What do you think of the movie, frog? It didn't paint Napoleon in a very good manner and they missed all the good he did for France. Seemed to be an anti-France movie to me. Not a well balanced approach at all. And, at almost 3 hrs, Scott had time to say something nice. There were some good cheese and wine scenes but that's about all. And all the French characters had British and American accents too. Was frustrating on many levels.
Did not watch it, not really interested
As I see him based on teachings, books, artifacts
Napoleon , as Hitler, and soon now Biden , lost thinking he could conquer Russia. But otherwise:
Was a great mind, united the whole Europe in a single entity, bigger than current EU
french soldiers were a minority in his army slaughtered by the brits
He created a fair unified and trans European legal system, institutions, free educational systems based on skills and not birth or money Inc elite ones, lessen the power of the catholic church and gave a final kill to many european royal families; left a police (gendarmerie) to handle rural policing still in place nowadays not only in France but in Austria, Belgian , Netherland.
He was an engineer and science focused leader...and brought enlightenment to Europe ...
Obviously not all fairy floss and lollypop . A dictator, megalomaniac ...
but left as legacy agricultural, industrial, science research institutes , even an Egyptian incursion just for science purpose..and because he could.
in short a progressive leader ..not progressive like US democrats LOL
his legacy was felt for centuries, and is still valid, but he was obviously opposed by the royalty and privileged class (aka UK kingdom).