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Mining Employment


22 August 2005

I am considering a career change. I have no experience in the mining industry.

I am just wondering what the best place to go for a level entry into the mining industry.

What wages I should expect, and what sort of shifts.

I take it going somewhere remote would attract the highest wages.

anyone looked into this.

I have heard unskilled workers getting $2000 a week for work.

any truth?

What do you do now?
i work in at the nab!

I heard $150 000 paid for an entry level in Perth area for someone with no qualification. Not bad. I would be interest also to know where to enquire
i work in at the nab!


Get a heavy rigid vehicle (HR) truck license or do a course on Haul Paks and get entry level into plant operation.

Apply at any major construction company as a TA - entry level construction

Do a basic scaffolding or a Dogman course - entry level construction

Any of the above you will net over $1000 per week +. For that you will work away at least 4 on 1 off 7 days a week 10 hours a day and have b'all social or family life.

Rewarding though, I did it for over 15 years in both mining and construction. I now clear well over $2000 a week in an engineering firm in Perth working a 4 hour week and rarely going away

Work hard, study and advance yourself and be prepared to commit and sacrifice. It isn't all sweet smelling roses on the way up I can assure you.
The big issue with the mining areas at the moment is accomadation, if you can get any.

Some have tenants paying insane amount's of rent for dungers that cost nothing a few years back.

Even have some that have different shift's in same bed EG: 1 guy get's up and goes to work as another comes in and has a warm bed.

But if you can get somewhere to live cheap, not keep up with the Jones'es buying new toy's and don't piss your money away, the rewards are fantastic.

I was also looking around at 1 stage, big money in mining. But like suggested above, try to get a HR license. Unless your a sparkie or geologist you may need to do some courses.

Here's a site that an get you started.
I now clear well over $2000 a week in an engineering firm in Perth working a 4 hour week and rarely going away
$500 an hour? Or was that meant to be 4 day week?

I've always wanted a $500 an hour job...
$500 an hour? Or was that meant to be 4 day week?

I've always wanted a $500 an hour job...

Heavens, Smurf, with all your talents that should be no problem at all!

Incidentally, I'm convinced the best money is in dentistry (if you could stand poking around people's mouths). Going by what I have paid my dentist recently his annual income is around $1.2M.
Last week "60 minutes" had a story about mining in Western Australia. It might be worth your while going to the 60 minutes site and finding that story - it may have links or contact information.

One of the featured mines claimed that they had something like 60 jobs ready and waiting for people to walk in and start - no training required as they provide it.
Nice article this one, I felt like moving to W.A right now, 4-5 years shares on the side BOOYAH Here is the direct link to the story, Its almost like you could fly up there, Know no one, Have no Qualifications, Get a job at the drop of a hat and walk away a Thousandaire (Or Millionaire if you played your shares right) OH link to story,
Oh the GO WEST Link too
Refined link to mining from GO WEST
and more
But make sure That (Prerequisites)
l think that 60 minutes story was a bit of propaganda by both Rio and BHP. They are both short staffed big time and drum up the media. Sure, alot of people are getting 100k per year, but have u seen the cost of living over here. CRAZY. Even shopping in Wollies is getting a bit rich.
Anyways, l was working out on the mine site for over a year in the kitchen as a chef and was close to 100k. But, l was working 4 weeks on, 1 week off. So yeah a little bit of sacrifice is need, but worth it in the end.
I also just got my HR license and forklift ticket. Fingers crossed for what lands in my lap. l will keep u guys updates.
First of all it is possible for some one to earn $2000 per week in mines without any qualification . It works out like this : work for 40 hours on normal rate, as a Trade Assistance (who has no skill and supposed to help the trades personnel and carrying their tools etc). In a Fly In Fly OUt work you would be working eventually 12 hours a day and will get over time for the balance hours. If you chose 3 weeks at site and one week off site at home and trust your neighbour -well go for it. I was on plane from Telfer Gold Mines (owned by Newcrest in WA) and the guy next to me was talking like an expert just to discover that he earns $120 K per annum plus all food, lodge and plane fare paid was a TA. In Perth a young graduate engineer normally gets $68000 per annum. A manager in many company with engineering qualifications only get $120000 per annum. Please visit and search for your jobs. There are many sites but probably this is most user friendly.
I think it is the school teacher who is most prosperous. All holidays during school holidays, plenty of sicky, no risk on the failure of students, no public liability insurance, strong union backing, high salary (still unhappy), job protection (when the market is bad more people will send their kids to schools and government will pay from tax), savings of money by not sending children to care when school holidays are running. Just calculate the number of hours they work and then divide dollars by that . Any taker ?
Having worked in mines for more than 20 years I believe every one has 24 hours in a day and it is your call to balance family and quality of life when you are chasing for some extra dollars. One does not get the same quality life as available in Sydney when you are at a minesite out of no where.

