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Michaelia Cash - The


Apathetic at Best
27 August 2014
The nasal shrieking shrill who is "awe-ways" happy to "negossiate" on her terms is a walking reminder of that awkward time in the sixties when Gossamer hairspray ruled and Germaine Greer was honing her anti male skills. Of course she is "awe-so" a thin veneer away from the LNP Goddess ....Margaret Thatcher.

Anyway I like how Malcolm has her as his nodding head in's like he has re-established the dutiful housewife at her master's side look of the Sol Saks/Sidney Sheldon genres of pre feminist movement. Mal is the man, yeah!
They all do that.
Did you see Daniel Andrews (Victoria's premier) this weekend? He had 3(!) female nodding heads as he talked.

Even the female ministers usually have a female head nodding when they talk. Hardly ever a male head.

Once you start noticing it's hard to ignore. It's ridiculous.

Should say though, Shorten recently had male heads nodding but that was when they were all wearing safety vests. Have to admit, Shorten doesn't tend to go for the nodding heads as much as his Labor predecessors. Gillard was a shocker at it, as was Abbott.
I can't stand Michaelia Cash.

Everything she says seems to come out of the Liberal hymn book. She always talks in cliches and doesn't seem to be able to talk to people as opposed to talking at them.

Same as Christopher Pyne, just get up there and keep talking, it doesn't matter if they actually say anything worthwhile.

This proves Short'un is a misogynist, by Labor party logic

So using these criteria, there must dozens in the Labor party you can't stand?
So using these criteria, there must dozens in the Labor party you can't stand?

Sure, Stephen Conroy is a dill as he proved this morning.

So many politicians on all sides must think they get paid by the word. Brevity is the soul of wit, an idea that is lost on most pollies these days.
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