G'day transit,
Just think of a margin loan as another word for a real estate loan......it is done the same way except the lender has different lending ratios for each stock which is available on their list.
If you wanted to buy a house & you had $50,000, then the lender would probably lend you the balance at 80% of valuation. i.e. your deposit would be $50,000 & you could purchase a house worth $250,000. If the value went up substantially & you saved a bit more, then you may want to buy another house, so then both houses are revalued to see whether your equity would be sufficient to do the deal.
Margin lending is the same, if you have $50,000 (no matter whether it came from LOC or savings), you could buy $166,666 of stocks provided they averaged a LVR of 70%, & as they go up in value, you will have additional equity to buy more. Margin loans are normally open ended, meaning no limit to the borrowed amount provided that the equity is there.