Macquack, your contributions to most threads seem to be in the form of sarcasm.
Some of us, alternatively, engage in a genuine discussion.
I assume you have heard of a "loss leader"?
You assume correctly.
So you think it is a possibility he may be losing money on the servicing component of his business. Why would he do that?
I have no idea and it's not my problem if he is. He advertised a service. I was looking for an alternative to taking endless samples to the pool shop whose diagnosis rarely solved any problem, and which couldn't get a repair person out for ten days when anything needed attention. Also having to cart around heavy bags of salt and other chemicals.
I was offered by the mobile person various levels of service from which I chose just the basic water testing.
As it turned out, he was also happy to empty the baskets for no extra charge.
For some time before there were constant problems with the water going off in heavy rain, requiring expensive amounts of chemicals to correct. The water was also less than perfectly clear. No advice I'd received had solved this. The equipment at that stage was about 20 years old, with just the filter being replaced in that time.
Nothing lasts for ever. The pool cleaner was also not working well, a symptom of an inadequate pump. The chlorinator had also been 'repaired' by the pool shop twice with no discernible improvement despite hefty bills.
I suggested that perhaps it was time for replacement/upgrade of pump and chlorinator. He offered advice on what model would do what, gave me a price, I checked the prices on line and they compared favourably. I also looked up many reviews of the suggested equipment which encompassed no negative comments. Therefore I agreed, and it was done.
Since then it can rain endlessly and the water remains clear.
The monthly testing keeps the balance right: no sore eyes etc as in the past.
There has been no attempt by him to talk me into anything. Moreover, anything he does is - unlike the dopes from the pool shop - executed quickly and competently at a more than reasonable price.
So I have no idea, Macquack, why you apparently feel obliged to make unpleasant and uncalled for insinuations.
Perhaps the notion of someone simply providing a good service is beyond your comprehension. Ditto the customer appreciating this.
Your implied reasoning also underrates my bull***t meter. I know when someone is trying to take me for a ride, viz the earlier described 'gardener' who was going to take four hours to do an hour's work.
Whatever, I've had enough of it.
It's the same on other threads.
You have no 'case' whatsoever, just an unpleasantly disruptive attitude.