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MSB - Mesoblast Limited

My pick for the stock tipping comp for July. Did have a good run up for a while in June, but then faded. Hopefully a rebound for July.

My pick again for the stock tipping comp.
. Waiting on approval from Food and Drug admin, and if approved should turn things around.

Mesoblast has told investors it will have to conduct an adult trial before receiving approval from the US regulator to market its most advanced product.

The shares slumped 50 per cent to 54.5¢.

The company will meet with the FDA in 45 days to discuss the adult trial for stem-cell-based injectable treatment for acute-graft versus host disease approved for use
Ouch. That would have hurt the investors.
They are going to need a new raising.
The big trouble with this company is that it is in the same space as some USA competitors who are also doing trials. i am really suss on what is going on. By the time they are approved others will be in the market.
Even if it is all good it is at least another year away. Maybe on the positive side they will allow the paediatric version of the drug as it does save children's lives. Doubt it though.
Do not hold.
that depends on if Iggy is buying ( i would be if NIC dropped 40 to 50% on speculation and rumor )

good luck Iggy

Who is actually surprised?
I just clicked today to check what was their latest announcement bait and whether they had done another raising since my last view last FY
Yeap can now go up again for 8 months.rince and repeat
OK news for me

i hold BFG they will score a few bucks out of this

but crikey Peter Hall sure knew when to pull up stakes ( i held HHL and HHV at the time )
Big BFG rise today which is pleasing. Maybe this is part of it.
MSB thread has been really quiet the last few months.
Even though there has been a lot happening with it. Not much of it good I am afraid.

Not sure if I'll participate in the latest SPP. But I hope that as the bottom had been reached it may have a good 12mths.
I'll keep a regular tab on this stock through out the year and prompt discussion here.
Another one for me that turned from and orange to a very bitter lemon some time ago.
If it is of any consolement this was a disaster for me in my personal around 8 years ago.

Traded and then bought a substantial amount in the super and put it in the bottom draw for a 400+% gain.
So can lightning strike twice?

Don't expect it to ever get near $4+ again.
But anything over $1..... esp If I participate in the SSP would get me outta trouble and back to the initial gain.
@UMike Was a stock that i was consistently trading and then got caught with my dacks down around my ankles. Overall didn't end up to deep in the minus department. What caught me out bought a very sizeable chunk and then the hole in the bucket appeared glug glug glug.
Hope there are no holders here.
A sardonic post by a holder from elsewhere .. rofl, I love that he gave the year
"I am going to celebrate the 52 week low, all time low with a 2024 bottle of chilled water. Can't afford anything else." Kingtup
More like a 15 year low.
Doubt they ever traded lower.
More like a 15 year low.
Doubt they ever traded lower.
Hum, just a new record to break in the next month for them..I learnt my lesson, any SP rise is followed within days by a SPP..and rince again...
Health Care company Mesoblast (ASX:MSB) gained more than 9 per cent after receiving orphan-drug designation (ODD) and rare pediatric disease designation (RPDD) from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its cell therapy, Revascor.

The designations stem from positive results in a trial including children with a life-threatening congenital heart condition.

MSB closed at 30 cents.
Capital raising coming
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