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New to the game

Oh and I don't sleep much so I had plenty of time to put this info together

I don't sleep much either, leastways not at night !

I see you stick with PEN in the Stock Tipping Competition, ...

I have changed to AXE.
Now I am wondering if the PEN is mightier than the AXE
I don't sleep much either, leastways not at night !

I see you stick with PEN in the Stock Tipping Competition, ...

I have changed to AXE.
Now I am wondering if the PEN is mightier than the AXE

Missed the March competition though

Yes I stuck with PEN, I also invested very heavily in PEN once I confirmed for myself what was going to happen and what I believed could happen. Thankfully I did most of this sub 4c. When others were panic selling, I was buying PEN as often as finances permitted me to. By far the best decision I have made in the market and the journey with PEN has just begun.

Now PEN is in the ASX All Ords and just a step away from ASX300 listing. So much about to happen with PEN and it never ceases to amasae me how overlooked PEN has been. PEN will be a producer in less than 12 months (permits pending) and then people will sit back and ask themselves why they didn't see it coming.

The next 12 months will be the best of the journey for me.

This is what you are after I believe. I have posted this quite a few times in the last few years both here and elsewhere. I am actually looking at this again in relation to my favourite stock to display just how far the share price could actually go if this chart proves correct.



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Missed the March competition though

Yes I stuck with PEN, I also invested very heavily in PEN once I confirmed for myself what was going to happen.

Curios to know whether you sold your positions, when the nuclear crisis occurred.
New to shares

Hi I have just started to learn about the share market, so have a long road ahead...... I have decided at this stage to be an investor..... not a day trader, I need to learn a lot more before considering day trading..... anyway I have seen a share in paper = RockBldg but I cannot get any info on it, does anyone know what this companies name is, it is $2.41 with Div 6.22f, is it any good?
Re: New to shares

Hangseng, great to see you here, iv seen you around the HC forum.

Im also still loaded on PEN.

I believe the company your looking at is ASX CODE: ROK

The Rock Building Society Limited

Have a look on the ASX website, they have a great online course to get you started.
Hey guys i'm glad i stumbled across this forum, looks like a good place to learn from.
I basically have decided i would like to try my hand at trading. I understand there's a lot of research that goes into it before i can even think about physically trading anything.

Id like do focus on shorter term trading. (Days/Weeks/Months)
I have a couple of investment properties and i'll let those stay as my long term investments.
I'm just hoping you guys can point me in the right direction in regards to what books i should be getting, what i should be studying etc. I don't want to be buying all these books about long term trading when i have no interest in it.
Also, is these any recommended software? I'm guessing com-sec is standard or is there something better?

Thanks for the help guys i hope i'm not asking too much.

Go to Forum Jump above and then click on software and data. That should then be followed by trading strategies. Follow up that with the best trading book posts.
In about a weeks time, you maybe able to get an idea what way you want to tackle the market.
i.e. using indicators, Elliott wave, Volume Spread Analysis etc. etc.
Its like " how many ways to skin a rabbit", well there is several, but the correct way is quick and easy.

welcome to the world of trading mate...i hope you have plenty of time on ur hands...and a bit of money to buy some books etc.....

some will say no need for books....but having something printed you can go back to is priceless....

others may say different but short term trading is not for begginers...easier to sit on someting long term in the early years i reckon...many suffer from info overload and end up giving it away....

Hey guys thanks for the replies so far. I've noticed that there are many terms for the different trading methods. Is there somewhere i could find out what they all mean, and also what the common shorter term strategies are? Any books focusing on these strategies would be great too.

wombat40- I do appreciate what your saying but i feel like if i'm going to put my focus on studying shares, i would like it to be short term. As I stated, property is part of my long term strategy, and i wanted to give the share market a go as a more short term option. Who knows i might get into longer term trading in the future but for now id just like to focus on getting the basics down, then putting my time into the shorter term side of things.

I know its not the cheapest of things to get involved in, and i'm more than happy to buy books, software etc if that's whats required.

Thanks again.

