Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Number of shares issued - where do I look?

10 August 2006
I was reviewing the total number of shares issued, and happened to notice that my scanning software (with their own supplied data), and commsec do not agree. Where can I find the "definitive" source for accurate number of shares issued by a company? Tried ASX company search, but couldn't find anything... Any help would be appreciated.
Hi ezyTrader.

You will find all the share issue details in the latest Appendix 3B and near the end of the latest quarterly financial statement and in the annual report.

It's often posted on the stocks website and sometimes on their correspondence... ASX announcements etc.
While the Australian economy site is useful, for latest shares outstanding its not current enough.

Go Stocknessmonster and type in your stock code then go to news and look for Appendix 3B notices, which will give a breakdown of components