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OSL - Oncosil Medical

It could be as simple as missing the end of year sales target in the EU was the last nail in his coffin. He also botched the original CE Mark application, investors have been largely disgruntled for a couple of years.

Or not!
At the end of the day the device has been proven to work and approvals are now in place to sell in many countries. I see no reason why this stock shouldn't move forward soon, we just need the right CEO to push things along.
At the end of the day the device has been proven to work and approvals are now in place to sell in many countries. I see no reason why this stock shouldn't move forward soon, we just need the right CEO to push things along.
Reluctantly I have to send the CV to them to fill up the CEO role. The bonuses will enable me to retire with cool money after 3 years :)
Started raising money mid March (at 1 cent, various schemes) which I think is what crashed the SP.
On the bounce back now it seems?
