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My Good Battle Plan

22 November 2010
I have suffered from Depression.
Good people have helped me with my battle plan!

My Good Battle Plan

 Sensible Eating Regime

 Sunshine, Exercise and Fresh Air

 Surround ourselves with positive people

 Take joy in the little things!

 Mental Special Bonus
I can relate Burglar. You can beat it....
Exercise very important...........depression is so common there days, I wonder why ?
You'll be fine burglar
My wife also suffered from Anxiety attacks...Now she's running 3 km each day and doing 11 floors x 5 of stair work she's always in a better frame of mind, sleeps better at night. She's also doing a psychology course and seeing a therapist as well. But unlike myself, she's not had to take any drugs yet.

My ex wife
One of my sisters
Her son

To many for one family.

And thousands undiagnosed no doubt about it.

Hi Burglar, sounds like you have a solid battle plan there! I'm sure you are going to do great!

My cat always reminds me how much we humans often complicate our lives unnecessarily and forget to enjoy every simple pleasure. Some enjoyable time spent in the garden, a delicious morning coffee, a stimulating conversation; so many simple things that can add so much to our quality of life.

As Warren Zevon said, "Enjoy every sandwich".
I suffered from depression for a while....then i got divorced and was miraculously cured
... My cat always reminds me how much we humans often complicate our lives unnecessarily and forget to enjoy every simple pleasure. Some enjoyable time spent in the garden, ...

For me it's gardening and music.

... As Warren Zevon said, "Enjoy every sandwich".

If Mamma Cass had shared that sandwich with Karen Carpenter, then maybe they would both be alive today!
burglar - it just dawned on me, get your Vitamin D level checked, and I mean do it, it's a simple blood test at the docs, if your Vitamin D level is down it can trigger depression.
If it is down take Ostelin and you'll notice a big difference.
Not many people are aware of this.

Thank you, MrBurns. It had dawned on my helpers!

Hence the sunshine. At least ten minutes everyday.
Without it, I would suffer from Seasonal affective disorder (SAD),
also known as winter depression.

I am certain the fresh fruit and fresh vegetables are key to optimising vitamin levels.
That is part of the Sensible Eating Regime.
I do have a problem in that I love my food, carrying too much weight.
Addiction to white refined sugar cannot be helpful!!
But that is a personal problem.

Yes burglar, sugar and all that stuff puts the weight on and makes you unhappy with yourself, the immediate buzz you get from eating like that is not worth the resultant negative feelings that come after.

Note to self.

The Vit D thing is real, just walking round in the sun doesn't work for everyone, my bet is your Vit D level is way down I take 2000 UI of VD every day., perhaps it should be more.

Please get that level checked.

That IU (international units)

Get Ostelin, but get the level checked first.
An old football coach of mine always said that football was a version of life.But the things that he stressed were both physical and pscychological.
The three components of fitness were aerobic,muscular and most important mental.And what we learn is that the hardest things to change are the mental-the other two are just getting off our bums.The strength that we get from being comfortable with the first two can help the mental state.
I was always impressed with what someone said about Bill Clinton-that he was able to compartmentalise issues.
File Monica in the one compartment and move on to other issues.Hard to do unless one has disciplined thought patterns.
Perhaps relaxation,self hypnosis and yoga may help.Changing our thinking patterns is difficult but small gains bring their own rewards.
Having said all that I realise that depression can be suffocating and all encompassing.Try to get off your bum when depressed-mission impossible.
... depression can be suffocating and all encompassing.Try to get off your bum when depressed-mission impossible.

Some things can now, get me off my bum - that's how I measure improvement.

... someone said about Bill Clinton-that he was able to compartmentalise issues.
File Monica in the one compartment and move on to other issues. ...

"Meet Monica, she is presently polishing the President's Podium!"
That IU (international units)

Get Ostelin, but get the level checked first.
Hi MrBurns,

I did not disagree!
In fact I concur!

My level was checked by my GP.
On that occasion he found it to be reasonable.
A question for you, burglar: do you believe you have the capacity to make choices?
A question for you, burglar: do you believe you have the capacity to make choices?
Hi Julia,
A strange question!?

I have a fair amount of willpower!
I can do anything I set my mind to.

The hard part is setting my mind to do something!

A friend once told me that Depression is like a well.
You need to get out fast!
I replied that I was going to stay awhile and have a good look around.
Reason - I'm only here once!
Hi MrBurns,

I did not disagree!
In fact I concur!

My level was checked by my GP.
On that occasion he found it to be reasonable.

Has to be about 90, some GP's don't understand that believe it or not.

- - - Updated - - -

Hi Julia,

A friend once told me that Depression is like a well.
You need to get out fast!
I replied that I was going to stay awhile and have a good look around.
Reason - I'm only here once!

I have been visited by the black dog a few times in my life. The first time I was given medication to treat it. It helps enormously but depending on your meds can have some unwanted side affects.
I am now able to recognise the triggers and can "head it off at the pass" before it sets in.

What works for me is positive thinking, forcing yourself to get things done, getting excercise, not drinking too much, eating well, doing something you enjoy and spending time with people you like.

The other problem is that men dont talk to their mates about it. You need to talk about it, so pay someone to listen. If you go to the GP you can get a prescription for some therapy sessions which makes it easier on the pocket.

You are not alone in this.
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