Can a Christian also celebrate Hannukah, as well as Christmas? Christians have all sorts of views ranging from religious Zionism, to outright anti-Semitism. On the other side there are also various views from Talmudic blasphemy, to Messianic Judaism (Jews who believe in Jesus).
I have said many times on this forum that there are no "The Jews". This applies many times more in the first century Levant. There were actually several branches of Judaism, Pharisees, Essenes etc etc...
...and since roughly 33AD the followers of Jesus.
Going back a little bit, every single book of the Old Testament of our bible (with the exception of one, IIRC) was written by Jew.
Jesus himself, a Jew that celebrated Hannukah and Pessiach.
Every single one of the apostles including Paul, Jewish.
All of the early followers, Jewish.
Every single book of our New Testament was written by Jews.
Catering this is the fact that modern-day Judaism does not reflect the Judaism of the first century. What we have now is Rabbinical Judaism which reflects an innovation subsequent to the distruction of the second temple... from this we have the Talmud, from which has developed a certain amount of bilateral animous, whether justified or not (complex).
Notwithstanding all that, there are many Christians that regard Christianity as the fulfillment of Judaism.... And that is likely to trigger some.
Indeed, the ministry of Jesus was prophesied some 700 years before (Isaiah 53 and elsewhere... which is studiously ignored by Talmudic Jews)
Isaiah was of course... a Jew.
I've ranted on a little bit longer than I intended and I have actually forgotten my initial point I wanted to make
, but for y'alls consideration.