Before you buy software you will need to understand how you are going to trade.
Software comes in "end of day", "delayed data" and "intra day live data."
You will require a platform to trade through, and better still be able to click on your software to go directly to trade.
You can also have software and trade through Commec or the like.

So Trend, Support and Resistance, Volume and Price will be you friends.
You also need to understand that you should look at charts in more than one time frame. If you trade daily charts, use weekly to see the bigger picture.
If you trade 12 minute intraday, then use hourly to get bigger picture.

I will now give 4 books.
The first go together for better understanding.
"High Probability Trading Strategies" by Robert Miner.
"Fibonacci Trading" by Carolyn Boroden.
Both have websites.
Currently on Gann Global Financial you can watch for free, videos of "Price Stategies to Identify Reversal Targets" by Robert Miner.
He concentrates on Dual Timeframe momentum.

Because Money management and risk control are so important Dr. Alexander has a number of books. The two standouts are "Come into my Trading room" and "The new sell and sell short". The second is available on ASF bookshop and it covers "How to Take profits, cut losses, and Benefit from price declines."

If you want to use only "price and volume" in the form of VSA (volume spread analysis) go to Tradeguidersite. Here you will get some free stuff.

Note that these sites have their own software with special features.
The more active traders will have more than one software.

Just remember one thing and if you have a whiteboard, put it at the top in one inch letters.
"Any mug can buy a stock. Its when to buy and when to sell that makes the money".
p.s. when buying books go to Amazon to get a look at the contents.
ASF have a bookshop where they maybe be available.

oops, I read all the books, learned from forums, studied the market in depth, & after 6 years trading I still have not made a profit even during boom times, why? Because you can do all the research in the world but if you can't discipline yourself to cut your losses early and let your profits run, you are asking for trouble. I have excellent market knowledge but still can't control the urge to sell early & grab the cash while it's there & I still hold companies that are going down because IT HURTS to take a loss (& forum rampers play with your mind !!!) Sure, there are other things which are important, like stock picking, timing, etc, but unless you have mastered yourself, your greed and fear then it will still be hard to turn a profit. Trading is psychology as much as market knowledge & software packages. Discipline is essentail so learn to control your emotions & psycology & you may do better than I have

I agree and that is what Elder books are about.
Mind, Method and Money Management. (Trading for a Living).
Trading Psychology and Risk Management.(The new sell and sell short).
Trading Plan etc.
The thing I like most about Elder’s book is how he analyses the same trend on different time frames.

I believe he analyses a trend on a long term chart then on a short term chart to confirm his understanding of direction.
Pretty well all of "commonly" accepted trading practice is un proven.
Books are written and ideas are adopted as the latest "Must " do trading practice.

Very very little is tested and proven.
Most when applied to the market in realtime fails dismally.

Most have heard of Schwagger.
Wrote a bible on futures trading but failed as a futures trader.


Don't take anything you read as a practical way to trade technically until you have tested it and know it will turn a positive expectancy And in which market conditions.
ELDER included.

Wiensteen another.
Gann another

While most ideas work in isolation few work consistently enough to profit--- longterm.
Much is long on theory and very short on application.

Once you've read enough books and traded enough "theory" with the resultant losses--- we will be on the same page!
Hi all,
Newbie here, just wondering is there a website where you can see all the companies that will go public?
Great pile of information on this website, but the structure makes it a bit hard to find what you're after or maybe I need more time to adjust to it... Thanks in advance.

Hi Marioland, welcome to ASF!

You can find a list of companies scheduled to go public in the next two months on the ASX website in the "Company Research" section:

The best way to track down information of interest on ASF is to use the website search function you will see towards the top of the page. There is also an "Advanced Search" for more sophisticated search queries.

Take your time exploring the site, especially your user options, which you will find by clicking on the "Settings" link at the top of the page. In this section you will be able to customise many aspects of how you view and interact with the forums.

If you have a specific question about how any aspect of the website works, feel free to ask it in the ASF 'How do I do it?' thread.
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