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Options21 Course - Anyone done it?

7 May 2011
attended their free market briefing a few days ago and wondering if anyones done any of their course. from what i gather from their website (i won't post it, if you want to see it it's easy to find):

-not much hyping
-didnt try to directly sell anything, although he did mention his students made a lot from the current gold move
-its a one on one mentorship for months, with the same trainer (whos the owner of the company I beleive)

-not very reputable: while theres no bad reviews, theres no good reviews on other sites either..bascally they're not very well known
-quite expensive: basic course is around 500 with mentorships upto a few grand.

From what I heard on the webinar their TA bases on volatility, he mentions he looks at volatility before he looks at price.

Anyone with any knowledge of this company? I have no affiliations aside from being interested as a potential customer as it seems the least hyped course not listing any hundred of % returns, so I welcome any good or bad experiences with them.
A free briefing and that's it?


Didn't you get some audited stats on success ratios, profit/loss etc, etc?

Do they even have a license?

Students 'made a lot' from the current gold move?

It was a briefing where he showed some charts and gave his view on gold, s&p and a few stocks. He also answered questions from attenders.

Yeah they have a AFSL license, from their company profile they claim they established in 1996. Seems like they been in business for 15 years but there's not much info on them is what's bugging me.

No performance stats were shown. He did say most of the time they take around 5 trades risking 2% each and expects 3 of them to win, 1 to break even and 1 to lose. Not sure about how big the winners or losers are though.
Is providing audited proof a norm?

I haven't seen any company that provides that. Some newsletters show non audited performance but they're all cherry picked as a quick google search shows they're not profitable.

Seems like no one's heard this guys I think best to stay away.
My review of the mentoring course with Options21:

It's a personal mentoring with Paul Wise (and another trainer, Nils) for a few months (and ongoing after that where we look for trades together) where you learn the methodology of picking trades. Volatility is often used first to narrow down ideal candidates. We were taught how to form a view on implied volatility and take advantage of it with options.

An example of entry I picked up using the method is below, it was my first trade after completing the course. Timestampped Facebook screencap where we share our trades(course content redded out):

Obviously we don't catch the exact botom everytime but we enter right after it's confirmed. Trade management is covered in depth including hedging and morphing. Position sizing is taught so we don't blow up.

It is a high quality course if you are willing to put in some time and learn the system.

Have you, or do you know any one who has, suffered financial loss after engaging the "AUTOTRADE" service as advertised by OPTIONS21 (option trader based in Perth)? Contact me for consideration of class action to recover your loss.

Hi Carl,

My name is Hernan, I was trading with Options for almost one year and would like to improve my knowledge of Options and learn a system that can give a regular income. I contacted Paul W. and would like to know if you can give me your feed back of the course. Could you please be so kind and tell me your story and experience.

Thanks a lot for your help, it's much appreciated.
Please think twice about spending nearly $6000.00 on their option mentoring course,a few years back they offered a two day Mastery course for around $4000.00 dollars which I attended with no after course help,then they decided to use the majority of the Mastery course for which they offered no after course help which they now call Option Mentoring course,when I contacted them to see if old students were offered the upgrade they now use I was told that I would have to pay $6000.00 like everyone else to get excess to the new content,after a lot of to and frowing he decided that I could have his new course for $4100 so I paid a deposit got the new manual and cd and found the new content had changed very little I decided that I would continue with the course and get excess to the private tuition which was web based,so I asked for a final balance to pay the remainder and I received an email to pay the full $6000.00 so I emailed him back and told him not to bother taking the rest off the Visa card as I would be sending the whole lot back,I waited 2 days and didn't hear from them so I sent it all back and asked for my deposit back,which took many emails.
After that my emails were blacklisted and I had to communicate through a third party to get some satisfaction and to date this so called professional has not had the decency of a man to man discussion on the subject,their biggerst concerne in an email to me was that they were far from happy that I had cost them $1000.00 dollars by sending the manual back..
Anybody wan'ts to private message me I can send them all the email exchanges that were made,I know you'll be shocked as to how this so called guru handled this matter.
Also keep in mind tha apart from the mentoring course cost you will have to purchase the software he peddles as well as continued data fees and anybody still inerested I can let you know what you can expect to get for your $6000.00
Are you the forum police or are you on options21 staff.Do you object to somebody expressing their experiences,I noticed you have many post on this forum and probably many other forums do you spend more time surfing the forum than actually trading,in my experience good traders spend more time trading than posting.I have all the email evidence if somebody wants to see it privately they are welcome.
If the tuition is that good ask yourself why the old students need to pay $1200.00 ayear to be in a exclusive club to see what other students are trading before they feel safe to enter a trade,I thought if you were brought to a professional level you would be out there making your own trading decissions and putting the $1200.00 towards buying more contracts
DO YOURSELF A FAVOUR:If you are going to use OPTIONVUE7 software for your option analysis do yourself a favour,and get trained by the big names in the option industry,some who have written many books on the subject eg
Steve Lenz
Steve Papale
Ken Dole
Frank Fahey

all experts in this field and they also offer private mentoring in a similar form as Options21 at half the cost with ongoing support (FREE) and they can get you familiar with their software

1/ I have done some options training with Paul (not the mentoring course). He came across as very knowledgable in options & trading. Definitely not a dodgy operator.

