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My mission: To get Australians to pronounce Aluminum correctly

Route pronounced rout
Math now used instead of maths
Schedule pronounced skedule

I don't know who to blame for the mispronunciation of bruschetta here coz the yanks and brits seem to at least have the "sketta" part correct.

You can blame Webster and product branding for the bastardisation of English

I drive my crowd crazy about bruschetta. But an Italian waitress did kiss me on the forehead when I ordered "brusketta" the other night.
One word almost every Yank gets right, but perhaps only about 50% of native born Australians seem to manage, is "Australia". I cringe every time I hear a public figure say "Austraya". Anthony Albanese is a prime example.
The yanks say Orange wrong. I can't spell the difference but you know what I mean.
Just say "Tinny" any OZZIE knows what that is... Aluminum

A rather late response to a post from 7 years ago but I think this one might vary regionally?

Around here the primary meaning is a small boat made of aluminium. Less commonly it's a reference to a can of beer although that use seems to be mostly obsolete these days.
An interesting one.

The "Aluminum" spelling does seem to be interchangeable in the US, but doesn't seem to be correct on a theoretical chemistry basis.

I always set the computer default to English english (not US english).

Rugby commentator last night ..." blah blah changed tact" instead if changed tack

Another mangled cliche "hang fire" instead of hang five (toes)"
Another mangled cliche "hang fire" instead of hang five (toes)"

They are two different sayings with different meanings.


To "Hang Fire" means - to delay doing something, especially making a decision, because you are waiting to see what will happen or for more information.

It actually comes from a term used to describe a weapon/ammunition malfunction, Hang fire refers to an unexpected delay between the triggering of a firearm and the ignition of the propellant, So its become used as a saying to describe a deliberate delay in taking action on something.


Here is a hang fire, sometimes it can be several seconds, so it's important to continue holding the weapon in a safe direction after the misfire. don't turn around to ask your buddies whats going on, and don't rush to clear the stoppage if your ammo is prone to hang fires, otherwise it may go off as you eject the round.

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