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Need help reading performance table

31 December 2009
This may look stupid, but could someone please explain how to read this table?

I need to know how percentages are read.. are they Average Performance for that point in time, or are they the actual performance at that point in time, etc.?

I just want to know how much % my Bluechip returned in the last 12 months.

The image of the table is here:

Thank you for your help for a newbie
Hello Shelby,

Your Blue Chip Fund yield for the past twelve months was 23.30%. Just read it across and look at the top of each column for the period concerned. I'd presume, in the absence of any other suggestion, that this is the actual result.

You will see that two years ago there was a negative result, which of course is what you would expect given conditions at that time.

Hope this helps.
Thank you very much for the reply.. I was hoping that was the amount.. how great!

Thanks again, and happy new year
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