900 other stocks out there just on the ASX.

It WAS a very good trade if you knew when to get in and when to get out and move on and that is a lot simpler than what you guys are dreaming about, trying to understand and believing in.

Sorry if I seem to tell it like it is but this whole Pugsley, Gus and Puggy stuff will get you nowhere (which you probably are in the process of working out for yourselves).

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