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NBN Rollout Scrapped

It was rolled ot too quickly without a cost benefit analysis taking in to account risks and benefits.


Careful GG. People who like to theorise rather than do will be all over that comment. However, as people with experience know, actions/results speak louder than words.

Dr Ziggy Switkowski, executive chairman of NBN Co, during Budget Estimates at Parliament House,
Rollout update for the week to November 17,

In the past 3 weeks, a total of 15,379 brownfield premises were passed (ave 5,126/week) and 12,536 (ave 4,179/week) became serviceable. Totals now are 244,777 brownfields passed and 171,248 serviceable. At the present rate (averaged over the last 3 weeks), we would see approximately 410,000 brownfield premises passed by June 30 2014. 5,126/week equates to approximately 270,000 per year.
Rollout update for the week to November 24,

In the past 4 weeks, a total of 20,577 brownfield premises were passed (ave 5,144/week) and 14,284 (ave 3,571/week) became serviceable. Totals now are 249,975 brownfields passed and 172,996 serviceable. At the present rate (averaged over the last 4 weeks), we would see approximately 410,000 brownfield premises passed by June 30 2014. 5,144/week equates to approximately 270,000 per year.
Looks like the Coalition wrecking ball will work wonders on the NBN

Gee, who could have seen this coming? I guess now we know why Turnbull didn't want the Blue Book released....

More details:
Gee, who could have seen this coming? I guess now we know why Turnbull didn't want the Blue Book released....

More details:
That 30% revenue difference to 2021 is in accordance with the Coalition's own projections associated with the release of its FTTN plan earlier this year when compared to NBN Co's 2012 corporate plan.

The above Blue Book analysis was also prepared under Mike Quigley's stewardship. We all know how accurate his corporate plans for NBN Co itself have been.

Of interest, I recently had the chance to have a chat with a Telstra technician repairing a broken copper line across the road. His view on the copper network is that some of it is good that some of it isn't. That I suppose we know. Where it became more interesting was where he talked about some sort of glue that had been used in some pits several years ago to repair leaks. What was interesting was that he said that if the glue itself continuously came into contact with water, it would turn to acid and that was, well, not good. He also commented that in relation to asbestos remediation of Telstra's pits, there are now 5 people on site instead of two previously and that as a result, there's a significant additional cost, some of which at least is at NBN Co's expense.

As part of his repair, he also inspected a Telstra pit on the street. It's in a location where regular inundation occurs after heavy rain and upon lifting the top, it was clear that the pit itself was not watertight and judging by the dirt stain inside, water had in the past entered the pit. The wires though were further sealed inside the pit itself and upon inspection of that, the seal appeared effective (surfaces inside were clean and neat). He said the contents therein were in good condition. What struck me was how quickly the pit could be inspected for water damage at the very least.

My conclusion from the above discussion is that it's not all beer and skittles with the state of the copper network, but then it's not all gloom and doom either.

I've heard about that glue/sealant before.

There shouldn't be any additional cost to NBN Co for the extra people, because as part of the Telstra deal, it is Telstra (and Telstra alone) responsible for the remediation of the pits to make them suitable for NBN use. If the additional personnel story is true, then one may assume it's costing Telstra more than they budgeted for remediation. I would hypothesise that if FTTP continues, then Telstra would have to wear that cost. But if the deal is renegotiated for FTTN, then Telstra would try to recoup that additional cost during the negotiations.

No doubt there are sections of the copper network that are fine. Particularly newer sections. But you can bet there is a lot that's in very poor condition. I think I've mentioned before that my line speed doubled when Telstra were forced to replace the copper in my street last year after it was melted by a power line fall. And my subdivision was only developed in the '70/80s, has excellent drainage and the line to my house is 10yrs old. what of the areas 40-50 years older, in flood-prone, clay or corrosive environments?

