Re: MGO - Marengo Mining
been really quiet here in the MGO thread
anyone got any fresh new information or any important upcoming dates?
G'day Chicken, yes a bit quiet, just holding firm on this one for the long term.
The next big thing we can look forward to here is the completion of the pre feasibility study, which should be at the end of this month - we will see an announcement soon after that with results.
Then, for the rest of this year i would expect that we will see firstly some more indication of drilling to expand the resource. MGO are already sitting on $28 billion in situ, minus gold and rhenium. As they claim, it is the biggest copper resource in the southern hemisphere.
The directors have indicated already that they are expecting the resource to be even bigger. So i would expect an announcement on a further upgrade probably heading towards the end of the first quarter, early second.
Then towards the end of the second, we will probably see a listing on the AIM or TSX. I personally hope and actually expect TSX, much better prospects there imo.
After that is completed, a move will be made to proceed with the bankable feasibility study.
Those last 2 are what will really drive the sp imo.
Re news, i did note in the Saturday Fin Review that Marengo might be a prime target for Chinese interests interested in Copper. It came as part of a broader article on the Chinese moves to aquire interests in australian resource companies, so the marengo issue might have been missed by many.
So, while the previous schedule looks good for MGO for the rest of this year, if the Chinese or any other major makes a play for MGO, this could come very good in the short term, much like CFE. All depends on whether the directors are open to selling off. As far as i can see, these guys look like the real deal, and wouldnt mind at all developing this. And i dont mind saying it, im very impressed with them.
(And chicken, i grew up in sth hurstville, in melb now, but good to find a local!)