I'm happy to see someone continuing the thread but I think it should be done with the same intent. I've always tried to be educational and interesting. A chart always makes a trade that is based on chart indicators (like pivot levels) more interesting. It also helps others to follow along if they're really interested.
It would be of interest if you'd post a brief description of your setup. This doesn't mean outlining your whole TP in detail. Just a note that you're trading movements between two pivot levels with a directional bias is enough for most readers to understand what's happening.
At the end of the week (or month) post a brief summary with some stats eg. 5T, +1.8 units of risk. This would show that you're running a business and have some accountability. I'm not concerned by the P&L in dollars. The R values are enough. This allows you to focus on the trade and not the dollars.
Why R values rather than pips? R values allow for the size of the initial risk as they may vary each time. A win of 200 pips is nothing if the trader risked 300 pips initially. If the 200 pips was a +5R profit then we'd all know that it was a good result for the week.
These are my suggestions only. Of course you're free to post whatever you like.