A friend who lives 5km from me (same exchange, but in the other direction) rang me last night to ask if my internet was OK, because his (and his neighbours) has slowed to a crawl since the rain 2 weeks ago. His house (and infill subdivision) is only 2 years old.
There shouldn't be any additional cost to NBN Co for the extra people, because as part of the Telstra deal, it is Telstra (and Telstra alone) responsible for the remediation of the pits to make them suitable for NBN use.
The Telstra contractor was quiet adamant that where the remediation work was in relation to the NBN, the NBN will bare some of the additional cost. Is this particular element of the contract publically available? It would be interesting to see.

He also offered some other overall insights. He advised that schools in the area were already connected by fibre and in relation to where I am, an FTTN node would be installed where there is currently a Telstra pillar (between the exchange and a school) where the fibre is already present. I didn't think to ask at the time, but perhaps the above kind of site makes the ideal FTTN test site.

The suburb I'm in was developed from about 1970. The Telstra tech dated the pit as being from the 1960's.

In relation to the current Senate hearing is the following article on costs,

The sealant issue has been well know for many years. What's really bad is that the watered down sealant can work it's way a long way through a sealed cable, where bacteria will eat it and the by product is an acid that corrodes the copper. This kind of damage is very hard to get repaired. it can also cause intermittent problems which are even harder to get fixed.

Telstra management basically threatened techs with job losses if they didn't use the sealant, even though they had been advised many times that it was causing major issues.

So much of it was used over so much of the copper that it would be hard to not find damage due to it in most suburbs Australia wide.

As for your pit inspection, it's a major component of the copper network, but if you could see the cable details from Telstra systems you'd be amazed at how many joints a run can have. I was working on a 2KM ULL yesterday and it had around 9 or 10 "segments" in it, some just 6-16 meters long.

Ziggy has been doing his best to talk up the value of the copper network. It's going to be an interesting 2014 to see how much the Government is going to have to pay for it. Till then, no FTTN rollout is likely to occur.

Since this Government considers everything is now a state secret, I doubt we'll ever know.
This is what happens when "manager" managers get involved in engineering.

In any technical organisation (communications, power, anything like that) you have basically three types of managers. Those who are former techs / engineers and who move into manangement. Those who are career mangers but who focus on management as such. Those who are career managers and who poke their noses into practically everything in order to "put their mark on it".

Suffice to say that the first two both have thier merits and there's a place for both in such an organisation. But the latter type tend to be brilliant at making the (financial) books look good in the short term whilst leaving a disastrous legacy of technical and workforce capability destruction in their wake which costs a fortune to fix when the inevitable happens.

For reasons I've never really understood, these micro-manager types seem to love grabbing hold of anything that someone outside the organisation promotes as a good idea. A salesman turns up, offers something, and they insist that it be implemented across the entire asset base as quickly as possible. They seem to see it as some sort of goal to be adopting whatever is the latest trend, regardless of whether it's any good or not.

I've never worked for Telstra, but I've worked under all 3 manager types on various occasions. Been there, seen what happens and it never turns out well when those who don't know anything about technical aspects start calling the shots right down to the finest detail. I mean seriously, you have a manager specifying the type of sealant to be used? That's likely a symptom of some far bigger problems within Telstra I'd expect.

The whole NBN project has essentially become subject to this style of management via the political process. It's not being built based on sound engineering in order to deliver some specified outcome. Rather, it's a case of non-technical people deciding the major engineering elements, and the actual engineers and techs then being left to make the best of it.

Politics aside, the best and most sensible approach would be to put a group of engineers etc in charge of the whole project. Get them to come up with cost estimates for various specified outcomes (connection speed and % of population covered) and leave them to decide the technical means of achieving it with government making a final decision based on cost, speed and coverage only without reference to the means of delivery.

For what it's worth, such a group of engineers would most likely end up deciding to build a fibre network but to do so over a longer timeframe which itself would achieve significant economies. In any of these projects, it's basically a tradeoff between time, quality and cost. So long as government is focused on almost impossibly short times, it then ends up as a tradeoff between quality and cost. Labor wanted high quality and high cost, Liberal seems to prefer lower quality and lower cost. But there's nothing to prevent us building a high quality, lower cost network if we take a more realistic view of the time required.

