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Partly filled orders

22 November 2006
hi - a newbie Q I hope someone can answer.

I put in an order for 10860 shares at 46c, I check my order page, 9000 have been booked...meanwhile, the SP has increased a little, to 46.5..are these 9000 locked in at 46? What are my options to complete the trade without incurring an extra brokerage fee? If I cancelled the order now, I'm guessing the 9000 will be put through for one fee?

Thanks for the help everyone.
Your 9000 have been bought for you and you will be billed the standard brokerage fee as a result. The remainder will sit at 46c untill filled (the market comes back to your price), your order expires(if good for day order etc)is cancelled by yourself or you amend the price to meet seller.

The transaction (in whole or part) will attract the standard fee (and only that fee) irrespective of the option you choose above.

Trust that helps
Burnham said:
or you amend the price to meet seller.

The transaction (in whole or part) will attract the standard fee (and only that fee) irrespective of the option you choose above.

Just to expand a little on what Burnham has said. If you amend the price of the outstanding shares on order, this becomes a new order and will incur a new brokerage charge. If it is just a small amount of shares outstanding, be aware that you will be charged the minimum brokerage fee. How much that is depends on your particular broker.

For small outstanding orders, it may be best to leave the order as is and hope it gets filled, or delete it.
joslad said:
JIf you amend the price of the outstanding shares on order, this becomes a new order and will incur a new brokerage charge. If it is just a small amount of shares outstanding, be aware that you will be charged the minimum brokerage fee.
Not necessarily, it depends on the broker. One of the huge advantages of brokers such as TraderDealer or AOT/CommSec is that you can have multiple fills at multiple prices at multiple times during the day, and have them all put through on a single ticket for a flat brokerage fee.

Cheers, Staybaker.
yeah with comsec you definitely don't pay twice for a partially filled order - you get two contract notes if it happens over multiple days but the brokerage on the second/subsequent contract notes is $0.
joslad said:
If you amend the price of the outstanding shares on order, this becomes a new order and will incur a new brokerage charge

I am sorry but you are mistaken - this constitutes an amendment to the ORIGINAL order NOT a new order and as such will attract the single transaction fee.

If the original order was materially changed - in this case for example to purchase an additional 5k shares @ 46c this would constitute a new order and attract an additional fee ( not withstanding staybakers proviso)


As has been established, it depends on the broker you are using. cheers
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