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PEN - Peninsula Energy

27 July 2006
does anyone know whats going on with these guys, good looking projects in south australia, wa, fiji, and most importantly South africa uranium, massive volumes yesterday but a subdued looking chart, pretty samll cap too 500million shares at 3.8c ~20mill
Re: PEN-peninsula minerals

They were mentioned in the fin review in April 06 in an article re one of the top five micro caps with strong prospects. Big move today in price and volume. Might be caught up in uranium hype re South African exploration projects. Hope so, I have a small holding! No other info. Regards Marc1.
Vol 73 Mil today, Price 0.044
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

pen / After hours news release 4.39p.m. on 27/11/06.
Uranium / molybdenum prospecting rights granted in south africa.
up 11% in yesterdays trade.
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

ezyTrader said:
need to hold above 0.05 for a good run, imo.

Any close at or above 4.7c will maintain the uptrend and is a break into all time highs.

5.1 is all time high intraday, broken today.
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

These guys get very good trading volumes per week. And they've been making some good moves as a company (have a look at thier last 2 months worth of announcements)
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

those currently buying PEN please feel free to continue. :
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Thought that was obvious I hold it.

Just being my normal sarcastic self.

Duck with attitude!!
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Oh ok...
I thought it was one of those subtle warnings to stay away from it!
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

nizar said:
This chart is looking very nice.

Nicer today

I cant believe you and I are the only ones trading this?
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

tech/a said:
Nicer today

I cant believe you and I are the only ones trading this?

Yeh i know. The run is far from over with this one i feel.

Tech, when u have time, im keen to hear your thoughts on FML, another one im trading.
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals


How did you spot the breakout at 5.5c, with which tool or were you just scanning with the eyes... does the asx monitor tool catalyst started developing have the feature or is it more expensive to like marketcast...
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

I hold this too! They're recent uranium prospect post was awsome.

They have a huge volume of trading per day for a company of thier size

I'm hoping they are the type of company that will hit above the 50 cent mark by mid next year... fingers crossed.
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

SevenFX said:

How did you spot the breakout at 5.5c, with which tool or were you just scanning with the eyes... does the asx monitor tool catalyst started developing have the feature or is it more expensive to like marketcast...

Break of 4.7c was significant, break of all time highs.
Volume scans wouldve picked up the previous days and put it on the radar.
Thats how it worked for me.

Yesterday AM is was dead 280k volume after half an hour. Couldve took a position at 4.6, stop 4.2. If it broke i would get the upside. But how long until it broke?

Checked again before close it was 5c+ and volume was there. Clearly a signal to jump in. I did.

Well thats how it worked for me.

Like tech said, i couldve anticipated a breakout and took half a position before the breakout and then the other half on confirmation.

Tech's got heaps of expensive tools probably made it alot easier for him
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Tek This is a one minute chart showing my 2 buy points.
Iron bloody hell I hope your right---doubt I'll hold it that long.
Nizar Ill have a look.

Tech's got heaps of expensive tools probably made it alot easier for him
$2000 a year is not expensive. Seriously If you were a Carpenter would you buy crap gear??


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Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals


What software do you use to perform such a volume scan. And what parameters do you look for in volume? ie daily vol vs average daily for the past 5? 20? 50? days, or percentage increase on yesterdays? etc.

Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Thanks Nizar for that detailed reply...see I aska basic questions, so still plenty to learn 4 me...
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