Personally, I'd do a proper job (fibre network) and build it to the majority of the population over roughly 7 years with the rest ("difficult" sites) being picked up over the following 3 years. Some pain in the short term, it takes a bit longer, but we end up with a world class network as opposed to one that will be second rate and the cost wouldn't be that much different.
For anyone interested, there's 10 hours of video from Senate hearings on the NBN from Thursday and Friday.

Obviously not what everyone would regard as essential viewing, but I've watched some of Friday's with Ziggi effectively in the dock. The questions from that session initially are quiet anal, but it does get more interesting, both in terms of the questions and the answers. There's food for thought there in relation to both models although the Senators themselves are pursuing from a somewhat partisan perspective.

There's also no ads but there's the occasional 10-minute intermission to have a pee and top up the caffeine.
Food for thought in terms of projections and rollout rates for both sides but in particular for Labor's FTTP.

At the present rate of premises passed (averaged over the past 4-weeks), FTTP wouldn't be complete until at least 2040.


On the strategic review, the AFR this morning has this,

In light of the Telstra tech suggesting a node at the pillar in my local area, How many pillars are there in Telstra's network Australia wide ?
In light of the Telstra tech suggesting a node at the pillar in my local area, How many pillars are there in Telstra's network Australia wide ?

From memory there's around 100,000 though not all will get a node.

Current best estimates are 50-75K nodes required. So far the Coalition have not released the maximum cable length used in their costings document pre election for either 25Mbs or 50Mbs.

I don't envy whoever has to fight the local councils and electricity companies to get each one sited and connected to the power. BT has complained that it can cost anywhere between 2000 and 25000 pounds to get a node connected to the power. I'm sure similar issues will occur here.

Then we have the issue where you might think you're 200M from the pillar but your cable run is in fact 800M. There's going to be lots of mini nodes required, which will bump up the cost yet again, or might be installed in lieu of replacing poor quality copper if it's cheaper in the short term.

Opinions vary on what is a "proper job".

- See more at:
You wont see this on the news, in question time today TA called the NBN a white Elephant..seriously.
It is my firm opinion that the only people to have benefited from the NBN Mark 1 , would it have been spotty teenage boys downloading pr0n.

The speeds are way above what we need for Commerce or Education.

It was a thought bubble from the worst ever ALP administration ever in our history.

Rudd and Co. will be haunted by the launch of the NBN, and its' demise.

It is being scrapped, and it is proper that it should be.

Opinions vary on what is a "proper job".

I have issue with

Dr Cioffi said vectored DSL technology offered 100 megabits per second reliably over copper for 600m to 1km in ideal conditions. Faster speeds of up to 1 gigabit over 200m would be possible in future with the G.Fast protocol, but it wasn't standardised yet.

* I've yet to see any real world trials in Australia showing these speeds.

* Pretty much everything I've read so far seems to indicate 100Mbs is achievable to about 600M, though most talk around 500M maximum cable length. Results from the UK and NZ have so much variability in them I don't know how you're supposed to advertise a product.

* Upload speeds of FTTN will limit the ability to work from home, and especially for small business that need a decent 10Mbs+ upload speed to successfully integrate into the supply lines of the large companies.

* If we exclude MDUs, since they will most likely get FTTB, the number of dwellings within a 200M cable run - note this is the FULL cable run all the way to the wall socket - would be rather small. The current FTTN offers this service to all fibre connected customers. How much extra does it cost to upgrade nodes to G.Fast? Vendors will likely charge an upgrade fee, that's IF the hardware can be upgraded via software. How many years before it's a global standard and commercial product? How well does it work on degraded copper? Most of the results you hear about are in ideal lab conditions with new copper.

From what I can tell Abbott and Turnbull didn't think about any of these issues while they had 3 odd years to formulate their node fridge plan.

2014 will be node fridge policy on the run.

Of course you do, it doesn't match your anti-Turnbull ideology. But I think Dr Cioffi has more credibility in this field than you.
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