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New ANZ share trading account (CMC platform)


I just found out there is a NBN outage in Sydney and I am with CMC and they are down and out. I am all good but I feel for any who wont be faring as well.
ANZ Share trading platform seems to be down again
BT Panorama trading platform also seems down
Care Super trading platform okay
Commsec okay
Selfwealth okay
IB okay

Pretty widespread. Must be a common platform provider. China up to no good.

I just found out there is a NBN outage in Sydney and I am with CMC and they are down and out. I am all good but I feel for any who wont be faring as well.

don't think it's anything to do with the NBN... i'm in Singapore and i have gigabit fibre which is super reliable here, i can't actually remember the last time the service got interrupted. pretty sure the stuff that's going on today is a the brokers' end, not the ISPs
Reported in the AFR this afternoon. Seems to be fixed now, after the close.

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