2/ Optionvue software - Very expensive. I have a license which I don't use any more. If you ask some of gents mentioned (like Steve) if they trade for a living they probably say No! Steve was one of my mentor's.

3/ Options mentoring - Did attend a course in the US with Dan Sheridan (was a market maker). The course content & format is very good (now around US $6000). He also offers his own software which does everything Optionvue does for about a 1/4 of the cost. Did learn a lot about what makes US equites move (earnings, company announcements) & what is the only parameter that tells you this (implied volatility).

After several years of trading options I came to one conclusion:

If you are a trader & you want to use an option you now have to have an idea about direction, implied volatility & time. Does not give you an advantages.

Also when you buy or sell you could end up paying more to the market maker vs buying the underlying.
I am sure the likes of Dan will tell you his strategy is delta neutral but I found very few students who ended up making a living out of trading options using Delta neutral trading. The black swans we have encountered over the last few years don't allow you to sleep well at night even though Dan does not sell naked positions.

A fair few of his students have become mentors.

My preference is to use a CFD (direct market model) for leverage.
However there are traps if you choose the wrong CFD provider like I did (MF Global).

Hopefully the end is in sight for us MF Global clients with a judge providing directions to the Administrator within the next few months (we hope ) which should see most of our funds returned.


1/ I have done some options training with Paul (not the mentoring course). He came across as very knowledgable in options & trading. Definitely not a dodgy operator.

2/ Optionvue software - Very expensive. I have a license which I don't use any more. If you ask some of gents mentioned (like Steve) if they trade for a living they probably say No! Steve was one of my mentor's.

3/ Options mentoring - Did attend a course in the US with Dan Sheridan (was a market maker). The course content & format is very good (now around US $6000). He also offers his own software which does everything Optionvue does for about a 1/4 of the cost. Did learn a lot about what makes US equites move (earnings, company announcements) & what is the only parameter that tells you this (implied volatility).

After several years of trading options I came to one conclusion:

If you are a trader & you want to use an option you now have to have an idea about direction, implied volatility & time. Does not give you an advantages.

Also when you buy or sell you could end up paying more to the market maker vs buying the underlying.
I am sure the likes of Dan will tell you his strategy is delta neutral but I found very few students who ended up making a living out of trading options using Delta neutral trading. The black swans we have encountered over the last few years don't allow you to sleep well at night even though Dan does not sell naked positions.

A fair few of his students have become mentors.

My preference is to use a CFD (direct market model) for leverage.
However there are traps if you choose the wrong CFD provider like I did (MF Global).

Hopefully the end is in sight for us MF Global clients with a judge providing directions to the Administrator within the next few months (we hope ) which should see most of our funds returned.

There are two very useful courses called ADA 1 & 2 which cover options and warrants (not that I know anyone who trades the latter). It's not run by spruikers but legitimate education companies.
Only use a derivatives broker who has these quals.
Obviously our brokers have this qual.
There are also some (not many) solid CFD providers left. PM if you would like more details.

You may have inherited a bias based on current market conditions.

I agree that delta neutral trading has pretty much sucked over the last few years, but that does not mean that its time will not come again.

This is the beauty of options, being able to construct risk reward profiles to match what you think the the market will (or will not) do.

But just because one group of strategies do not suit the here and now, it doesn't mean they are bad strategies. They are still good strategies, just for a different type of market.

I am trading strategies right now that I would never have traded 5 years ago; and there will come a time where I will not consider them once again.

Admittedly Option Vue 7 is expensive to purchase,I also own OV7 but several years ago when I purchased it I also purchased backtrader which allows me to get free options data 20 minutes delayde through backtrader which makes it a cheap platform for options trading,I believe you have to pay $500 per year for backtrader now including paying for data which makes OptionsNet I believe it is called a much better option and is distibuted through Dan Sherridan who seems very knowledgeable.
Instead of paying $6000.00 for an over priced options course check this out
I will just post up my trading results so anyone considering this course can have a better understanding and make informed decisions. They are solely mine and not indicative of other students. Have traded live for a number of years but only 2 months as I only started using IB 2 months ago and OX does not have portfolio analyst.

You would've done well following Paul's free analysis past few months. . Hedge/exit positions on Apr 10 and long again Jun 17. You will have done better if you used price structure timing and found and traded the strong sectors/stocks.

EDIT: do not just look at gains, comparing it with draw down is more important as anyone can make big gains just using all margin to buy a index ETF and have a lucky win while their whole account is at risk.


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