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Re: MTN - Marathon Resources


i think you are underestimating MTN. a placement around $1 is not going to dilute these shares much. there are only 50 million of them to start with!!!!
say they need another 15 million to continue exp for a year, that is only another 15 - 16 million shares on issue.

if they get 70% then obviously the tennements are in areas completely unexplored. why risk a potload of money when you already have a huge resource.

as for cash flow, YES it is going to be years before MTN see a profit but that is because they arent allowed to mine their resource yet.

look at mt gee, its 100% owned and has almost 70 million pounds of u.
that is a company maker for an exploration company.

if crosby raise their bid i am still not selling out. i think the majority of the shareholders want to see MTN go right through to production stage. i am not selling out, this is a long term investment for me.
Re: MTN - Marathon Resources

I too got the booklet and offer from Crosby recently.

I was disapointed the booklet paper was glossy and the paper was hard, it made for poor toilet paper indeed.
Re: MTN - Marathon Resources

It's simply unrealistic to expect a placement of $1 a share. If the bid from Crosby collasped, current price isn't sustainable. Given market capitialisation of MTN, even a placement of $1 per share can have considerable dilutive effect.

If Crosby can offer a reasonable price and I expect that the price of MTN will fall sharply when Crosby withdraw from the bid, I don't see a reason to reject the offer. I won't reject them only because they are foreign based company.

I never doubt technical abilities of MTN for mining. But since the setup of JVs with UraniumSA, I doubt MTN has enough expertise to deal with financial issue. I'm inclined to cash in for a good price.
Re: MTN - Marathon Resources

Hmmmm I smell a rat, newbie you work for Crosby? ? ?

Mate on a serious note, they have spun out assets which aren't getting any attention, its what good management does so they can focus their attention on the one area,

Mt Gee is one of several deposits, last I checked the company had $4m or so in the bank which will be enough for at least 6 months more of drilling,

Their previos placement was @ 66c, so if they placed say 10m shares @ 68c = say $6.5m after costs they have enough cash to get pre-feasibility completed

That would take mkt cap from 55m shares to 65m,
Also re "The ideal situation for me is Crosby raise its bid to higher level and we sell our shares to them. If no new bidder and Crosby bid is collasped, Crosby and MM&E Capital will sell out all their shares. I fear the price will fall down to lower than 50c in that case."

Crosby don't have any MTN shares, only an idiot would accept their offer, read this thread thoroughly to get an idea of what type of operators Crosby are, they're vultures who seek out highly undervalued companies and try and swoop,

If the bid fails who knows what will happen, for now MTN has started to come back under the spotlight,

I reckon in the next 6months we'll see an offer of $2 per share = $100m (what was paid for RPT)
Re: MTN - Marathon Resources


do u hold MTN?

if yes, then a good chance (only chance IMO) to get ur hands on uraniumSA float... With one of their directors a CNNC representative; and some media coverage already; it will be a winner i reckon... and open at a massive premium... i think public offer have no chance
Re: MTN - Marathon Resources

50,000 MTN, bought at 72c day of the T/O offer,

Previously rode from 60c to $1.35
Re: MTN - Marathon Resources

If the ar*e end of the sp falls through as suspected by youngtrader my cheque book will be open to pick up the pieces. I am sure that I will not be only one. Manipulation is a wonderful tool of the money men.

This is a longterm play; Mt Gee is arguably the 4th largest known deposit in Australia and is situated in SA. (Refer article below)

Sell at your own peril. Good luck at finding Mt gee in the article below. Just like everything about MTN, it is all there to see but you really have to look hard to find it.

Probably just the way I like it. As all of a sudden this is going to explode. People are going to wake up and are going to see through all the garbage and lies about this one.

Who else is going to apologies for their negative tirades and then offer to buy the company or withdraw their criticism of the way they JORC'd the resource.

Crosby's offer, (btw went straight into the bin) reworded.

Your company is garbage, your management is garbage, the resource probably isn't there or isn't worth that much but hey coz we are such good guys we are willing to buy the company of you.

As if, this is a scam on the grandest scale.