21 july 07

$500 an hour? Or was that meant to be 4 day week?

I've always wanted a $500 an hour job...

LOL, I want that job to

Apologies for the typo, add a zero to the hours, should read 40hr week.
I think it is the school teacher who is most prosperous. All holidays during school holidays ... high salary (still unhappy) Miner

As a school teacher in NSW earning $54K, I would like to know where I can get a teaching job with a high salary. I would be happy to move there. As for the holidays, teachers still work during the school holidays - programs, reports, coordinating the next term's events and more. Honestly, there is a lot more work to teaching than people think, and the salary is just living wage, especially if you have a family to support.

{"Plenty of sicky"} - try staying well while being coughed on and wiping noses each day!

{"no risk on the failure of students ... job protection"} - want a bet! Have you hear of performance pay? It is just around the corner!

Sorry, just had to point those things out. There is so much more to this occupation, so much people don't realise is involved. It is definitely not a 9-3 job, and if anyone was going to enter teaching because of the financial gains, then they would be making a big mistake. Just as an aside, I have a sister who used to work for a supermarket chain. She was making the same money as me! Maybe teachers in Western Australia are paid more???


There is no accomodation issues with FIFO.

As many have said here, big rewards with a lot of sacrifice. A person on FIFO in construction on a minesite (this is easy work to get in WA as a huge shortage of people of all levels) will take home well over $100k (skilled trades a lot lot more) and all food, travel and accomodation paid for.

If a young girl can get a HR license and go from checkout chick to operating Cat 785's in a few months earning about 4 times what she did at woolies, then what is stopping you? I know of 3 young ladies who did this and are actually excellent operators. Loads of opportunities out there, especially in construction.

I originally got into mining/construction when I was flat broke, living pay to pay. Now I own several rentals in Perth, a large property we live on and have a very nice share portfolio and cash in the bank and senior position earning a good income. Add to this I eventually put my kids through private school and Uni and we have great holidays every year. For this I sacrificed watching my children grow up, worked apart from my family for many years, almost destroyed my marriage and missed a hell of a lot of life.

Worth it? Now I say yes as all is well at home, during the turmoil years I wasn't so sure.

Don't go into this thinking it is all roses as painted by newspapers and TV shows. Reality is a lot different especially if married with kids. Single people starting out I highly recommend it, it will set you up for life. Just stay away from the bars/drugs/stirrers and invest wisely in shares and property. 5-10 years and you will be able to settle back into a comfortable 'normal' life away from FIFO work. Some love this life, I will never do it again.

The reference to hot bedding, rare occurrence now. This used to be rife due to accom shortage but hardly used now and almost never for fulltime onsite FIFO construction workers. Easiest way to make a strike occur onsite, we avoid this wherever possible and plan accordingly.

Some of the things you won't see in the paper or on tele.
Get a heavy rigid vehicle (HR) truck license .

Now this sounds interesting. I've always wanted to drive one of those big, kick ass Caterpillars! I'd give up my job in China to do that!

There is no accomodation issues with FIFO.

Fair enough.

This is definitely still happening in some CQ coalfield areas.

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