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Mining Employment

Anyone know if mining jobs are still hot? so an article in The Australian today about a HR Manager working as a truck driver. Been through the links here but most seem to apply to WA. what about QLD, anyone in the industry and can give me some pointers of how to get in on the action and wether it is worthwhile? Thanks

I am also a school teacher in the NSW system

I have found that the way to make good money is to work as a casual during the day (and be on call) and to work in the evening and on Saturdays at a private coaching college - I regularly have mornings off and make a reliable 100k +

imajica is the private coaching college yours? or you just work for them?
I work for them - I teach 6 classes and have 8 private students on a weekly basis - basically every weekday evening + Saturday

As a truck driver or something else?
tis gonna be interesting times when the mining cools of and all these extra trained professionals and tradies etc are clambering over eachother to keep their job...there's a fair amount of people coming in on work visa's and permanant residency as wont heppen over nite but it will heppen....make sure you dont burn your bridges b4 u come to the bright lights of a boomtown.

I can always go back to what I am doing now. Besides I've been burnt in IT. Just thought it might be worth a shot, still reckon they may be a few years left in the boom
I can always go back to what I am doing now. Besides I've been burnt in IT. Just thought it might be worth a shot, still reckon they may be a few years left in the boom

Look at Thiess, Roche, BMA, Leightons web sites and you should get the information you need there.
I don't work in the trucks, I work at the plants (Tradesman).
Most of the mining companies now have trainee courses and also there is a place in Queensland (not to sure where) where you can get your dump truck, D11 and so on qualifications. It will cost about 4k-5k.
There is plenty going on with new mines coming on board with a 10-15 year life, the job section in the main paper on Saturdays is as thick as a brick, with the majority for mining.
Take the last reply with a grain of salt, unless you work in the industry you really don't know the full details of what is happening! Good luck!

thanks mexican
just wondering, what the chances for ta are like? used to be a sparky ta years back... any work?
Plenty work around, for shut works and new mines. Port expansions also. With the mining and infastructure to be done in NTH Queensland you have more work than you can poke a stick at!
The only problem is that you are all over the place on different sites. If you are single this should not be a worry.
Another option is North west Tasmania, alot going on down there and if you want to earn really good tax free US$, White energy got some contracts in India to mine clean coal tech with Thiess (SUB CONTRACTOR)running the mine and wash plant!
Hope I have been of some help.
never mind hr licence,youll need a road train licence to be earning the good dough up there,its all road train area up their,hr licence up there about as useful as a ashtray on a motorbike,if you go bring a caravan coz aint no accommodation.
I work for them - I teach 6 classes and have 8 private students on a weekly basis - basically every weekday evening + Saturday

cool, which college is it? my wife would love to get out of the school system and get into private coaching.
Get a hold of the Saturday 'Townsville Bulletin' either in hard copy or online. If you don't know anyone in the mines you could also try hanging out at the pubs where they drink.

hey never thought of that happy!! another great idea. thanks mate.

Leightons is running a new open cut coal mine (Sonoma) 8kms outside of Collinsville with a camp as well.
Most of the new mines are starting to have camps as they are finding it hard to find people and if they don't have camps they even find it harder to attract people.
You don't won't to spend your hard earned cash on over priced rents!
A bus will run from Townsville and Bowen to Sonoma!
The pub is full of information. Drillers have the best info!
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