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Options21 Course - Anyone done it?

Correction to the original post
I'm advising all forum members that the post should read there was limited course help in my opinion after completing the option mastery course and therefore withdraw the earlier statement made in the original post

Correction to the above post
It has come to my attention that in the first 4 lines of my original post where it states that there was no after course help after completing the mastery course was not quite acurate and withdraw this comment which should have read that there was limited post course help in my opinion

Weekly session (free for all graduates) where you ask all you want until you are out of questions, whether on or off course content. If you can't attend the session you submit your questions and it is recorded.. I fail to see how that is limited help, in my opinion that is the closest thing to UNLIMITED help.
Real money is being traded with what is taught from the course if anyone is wondering. Year to date broker verified results attached. Fell short of my target for the midyear mark, gotta pick up my game for the rest of the year.


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Seems like you cannot keep the trades private you have to keep the whole account private which is what I have to do as open trades are there.
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