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Man charged with rape, murder of Jill Meagher

Really all I can say is there were 30,000 who actually marched and probably another million or more who were there in spirit.
I've explained it as best I can.
Prostitutes and junkies move in circles where violence is a way of life, BTW I havent heard of any being murdered lately,
And that is my point. You don't hear about such murders, let alone rapes.
Some lives have more value than others.
And that is my point. You don't hear about such murders, let alone rapes.
Some lives have more value than others.

I think we hear all about it if anyone is murdered
Perhaps the rape of a prostitute is viewed differently to the rape of Nun
Some lives may have more value than others not in terms of grief to relatives and friends but in terms of what they contribute to society.
I think we hear all about it if anyone is murdered

Most murders are not reported in the media or are nothing more than a "person charged with murder will appear in xxxx court for hearing" blurb. Junkies and street walkers being murdered just isn't newsworthy because no one really cares.
I think in some instances there is more publicity if it is thought that that publicity will help find the person missing or catch the murderer (whatever the case may be). I assumed that was the situation it this case, especially with the CCTV images of Jill talking to people not long before she disappeared.

Yep. A life is a life is a life. If you take the reaction and drill down just a little way, there's massive judgment about who is valuable, who is not.... who is worthy of support and who is not. If sympathy really is one's favourite game, then the drug-addicted prostitute would actually be more worthy of tears.

Even more unfortunate is the fact that the reaction is not helping the poor family at all, but probably aggravating the situation. Rather than offering real support, they are simply expressing the fact that they are now scared to walk in the dark. This is extremely self-absorbed behaviour. "I AM SCARED!!!" - well bully for you!! Go and get some valium! What about the family??
Most murders are not reported in the media or are nothing more than a "person charged with murder will appear in xxxx court for hearing" blurb. Junkies and street walkers being murdered just isn't newsworthy because no one really cares.
My point exactly.
Most murders are not reported in the media or are nothing more than a "person charged with murder will appear in xxxx court for hearing" blurb. Junkies and street walkers being murdered just isn't newsworthy because no one really cares.

I'd like to see evidence of that.

Every time a taxi driver is killed or even assualted it's big news.

The circumstances of the crime will dictate how much coverage it gets but there wouldn't be many murders that dont attract media attntion.

The circumstances of some are such that they get a lot of media attention.

I think it's peurile of several in here to try to dismiss the actions of 10's of thousands of people and the murder of an innocent woman because you think this murder got more attention than someone elses.

That says nothing about how many murders are reported in the media and are all prostitutes black ?

Ther surly backhanded resentment of the attention this is getting by a few in here is quite off putting.
That says nothing about how many murders are reported in the media and are all prostitutes black ?

I would take "adversity" in the first sentence of the article to include murder. Here are some recent cases that a search of Google have returned no news articles.,jgmtid=160804,jgmtid=160714,jgmtid=160551,jgmtid=160101

This piece of work not only murdered the child but also raped her beforehand...,jgmtid=160367

I'm sure you could trawl through the cases and pull up plenty more. Those were taken from the 10 most recent cases from the NSW SC with the keyword "murder". The ones in the news generally had some interesting aspect. An accountant who killed a lotto winning client, a woman who mutilated her husband's penis etc.

White, middle-class, females being murdered sells newspapers because their audience can relate to the story. It hits a little too close to home.

I don't understand your black prosititute question, sorry.
Yes, but the point Mr Burns made is that it was random.
It didn't involve money or drugs etc.
It involved a women walking home who could be anyone's daughter or wife, being murdered.

It means we all have to fear a bit more for the women in our midst. The walk was a backlash saying we object to this fear and we will not give easily and we will not blame the victim.,jgmtid=160804

Crim kills a crim in custody, so what.,jgmtid=160714

Nut case but I bet it got into the papers anyway,,jgmtid=160551

Money probably drugs,jgmtid=160101

Another nut but doesnt kill a stranger ptobably something else going on.

This piece of work not only murdered the child but also raped her beforehand...,jgmtid=160367

Nut case would have been in the news for sure,

You and others wander into a thread about a murdered woman and proceed to dissect it as if it is getting too much attention.

Put simply you just dont get it, despite previous explanations, which shouldn't have been nessessary in the first place.

Where did I say it was getting too much attention? All I said was that when a white woman gets murdered it receives more attention. You are making inferences about things I never said.

Your "crim kills crim in custody, so what" comment makes my point better than I could, so I'll leave it at that.

You've been inferring that all along don't backflip now..........ok retract that, it was others who were saying that, you came in late, so I'll backflip

Yeah where were those 30,000 people when Carl Williams got whacked, damn unfair I say
Cannot believe that the biggest worry is, if this precious unique snowflake will have fair trial.

Suppose poor woman’s unfair murder is just the emotionless case now.

Will it ever get back to some proper perspective on multi-offending recidivists?

This particular creep will wish he were dead before long, the other prisoners can hardly wait for a chance to get their hands on him.

It's the cost of the trial that is BS, the guy has confessed so whats the expense for ?
This particular creep will wish he were dead before long, the other prisoners can hardly wait for a chance to get their hands on him.

Because of this he will just cost us more, as protective cells cost lots, lots more.
A few days ago I heard that the family where to have a private funeral for Jill and had asked for privacy at this difficult time. Why then have we had a blow by blow description of the funeral in every news bulliten today; mourners arrive for funeral, mourners given white ribbons, white doves released at the funeral etc. Surely the press she be well away from this? There is no way in the world this can be called news and the public has no right to know anything about this private funeral
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