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2 February 2006
The most deadly chemical on earth. Pickup nothing outside.

Novichok victim Charlie Rowley is fighting for his life AGAIN weeks after surviving nerve agent poisoning

Novichok agent
Novichok (Russian: Новичо́к, "newcomer"/ "newbie")[1] is a series of nerve agents developed by the Soviet Union and Russia between 1971 and 1993.[a][3][4] Russian scientists who developed the agents claim they are the deadliest nerve agents ever made, with some variants possibly five to eight times more potent than VX,[5][6] and others up to ten times more potent than soman.[7]

They were designed as part of a Soviet programme codenamed "FOLIANT".[2][8] Five Novichok variants are believed to have been adapted for military use.[9] The most versatile is A-232 (Novichok-5).[10] Novichok agents have never been used on the battlefield. The UK government determined that a novichok agent was used in the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal in Salisbury, Wiltshire, England in March 2018; this was confirmed unanimously by four laboratories around the world, according to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.[11]

According to Vladimir Uglyov, who worked on the development of Novichok, it is very stable with a slow evaporation rate and can remain dangerous for years once deployed.[67] Insufficient research has been done to fully understand its persistence in various situations in the environment.[68]

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Russia's Lab X: poison factory that helped silence Soviets' critics
The laboratory, in a squat, beige building on the outskirts of Moscow, has an unremarkable name: Scientific Research Institute No 2, or NII-2 for short. Most evenings, a few lights are visible through the windows, framed by a couple of scrawny trees.
According to Sudaplatov, Maironovsky would inject people with poison under the guise of a routine medical checkup. The victims included Raoul Wallenberg, a Swedish diplomat who died mysteriously in Soviet custody, as well as Ukrainian nationalists and potential defectors. Soviet leaders gave the orders for execution. Sudaplatov covered up the operation afterwards.
DOGS tortured until they DIED in Russian quest to perfect nerve agent | UK | News |

Secret research institute known as GosNIIOKhT where Novichok was made.
The institute has a base in Moscow and a secret laboratory in a closed town called Shikhany in Saratov region.
There is another secret production facility in Novocheboksarsk, in Chuvashia region.
In Soviet times, a Lenin award was given for the development of Novichok.
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