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Next years NRL winners?

Starting to look the biz,

Only 80min away from a Grand Final, not bad for a team that managed to just squeak into the playoffs in 8th spot


Good picking Jman.

Cameron Smith (Melb Storm captain) found guilty of grapple tackle - out of the finals . good!
Better still, they should be sidelined for a period comparable to the injury they might have caused.

Lol, they do have a habit of grabbing them around the upper body with emphasis on controling the ball player as not to get a pass away when being tackled.
This ruling is going to make a NSW grand final winning team more likely and don`t them roach boss boys love that.
This ruling is going to make a NSW grand final winning team more likely and don`t them roach boss boys love that.

No idea who or what the 'roach boss boys' might be, but I wouldn't be too quick to write off either the Warriors or Storm just yet, and don't be too surprised by a possible Storm/Warriors playoff.

Storm has great depth across the field and rubbing out their skipper will bring out an even stronger determination to again be Top Dog.

As Cam Smith's treatment was a disgraceful act inspired by the Sydney press, the usual anti-Melbourne commentariat, and the inevitable gutless compliance of the NRL, their victory will be all the sweeter.
Cameron Smith (Melb Storm captain) found guilty of grapple tackle - out of the finals . good!
Better still, they should be sidelined for a period comparable to the injury they might have caused. must live north of the border. Have not met a person yet living outside Vic that likes the Storm. 2020, here's a thought for you. Smith was only doing what every person in the country wanted to do to his bloody head off. Thaiday shouldn't have even been playing, the farking rapist scumbag piece of **** he is (allegedly). What about the injury he caused to the girl (allegedly). Mental scars for ever. Your comments are biased and show no remorse or thought for something that someone has (allegedly) done that can actually get jail time.

rant over. i need another beer, gee these taste good.

oops wrong thread

lol - interesting (I wasn't aware of that) - I was only commenting on the tackle - and agreeing with the judges on this occasion lol (forget the allegedly there)

The same way Hall was out for 6 or 8 weeks whatever when he kinghit that bloke.

If Thaiday deserved being tackled in a fashion that could have broken his neck - well ... all the more reason not to watch the game lol.

hell m8, I don't even watch league, although I played a couple of seasons.

Once the captain (a bright student) was tackled roughly and became unconscious for a while. ... then whenever he was tackled, even lightly, he was "out to it" again. I decided "this has gotta be for the birds". Since then I've played other sports .

PS cheers . :bier:

PS "the farking rapist scumbag piece of **** he is (allegedly)". - that is one powerful "allegedly" you add there lol.
PS Presumably he'd be in jail if he was other than "allegedly" .

PS ABC commentators were giving Storm rave reviews last weekend for "perfect" behaviour - at least off field - as against Broncos recent exploits for instance

PS I still believe they should be off for the same period as the recipient of any blows/injuries they inflict.
oops wrong thread

PS I still believe they should be off for the same period as the recipient of any blows/injuries they inflict.

LOL, just because they have the rest of the season off......?
I put the allegedly in so i don't get sued, still an investigation going on.

Hey, apologies for the outburst

note to self.....don't post when drunk.
A lot of people don't realise that by using the word "alegedly" does not necessarily discount the possibility of a successful legal action being mounted against them. In law, just putting the word "aleged" into a sentence or adding it after a statement, is not in fact a safeguard against legal action.
Thaiday shouldn't have even been playing, the farking rapist scumbag piece of **** he is (allegedly). What about the injury he caused to the girl (allegedly). Mental scars for ever.

Family Guy, do you mean mental scars for willingly going into a male toilet cubile with drunk footballers? What did she think she'd be doing in there? Don't think for a moment I am condoning the 3 Broncos actions to whatever extent they were, but that girl, no matter what is far from innocent.

Warriors to get the chocolates!

Although Melbourne Storm has condiderable talent in team, I think the Cronulla defence will determine that the Storm finish the game second.With that champion Queenslander was iced the Storm have to resign to losing.
Although Melbourne Storm has condiderable talent in team, I think the Cronulla defence will determine that the Storm finish the game second.With that champion Queenslander was iced the Storm have to resign to losing.

28 to NIL, eh. Are you sure that the Sharks went to the right ground?
Random thoughts on some of the the Fox NRL commentary team before the season is over.

Warren Smith is the consummate professional and a pleasure to listen to; Rabbits is good albeit a touch too excitable; Grumpy Gus Gould lives in the past and should be pensioned off; Junior is OK, smiles a lot but I suspect took too many blows to the head while playing; Greg Alexander blows hot and cold but is alright on his day; Peter "I'm never wrong" Sterling is the pits. It's not enough to have to listen to his whiny voice but his constant second guessing of play and double somersaults when he is wrong is a poor joke. Fox should take him off. And maybe also find Matt Johns a suit that fits him. Gorden Tallis is a gentleman and Laurie Daley keeps improving. The rest just make up the numbers...
Family Guy - can't bring myself to provide material for the banner, too many options (all of them half smart, or maybe not really that smart at all?).

As for the final, I guess none can be too displeased with seeing a rematch of last year. Hard to pick but have to lean towards the silvertails, too many below par performers for the storm. Manly won't just give away points like the Sharkies did either.

Either way, Bellamy's press conference afterwards is going to be worth listening to!!!!
Oops forgot to mention -the Storm lucky charm Michael Crocker has only ever lost to the Warriors (twice) in his entire Storm NRL career.

An omen perhaps if you are a Storm supporter???

Looks like Ferret gets to the grand final with his team and Pronto with his team from the start of the season.

Greetings from Melbourne, the Rugby League capital of the nation. I've yet to see any convincing evidence that Storm won't cream the opposition again this year...

thought id bump my post from october 07.

i highlighted the relevant part.
ah your a genius taking the $2.10 about melbourne reckon its a sensational price for a champion team,all the dramas has made them a bigger i hate manly...tb must live north of the border. Have not met a person yet living outside Vic that likes the Storm.

ha ha - don't worry about "north of the border" - you are flat out finding people inside Vic that like the Storm!!! ABC radio did a broadcast from St Kilda today and the level of disinterest was unbelievable.

For mine - Manly. They have built their side up from nothing and should be repected for that. It wasn't too many years ago they rose from the fallout of the mergers and were in a similar position to Souths. Now look at the two!! They might have won previous premierships with the cheque book but can hardly say that at the moment.
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