Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Need Help/Advice With Starting Out

12 October 2010
Hi, i am about as new as it gets to investing. Im only 16 yrs old and know next to nothing about the stock market and the ASX. But i was hoping somone would be able to recommend any books that i could buy to help me out understanding the market and basically the sheer basics of investing in shares. I have no intention of making any trades any time soon i just need some place to start and for me to learn. I dont mean a book written by a millionaire who has his own wild theories i just been a book for the very basics.

If anyone could make some book recommendations for me to begin it would be great or some other ways for me to learn.

Welcome to ASF! :)

This question gets asked a lot by beginners and there are quite few threads already that deal with starting out in the stock market. Here are some previous threads started by others in a similar position that you may wish to read through:

On the topic of books for beginners, you may wish to look through these threads:

I would work your way through threads in the Beginners Lounge forum and use the site search function to track down threads on topics that interest you. Before starting a new thread on a topic, be sure to search for any existing threads on the same topic that may cover similar ground. There are around 15,000 threads on ASF and most topics have been covered at one time or another.

This thread by Sir O. is also one you should definitely take a look at:
Wish I had started out asking your sort of questions when I was sixteen.

Myself, my Children and Grandchildren have found wonderfull basic learning from the "Rich Dad Poor Dad" series of books.

From these books one learns the value of money itself and how you can get it to work for you passively.

You learn about (1) being the worker, (2) working for yourself, (3) getting others to work for you, and (4) making money and other businesses work for increasing you wealth, in other words being the banker.

Probably too much for you to take in in the beginning but I am sure that by working through this series of books you will be left with a feeling "that you can"

Good luck in your future life and an important point (and really think about this), do not risk your money in any investment if you do not understand what is going on or if you have any doubt about it at all.

And keep asking questions.
Hi, i am about as new as it gets to investing. Im only 16 yrs old and know next to nothing about the stock market and the ASX. But i was hoping somone would be able to recommend any books that i could buy to help me out understanding the market and basically the sheer basics of investing in shares. I have no intention of making any trades any time soon i just need some place to start and for me to learn. I dont mean a book written by a millionaire who has his own wild theories i just been a book for the very basics.

If anyone could make some book recommendations for me to begin it would be great or some other ways for me to learn.


Welcome to ASF bud.

Kick back, take a load off, save ya dollars and have a good look at those links and any other free stuff ya can get. is a great starting place

plenty other learning sites out there but try and filter out the bollocks..usually fairly easy to spot and theres plenty out there.

16 is a ripe age to have a vision of what is achievable and well done for wanting knowledge.

Have a great day
Congratulations, nahartland. Wish we had more 16 year olds with a mindset like yours.
Have no doubt you'll be successful.
I have a question. I have some WIL shares and am intending to buy some more shares on market. My question is when I buy them can I quote my holder number so that they will be added to my current holding for the purposed of dividend reinvestment ?