This research paper describes my expectations and confidence in Morning Star's upcoming JORC resource statement, due in July, which only includes the morning star dyke located at woods point in victoria. I would also like to point out that the top 20 holders hold 54% of the issued shares as of May 2008 demonstrating that there are many strong holders who have confidence in the company. Furthermore, on the morning star gold MCO website under the page EXPLORATION POTENTIAL you can verify most of what I have written. If the company holds to the range of the initial JORC as stated on the website, which I assume they will in order to strengthen the share price, the JORC would include:
1. The 2007-2008 underground drilling campaign results from the 7 sub-level and the level 9 south area
Many of the drill cores contain visible gold with one assay measuring 1392 g/t Au over 0.38 metres. Up until 7/5/08 (the day the website was updated with fresh info) a total of 43 underground drillholes have been completed in the renewed drilling campaign using company owned diamond drill rigs.
2. The 2006-2007 channel sampling of burns reef, whitelaws reef, campbells reef, tills reef and other reefs from levels 4 - 9 & more recently to level 10. channel sampling usually involves 2 - >5kg individual rock samples.
The average grade was 68 g/t from more than 200 samples to date
3. The 1995-1997 and the 2002-2005 surface trenching and drilling campaigns by MCO
The announcement of 29/7/1999 regarding the AAA-S2 vein system says "... 140,000t @ 5g/t to 11g/t gold inferred resource ...from recent company drilling". I believe that the AAA-S2 reef is close to level 1. This is just one example of known mineralisation in the upper levels of the morning star dyke from the drilling campaigns of the 1990's. However, while this particular reef may not fit the JORC model due to insufficient drillholes perhaps (?), it never-the-less does indicate the potential in the upper levels above level 4. furthermore, the AAA -2 reef was not included in the 1998 resource report.
4. WMC archival records which include over 40 years of meticulous weekly production records and drilling results
About 70% of the 45,000 pages of archival records have now been digitised into a computer resource model. Most weeks the company has 2 people working full time digitising records into a Gemcom model. The archival records include over 600 drillholes that were drilled pre-1961 by the previous owner GME (WMC). The stopes and drillhole assays range from nil to 17608 g/t. In the case of the 17608 g/t sample over a 1.5cm quartz vein (kenny's reef), the diluted grade was approximately 130 g/t over a 2 metre mining width. The archival records would include production and assay results etc. from surface to level 25. WMC drilled to level 32 (equivalent) where drilling finished at a depth of about 1100 metres, still within the mineralised dyke.
5. The original Morrie Goodz report from the surface to level 10
MCO has a 1998 non-JORC resource that measures 430,000 ounces. This report, written by Morrie Goodz, utilized data from the WMC archival records for the underground part, and for the surface assessment Morrie Goodz called on the substantial trenching program of 1995 to 1997. The underground part of the report only included the 13 lodes of the Main Shaft workings from level 2 to level 10 (announcement of 22 july 1998). In other words any lodes NOT associated with the Main Shaft workings were left out of the report.
I have no idea how many more lodes are outlined in the archival records from levels 2 to 10. The company concluded the 1998 (non-JORC) report on the resource of 430,000 ounces with the added note that due to grade factoring "it is not unreasonable that the potential recovered grades may be twice those outlined in the reports" (page 10).
6. LEVELS 11 to 25
While there is not much archival data for levels 11 to 14, the zone below, from levels 15 to 25, has very precise archival records; as WMC were looking at production there in the early 1960's before abandoning the mine due to a low gold price.
In the 4th quarter report of 1999 (29/7/1999) the company mentions that "from level 11 to 25 there has been no change to the 1993 estimate of about 300,000 tonnes at between 3.6 g/t and 14.2g/t Au ... although significant alterations would be likely if computer modelling were to extend to these depths".
In 2008 we now know that computer modelling encompasses the dyke from surface to level 25 (approx.). On the MCO website under "V-floor" you can see some of the progress being made on digitising the archival records data. Alas, that 1993 figure suggests a 50,000 to 60,000 ounce resource from levels 11 to 25, on top of the 1998 non-JORC resource of 430,000 ounces from surface to level 10.
7. Grade Factoring
MCO is a nuggety quartz reef system which means when core is assayed, if the drill missed a nugget by centimetres, then the average grade might be for argument sake 6 g/t Au, but when in production the same reef may average 28 g/t. This discrepancy between the average grade from the drill assays versus the average grade of gold poured at the mill is called "grade factoring". Historically, based on 5 years of production reports against assay reports, this leads to expectations of grade factors of 2 fold to 5 fold. the mention of Grade Factoring can be found on page 9 in the 1998 resource report by morrie goodz.
Note: the JORC due in July will encompass only the morning star dyke. Presently the company is about to begin drilling waverly dyke about 1 km away, which the company regards as having excellent potential for future mining.