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Merry Christmas 2015

Merry Christmas to all ASFers. I hope the year has been prosperous and you get to enjoy some downtime with friends and family. Wherever your travels might take you, be safe.

(Trivia: Only Paul Kelly song with no chorus)
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Merry Christmas everyone.

About 25,000 lights all up. Not all are in the photo, since it's visible 360 degrees and there's lights on the roof too. Also they're not all on at once due to sequence.

For the technically inclined, average load is about 8kW and peak load about 10kW. Lights are incandescent and LED plus a plasma ball and a xenon tube too. Plus 4 blowers running constantly to keep the inflatables under pressure and a couple of motors in the spare room spinning things around.

Most of the stuff bought locally since the first effort in 1992. Plus a few from Sydney, Adelaide and some imports from the UK.

Takes about 70 hours to set it all up each year.


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That's really something Smurph, well done.

All the best to everyone, and thoughts for absent friends.

See you all next year.
Merry Christmas indeed and may 2016 be a good year, full of passionate but civil debate on this forum. A thought for Julia , hoping her example will soften my own behaviour and add some wisdom.
Great job Smurf, the green in me is a bit scared but most of the energy must be hydro so....
Ah, t'is the season to be jolly. Whilst trolling the interwebz I came across these seasonal gems.

“Christmas is the season when you buy this year’s gifts with next year’s money.” – Author Unknown

“Once again, we come to the Holiday Season, a deeply religious time that each of us observes, in one's own way, by going to the mall of one's choice.” – Dave Barry

“I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six. Mother took me to see him in a department store and he asked for my autograph.” – Shirley Temple

Yes, all have a shopping theme because we need to keep the economy ticking over as our resource and energy sectors are taking a hit so, spend up and have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year one and all.

Oh, and here's another that tickles my funny bone.

“The proper behavior all through the holiday season is to be drunk. This drunkenness culminates on New Year’s Eve, when you get so drunk you kiss the person you’re married to.” – P. J. O’Rourke

Nice one frog, she'd still be telling you to suck it up, and get on with it.Same for the rest of us. lol

Amazing Christmas light display Smurf! Great job. A very Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!
One more sleep until Santa comes!

Whether you've been naughty or nice, a very merry Christmas to all at ASF.
Merry Christmas everyone, all the best for the new year!
Amazing Christmas light display Smurf! Great job. A very Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!

Thanks Joe and you (and everyone else) hopefully will have a good Christmas.

PS - Who messed with the weather? 36 degrees outside which gives the rather unusual situation of Hobart being the equal (with Adelaide) hottest capital city at the moment. Just as well we had a BBQ and didn't cook a roast in the oven today.
A beautiful Christmas light display, Smurf, thanks for sharing.

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas, and all the best for the New Year.

Stay safe all.

Thanks, Joe, for this wonderful forum.
See high resolution satellite imagery from NASA.

97% of scientists agree that this emanates from Smurf's Christmas lights, and not, as the casual observer might initially think, just the city lights.

It's quite noticeable how Smurf's massive kW demand has drained power from the rest of the state

It's quite noticeable how Smurf's massive kW demand has drained power from the rest of the state

1999 - Lights turned on at Midnight 1 December (used to run them all night back then). A few hours later most of southern Tas was blacked out due to a major transmission fault.

All pure coincidence of course, but I've heard plenty of jokes over the years about that one.
We had a Council in Victoria that tried to shut down a families Christmas light display.
Supposedly that family have been doing it for years.

It ended up on the news, and then was reversed.
We had a Council in Victoria that tried to shut down a families Christmas light display.
Supposedly that family have been doing it for years.

It ended up on the news, and then was reversed.
If it's the above you were referring to, maybe you should try and understand the reason why some neighbour(s) raised objections about:
noise, pedestrian and traffic congestion, access to their property and damage.
Celebrating a tradition may be a right, but exercising any right comes with certain responsibilities. Sadly, in recent years, the concept of responsibility and consideration for others is all too often forgotten.
I can see that closing a road for the event may upset some residents. Agreed there.

But the need to close the road in the first place is outright ridiculous. "Liability" etc is nothing more than an excuse and a symptom of too many laws, too many lawyers and not enough commonsense in society these days.
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