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MSB - Mesoblast Limited

IS weeks old but:

Mesoblast Limited (ASX:MSB; Nasdaq:MESO), global leader in allogeneic cellular medicines for inflammatory diseases, today announced that U.S. FDA supports an accelerated approval pathway for rexlemestrocel-L, Mesoblast’s allogeneic mesenchymal precursor cell (MPC) product, in patients with end-stage ischemic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) and a left ventricular assist device (LVAD). FDA provided this feedback in formal minutes to the company following the Type B meeting held with FDA on February 21, 2024 for rexlemestrocel-L (Revascor®) under the existing Regenerative Medicine Advanced Therapy (RMAT) designation.

Still a Speccy.
Mesoblast (ASX: MSB) shares rallied 45% (session high of 57.6%) after the FDA said the company had sufficient clinical data from its Phase 3 Trial for remestemcel-L for treatment of pediatric patients.

Chart showing Tuesday's price action, the trend is turning but will it last, time will tell.

This is not for chartists......

Their drugs either work or don't.

But you can tell a great deal about how well it is being supported or indeed perceived in the lower timeframes.
Currently, I'm seeing jostling for an early position ---often before a trading halt and an announcement.
But you can tell a great deal about how well it is being supported or indeed perceived in the lower timeframes.
Currently, I'm seeing jostling for an early position ---often before a trading halt and an announcement.
And I could look myself in the mirror and curse myself for not getting more @26c like I planned.
But I got enough.
Though my 75c buy mid year 22 was a bargain.

Just gambling. here.
Just gambling. here

You bring up a good point for discussion which probably deserves its own thread

Often trading is described as gambling and for some it can be.

If it is it’s the best form of Gambling I can think of
You can place your bet and remove it immediately if you choose to
You can hold on to your bet and even increase it when you see it winning
You can remove your bet at anytime if you see it losing
You very rarely lose your entire stake
I can determine what others are doing during my time in my gamble , before and after . ( good to know as they determine my success or failure )

That’s a pretty forgiving way of gambling
A bit less as I added through the day
but enough to preserve.
Probably a good time to short it as there is hardly any doubt it will go back to its usual levels.
I miss gambling money right now, and did not check the cost so dyor
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