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Mind Reading Market


Pigs In Space
9 July 2004
I swear this market can read my mind!

This morning I had yet another incidence of what's happened many times before. I've watched the price of a share I'm interested in buying (opposite happens with selling though) and it's been up say 2% and sitting around there for some time.

Eventually I decide it doesn't look like it's going to drop back to give me a better entry price, and decide to buy at that price. I switch to another screen to prepare a buy order, then before submitting I go back and refresh the current price. Up 5% now!

C'mon, one minute ago it was only up 2% and had been there for quite a while, why has it suddenly shot up another 3% within seconds of me actually deciding to make the purchase?

I'm going to have to come up with some way of making the trade before I actually think about doing so...

Obviously "great minds think alike" Can only suggest that as soon as you make the decision buy at market price without rechecking. "time is money" perhaps

I am unqualified
GreatPig - I actually think there is a lot to your post ... it is surely not coincidence? Explod on the right track with 'great minds think alike' - as we sit in front of our screens with various alerts triggering our interest we are not alone hahahaha.

HappyT - I had to look up Benjamin Libet on Google ... interesting stuff and very pertinent.

GreatPig = great thread thanks.
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