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MCC, MCCUSD medical digital currency, Bervey

does anyone know if we can claim this on a tax asset loss or something that may help us recover any money ? Cheers
Pretty sure im 17k aud stuck in their fake site
It’s the worst feeling knowing your hard earned money was stolen. If I lost it trading it wouldn’t be as bad , but the fact I never had a chance, and was being played is the worst
It’s the worst feeling knowing your hard earned money was stolen. If I lost it trading it wouldn’t be as bad , but the fact I never had a chance, and was being played is the worst
Im still in contact with the girl too trying to see if she will let me withdrawl i doubt it but its w.e
Im still in contact with the girl too trying to see if she will let me withdrawl i doubt it but its w.e
keep at it, I was subtly saying im going to withdraw my inital amount i put in (just get my money back, no more, dont want to push my luck) then put even more in at a later date. But if she says "one more" or trys to entice you, dont do it.
keep at it, I was subtly saying im going to withdraw my inital amount i put in (just get my money back, no more, dont want to push my luck) then put even more in at a later date. But if she says "one more" or trys to entice you, dont do it.


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Wow, very similar guys. I received a whatsapp message about a month ago and the profile pic was a pretty girl...UK registered mobile number ending with 969..started conversation with general things and how accidentally she got my number and thought i was somebody else..blah blah and slowing asking me if i invest and she can teach me. She has been insisting me to learn investing from her and we can catch up when the pandemic is over etc etc. I agreed, opened MT4 account, registered etc and only yesterday she wanted me to start by investing USD5000...that made me super suspicious...she said if i can start with USD5000, i can make upto 10,000 profit a week..what a load of crap...i googled and found it is a scam..took a photo of it and sent her..i was still polite she is still asking me to start with a small deposit. I am reporting it to Police as we speak.
Tried to get her to allow me to withdrawl she tried to only allow me to withdrawl 100 and since i made a withdraw order for me she has since ghosted me its a big kick in the guts
So far reported them to the australian cyper crimes division :/ would suggest you all do the same and attempt to charge back through your bank or broker / whatever platform you are using
So far reported them to the australian cyper crimes division :/ would suggest you all do the same and attempt to charge back through your bank or broker / whatever platform you are using
Yeah good idea! ill do that too, let us know how you go
Yeah good idea! ill do that too, let us know how you go
The guy who got me is named jinghong wang
To no surpise i got more of his infomation he lives in china ? had to send a report uk's cyber crime


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Damn... So that's what it was. I've lost 80k of my own money + approx. 500k of Jamie's and 10k of Li's. This whole experience was my introduction to investing, so I was unsure the whole way through. Honestly I've been too ashamed to talk about this because of the large amount of money and the fact I fell for the scam. Looks like the site I was using to store my trading funds no longer exists and I can't even log in to my MT4 account anymore - it says my credentials are invalid?

My main question is: do I need to be worried about repaying the debts to Jamie and Li? What about MT4? It shows my balance as -269.4k, though my equity is positive due to Jamie's credit.

My story:

I was found by some random Singaporean(?) chick, Li Yuting, on Whatsapp addressing me by a different name and then apologising for the mistake, but proceeded to want to be friends on the basis of my living in Australia. Was super suss about it to start, but the conversation was so normal for the first weeks before she even brought up MCCUSD and Bervey Group. Also her regular photos consistently showing the same person + her lunches, etc, made me trust it more. She even showed me the pink Bentley Gave me the taster trading and I made 40k, then she introduced me to her UK mentor, Jamie. Got me to help her pick out a gift for his birthday too...

Regarding withdrawing my money, Li told me not to do it until I had made at least 60k profit, since the broker takes a slice whenever you withdraw. Much later, Jamie urged me to make sure I could withdraw money from the website, which I still haven't figured out.

Continuing to trade, often on my own, I proceeded to lose all the money I made + my principal. Jamie and Li both kept enticing me to invest more money, even raise money by getting loans from friends and family (which I didn't do, thank God), saying it was necessary to 'absorb the financial risk' of the market's volatility and to make back the money I'd lost. They advised I only trade with them and not on my own.

I made profit with Jamie but ended up losing everything with Li, after which Li lent me 15k and Jamie, frustrated with how long things were taking, lent me enough credit to bring my MT4 balance to 100k. The only reason I didn't quit then was because both Li and Jamie lent me money without me asking. It appeared directly in my MT4 app as credit.

After the losses with Li, Jamie suggested I only trade with him, and it went well for a few days until I lost everything with him. He got into this strange frenzy of wiring me more and more credit, at which point I wasn't even trading with my own money, insisting the market would turn according to his predictions. After he'd lent me 500k in total, I said enough and that we'd try again another time when we'd calmed down. He's since told me I have bad luck in trading and it would be a good idea to make back my money with him and then get out of trading lol. That was back in June and I haven't taking up trading again since.

Both Li and Jamie had the habit of showing me screenshots of their losses/gains whenever we traded together, including the date + timestamps, which made them all the more credible. I guess they're part of a much larger group that is essentially earning that money whenever Jamie, Li and I lost - essentially means no loss for the group and a gain of whatever I've lost.
Very unfortunate, they are very cunning and lure you in with pictures and small chat then they scam you. I haven’t told anyone except on this thread.
I wouldn’t worry about owing them money. Once we deposited our money to bervey, it was already gone. We were trading with play money.
Has anybody here come across Rina. Whatsapp girl contacted me recently with trading advice.
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