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Hah -well then perhaps the leader is onto something Mikeek - the next Warren Buffet
SKC is correct

So if you want to win a comp thats all you need to do and get lucky.
If you cant do the transaction then they should be disqualified.

Would be an interesting comp if only stock over $1 with average t/o over allocated capital ($100K) were allowed in the Portfolio pool.

im in this.
i was top 20 after the first day and am up 8%, that said, i cannot believe that the leader is on 157k. the rules arebeing exploted. btw - i got into a stock which didnt even have the amount of turnover on the real market that day.
ive also had a couple of trades where i bought more stock than the market had for that price?

my main complaint would be everyone being able to see what stocks you own.
finally could the leader be locked out of playing for the next week so we can all catch up!
68%profit in 4 days
Down about 4K off the 100 start - Lol I hope my stocks pull through - betting on the bulls personally...
It's rather fun I think. Currently I'm up 2k

I do struggle to figure out how some of these guys are making the big bucks out of it though. I see one someones portfolio they bought some shares for a price that is lower than the offer price.. not sure how he did it...
Lol, Got some of my money back today. Currently up $143 hahahahaha.

The problem I am facing is not being able to get in on time and end up missing the jump (EOD trader) and it jumps me in at the peak and target.

I placed orders today that took more than 45 minutes to execute. Luckily though I did snag a decent win - DTM - in at 9.8 and out at 12 (cents). Wishing I had real money on it though - everything I have is tied up and don't relly want to sell.
The winner of this game so far are winning from a system that I think I've uncovered.

1. Place a large series of buy orders for stocks that have recently traded in high volume where the last traded price is equal to the Bid, and the ask is a tick higher.

2. Place the buy as a limit order for the current Bid that is equal to the last traded price. ie Bid: 0.011 Ask: 0.012 Last traded: 0.011. The stock has to be trading in the very high millions for the game to fill your order.

3. Immediately place limit sell orders for the Ask. Once someone in the trading world makes a purchase you get your prize.

You are bound to hit one at the very least.

The early leader did this with stocks that ranged between 0.01 and 0.02 in the same system. Each tick is worth 100 percent, but the trading activity on said stocks are minimal, but still worth the shot - nothing to lose.

Apparently the organizers know of this because when I post this information into the traders chat it gets blocked.

So much for fair competition.... Trading comps just don't work as they do not reflect the real market and it's conditions.
Just wanted to confirm the theory.

It works pretty well as long as you stick to stocks that trade very high volumes. I know I said you are bound to hit one, but in reality you hit quite a few.

You're pretty much right. Ive never traded before. Started playing this game. I've been in the top 5 since the start on the game. I signed up to westpac online investing to have a look at it. Figured if I can make that much money in the game I might be able to make a little bit for real. Havent traded yet. But the game is defiantly flawed. I don't think I could make 25% profit per day on the stock market. For example that game allows to place a sell limit order for a certain amount. Your order joins the line of orders for that stock and as long as the real world share has enough sell orders that day your stock will be traded and you can make a nice little 33% profit on 20k. But in the real world that stock has 174million shares to be traded before yours can be. When it can only take an hour for your stock to sell. On the ASX that same stock could take 3 weeks at the rate shares are traded.

But that said... its aimed at people like me with no experience. To give them a little taste of share trading. Hopefully rope them in and get them trading.

Wow, you're in the top 5! Good on you man.

I only figured out this system too late. Now the leader is above 300K. He has made a total 300% in 2 weeks....

Anyway - the system works. It only works on high volume stocks at very low prices. If you check the leaders portfolio, there are no stocks in there above 5 cents...

Oh well... I really just wanted a go at trader pro for a year - I'm a cheapskate
Hey folks,

I'm participating in the SuperTrader game with a mate to see how we go. Only down 2% whereas my mate has lost 30% (given he doesn't have the time to watch daily movements of share prices as he is busy running a business).

Given the flaws in the game and obviously how loopholes can be exploited to perform well in the game, I'm not interested in winning the game by using unrealistic strategies (unrealistic to me if they were applied to the real market given buying and selling queues, also my risk appetite does not allow for investment/trading of stocks at 0.001c), I'm more interested in learning how my actual investment strategy would perform in the market.

Does anybody know if this game will be repeated or extended and/or if there are other games similar (I know the ASX has one). Participating in this game sure beats paper trading using an excel spreadsheet!!

All the best to those participating in the game and those performing well (regardless of the strategy you have employed). To me the value of what I learn is more important than my final placing in the game (but I'm not winning so I can say that haha).

Hey folks,

Does anybody know if this game will be repeated or extended and/or if there are other games similar (I know the ASX has one). Participating in this game sure beats paper trading using an excel spreadsheet!!

Playing this game has got me hooked on learning how to invest. And yes it beats paper trading!! i think created the game and they have run it before. I think the game is also hosted at
Playing this game has got me hooked on learning how to invest. And yes it beats paper trading!! i think created the game and they have run it before. I think the game is also hosted at

Thanks Jahoo8, I'll check it out.
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