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Options trading mentor/tutor


10 January 2006
I have been reading up on Options in the last few weeks. Unfortunately, the more I read the less it seems to go in.....I have looked at some strategies and it just doesn't seem to connect with me....I'm giving up and I am seeking out a tutor. I have looked on line without success as it is all geared towards on line learning. Can someone please recommend a tutorial options trading mentor/tutor that does face to face tutorials?


Hey Bob,

What has inspired you to get into options ?
Hey Bob,

What has inspired you to get into options ?

Hi Cutz,

I read a book by David Bunney and basically I have read it quite a number of times and it isn't sinking in.....I'm not giving up
Hi Cutz,

I read a book by David Bunney and basically I have read it quite a number of times and it isn't sinking in.....I'm not giving up

Yeah now worries, I'm not familiar with the author you mentioned

In my case many years ago a close family member who worked in the finance industry suggested I should write calls against my stock holdings, that kicked off an obsession, just curious, what has triggered your interest ? What made you pick up that book ?

Have a read of this book , things may make a little more sense.

Then can I suggest this one , @wayneL put me onto it years ago, probably my favourite.
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Hi Cutz,

I read a book by David Bunney and basically I have read it quite a number of times and it isn't sinking in.....I'm not giving up

I can vouch for the fact that unless you are a mathematics PhD, options pricing models are head**** territory.

It is exceptionally hard to grasp for mere mortals, no doubt about it. But once it's in there it is super valuable, so congratulations for your tenacity.

Thank you. If you want a copy of David Bunney's book then PM might make sense to you..
Yeah, I am not giving up

Thank you. If you want a copy of David Bunney's book then PM might make sense to you..

Hmmm, all good mate but thanks anyhow, I've got a bunch of old favourites which I revisit now and again.
The best option(US) trading mentor and trader is Patrick Ceresna at BigPicture trading. Over the last 3 years he has returned over 70%(my estimate) to his published portfolio. I have done his course and traded in his room. Patrick is by far the cheapest as whilst his course costs $6k US you will make good money. He teaches all strategies, theta harvesting both covered calls and stock, breakouts, long term positions,
I have also studied with Anton Kriel, ITPM. Antons trading group are long short hedge fund traders but have an options course. Several of his mentors have extensive option desk experience. courses and mentoring $22-5 US
Look them up
You can't really trade options with any great choice in AUS, you really have to trade US. Anyone who tells you differently please explain ?
Best platform AUS is IBKR
Hmmm, all good mate but thanks anyhow, I've got a bunch of old favourites which I revisit now and again.
IBKR Best platform in Australia to trade US stocks and options

Thank you. I have been doing some research on Interactive Brokers in the US. They have some good free resources on their website. I will look at IBKR
Thank you. I have been doing some research on Interactive Brokers in the US. They have some good free resources on their website. I will look at IBKR
I trade on Tradestation and have a SAXO Aus account. SAXO to epensive if you trade alot. All of them are something you have to learn how to use. Options have a lot of info that doesnt fit onto a platform that is just Long, or Long/Short.
The best thing about IBKR(or Saxo Aus) Aus is you don't have to currency hedge, just have an AUD account. My tradestation account I use 30% hedging as I live and bank in AUD.
I looked for 5 years for a option platform and although I don't use IBKR is the stand out.

Don't listen to me because I know nothing, however, IBKR have a margin account where you can borrow up to 75percent...the lending is low around 1 to 3 percent. A little bit different to others. My understanding is that the commission on each trade is $2.50. This is what I am looking at way in the future (way in the future) when I get a handle on Options
When you have time sign up for 2 week FREE trial with
you won't find any better, option trader, macro eco, mentor, accessible
IMO in the world
Yes his live stuff is 11.30pm to 12.30 but it's al recorded everyday
Patrick is partof the biggest option traders community in the world, and respected. Anton Kriel and nearly all the others I have met a snake oil salesmen
Thank you. I will
G'day Bob

I trade aussie options. I did optionetics some 16 years ago and found it quite useful as i use the the knowledge to today. They have 'dissolved' into various formats. Since this, i've done reading and trial and error, not always the best approach, but i'm still trading options as it fits my style.

I'm aware the US market is far more liquid and competitive.

Nonetheless, if you have questions during this quest for knowledge, happy to assist if i can.

Thank you, much appreciated. I think I am reading too much about Options.....too much going in but not staying there !!!!!!! I did a course through a mob called "Gryphon" here in Sydney around 2008 which mainly was concerned with candlestick investing. I have only recently got in Options.....I like them, I don't think they like me. I have an Options strategy that I read in a book which I am trying to understand. I have read and re-read the book....but nothing is happening. Thank you again for your offer, much appreciated.
Hi Bob , what's the name of the strategy ?

You're best downloading a copy of Hoadley's Modelling Tool just so you can at least visualise things, I don't think courses are the way to go, with options you need to find your own way, start simple and build from there, you won't be making huge coin just because someone who's running a course/seminar say's so..
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