These shares are being handed down to my grandkids and further down my lines. I will be adding to my holding at every opportunity. the Uranium boom has not even begun.

One thing to think about.

If Australia has 1/3 of the worlds Uranium reserves add up the table below and see how long the our uranium reserves will last. (
85 years is one estimate. We first run out of oil, gas and then Uranium. What's left to sustain the worlds growing poulation.

Amazing how shortsighted I have been in the past. Not anymore.

August 2006

Australia's Uranium Deposits and Prospective Mines

Summary of Resources Available in Major Deposits and Prospective Mines Deposit Grade U3O8 Contained U3O8 category

Jabiluka, NT 0.52% 67 000 t reserves
plus: 0.39% 21 000 measured & indicated resources
0.48% 75 000 inferred resources

Beverley 4 mile ??? > 50,000T??

Koongarra, NT 0.8% 14 540 t reserves
Mt Fitch, NT 0.046% 4 050 t resources

Angela, NT 0.1% 10 250 t resources

Bigrlyi, NT 0.14% 5 200 t resources

Nolans Bore, NT 0.02% 3977 t resources

Kintyre, WA 0.15-0.4% 36 000 t reserves & resources

Yeelirrie, WA 0.15% 52 500 t indicated resources

Mulga Rock, WA 0.14% 13 300 t resources

Manyingee, WA 0.09% 12 000 t resources

Oobagooma, WA 10 700 t inferred resources

Lake Maitland, WA 0.03% 7900 t resources

Lake Way, WA 0.054% 4600 t resources
Centipede, WA 0.063% 4400 t resources
Thatchers Soak, WA 0.03% 4100 t resources
Honeymoon, SA 0.42m%, 0.24% 2900 t indicated resources
Billeroo West (Gould Dam), SA 0.045%, 0.33 m% 2 500 t indicated resources
Prominent Hill, SA 0.012% 9900 t inferred resources
Mt Gee, SA 0.073% 33,000 t inferred resources

Crocker Well, SA 0.048% 8 576 t resources
Curnamona, SA ? ?
Valhalla, Qld 0.077% 16 900 t indicated resources
9 000 t inferred resources

Skal, Qld 0.119% 5000 t resources
Andersons Lode, Qld 0.143% 6500 t inferred resources
Westmoreland, Qld up to 0.2% 22 500 t inferred resources
Ben Lomond, Qld 0.25% 4 760 t resources
Maureen, Qld 0.123% 2940 t resources

This table was updated with April 2006 data from Geoscience Australia. Figures may differ from older ones in the text, and not all deposits are written up below.
Note that information on Ranger, Olympic Dam and Beverley are in a separate paper.
See also paper on Uranium Exploration in Australia.
Re: MTN - Marathon Resources

hey newbie, ill buy your shares in MTN if you dont want em

honestly i think you are an absolute fool to sell this stock.
there is no value in buying a share and selling out at the first sign of a takeover. do you hold any shares for long term?

what exactly do u see wrong with MTN.

COuld it be the fact that they have a defined JORC resource of 70 million pounds (which in fact is larger than many u producers deposits and they still have other tennements for exp) or is it the fact that they only have 45 million shares on issue.

how many shares do you think are needed to dilute stock.

take a look at EXT almost a billion shares on issue and have not even defined a resource. now to raise capital to finish defining deposit the issues WILL dilute that stock. you do realise that it actually takes capital to define a deposit and begin mining.

NOW look back at MTN they have a huge resource and ONLY 45 million shares on issue. this share would be great value even with 150 million shares on issue

If you can find a stock that has a deposit the same size and only 5 million shares on issue so YOU dont have your dillution pls let me know.

You realise that SMM has 200 million shares on issue and that is considered very small for the advanced state they have drilled their deposits up to
Re: MTN - Marathon Resources

If I sell it higher than market price to you, you are fool.
If I sell it lower than market price, I'm fool.
If I sell it to you at market price, why don't I sell it at market?

I doubt you're working for MTN . You always emphasize the value of resources. You seem to neglect the cost of development and the risk that those projects may not bring into production.

My advise is: If the offer is higher than current price, ACCEPT it. If the offer is lower than current price, REJECT it. I think this decision rule is much more sensible than yours. I don't prepare to accept 68c offer but I hope they will raise it soon.

I studied finance in UNSW and not an expert of mining. I may not judge the potential of the mineral system as good as you. I only know that if everything is as certain as what you said, MTN doesn't need to spend so much to upgrade the resources. And the stock price would be 10 times more already.
Re: MTN - Marathon Resources

look at every single australian u stock with significant deposit

they should all be 10x

many more but i dont know all of them

i have studied finance also and for political reasons, which is a macroeconomic influence on the market these stocks are undervalued. i see value in long term rather than a quick offer today.

these political influences will soon change, ie policy change, we now have news articles that are talking about nuclear enrichment. so attitude is changing, by the time next year comes around everyone will be saying reverse the three mines policy BUT we wont allow enrichment.

BY the time the policy changes U spot price will be $65 - 70 plus. it is an exciting time in aust for any company who has a significant u desposit

THAT is all we need, policy change.

i know that about the market price i was just trying to make a point. i dont see the point in selling out and then having a policy reversal next year which will give the good u companies a good 2x boost at minimum. i would feel like a right fool if i sold out now at $1 and then see the policy reversed next year and accelerate to $3 +

what do you see as fair value on this stock, we are well below our highs for the last year.
Re: MTN - Marathon Resources

MTN got beaten like a bongo drum today. Down 9 points. Why?

Something is up, is someone manipulating the price or something?

Is Crosby buying any shares itself outside of the offer? What happens if Crosby get 51% of MTN, what does that mean for us? What it they get 89% or 90% what happens?
Re: MTN - Marathon Resources


MTN is a buy and wait for a higher offer play,

Don't focus on day to day fluctuations too much,

Was a bit suprised to see it jump above 80c so easily and now fall through so easily (so much of resistance/support)

They need 90% before they can do a forced T/O as directors hold 20%+ this won't happen,

So only way for a T/O to succeed is for directors to ok it,

This is a buy and wait for $2 for me, unless I really need the money for a better punt

Re: MTN - Marathon Resources

I totally agree Young Trader, I was just checking though.

There's something more to this than meets the eye I think. I suspect Crosby have moved their first pawn. They'll make a big move soon for say $1.40 or they'll run off and try their silly games with another company. I don't seriously expect they ever thought they could buy MTN for 68c, it is merely their first of many moves.

One thing that is for sure, no-one will take the 68c offer.
Re: MTN - Marathon Resources

This MTN is driving me nuts...
Switched out of AVO couple of days ago (after a tidy profit) into MTN...

oh well.... gotta love trading!

if the offer is $2bucks i'll be selling...
Re: MTN - Marathon Resources

Agree Realist,

Of note is the fact that to put a T/O offer together like Crosby has done requires research time, meetings, finance approvals, etc ALL = TIME = FEES, lawyers fees + accountnats fees + bankers fees + advisors fees and so on,

Usually can cost 1-2% of the deal, 2% of $30m = $600k so they'll at least up the offer before they walk away, else they'll cop a loss, both in money and in terms of reputation, which when operating in Hong Kong is far more important.

Crosby will become know as the dog that always loses its fight
Re: MTN - Marathon Resources

Has anybody got their priority app form yet? I've been checking the letterbox everyday after work but haven't received anything except evil bills. The offer opened on Monday and on a first in first served basis, you can understand why I am getting pretty anxious.
Re: MTN - Marathon Resources

I got a letter saying investors are encouraged to buy into the IPO and get the application form on the uraniumSA website.
Re: MTN - Marathon Resources

I got that letter, but the way I read it was the propectus would be sent to us soon. The one on USA's website is only for the general public. The priority form needs to be sent to us because it confirms eligibilty for the offer.

Either we've both lost it in the mail or it's slow getting to us. Kinda sucks when the priority offer is already open for applications and its processed on a first in first served basis and and all I can do here is sit here and wait for the form to arrive.
Re: MTN - Marathon Resources

haha probably or someone is stealing our mail
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