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Man charged with rape, murder of Jill Meagher

Thats a derivation of free speech, you'll never get people not to comment, it's the publishing of his photo thats the contempt of Court issue.

added - I mean as far as the general public go, media outlets have to toe the line.
Thats a derivation of free speech, you'll never get people not to comment, it's the publishing of his photo thats the contempt of Court issue.

added - I mean as far as the general public go, media outlets have to toe the line.

champions free speech but wants a police state, what a dichotomy
Thats a derivation of free speech, you'll never get people not to comment, it's the publishing of his photo thats the contempt of Court issue.

That might be the case but it seriously jeopardises the chances of a successful trial. An impartial jury is essential in our legal system.

Any defence lawyer will be running an argument similar to Mockbel's -

This maggot led the police to the girls grave, how much more evidence is needed ..?

But maybe your right, if social media whatever that is, has the possibility of rendering court cases impossible to prosecute, then maybe it's something to look at, but I suspect that as long as it's making serious money or providing stats and info for the connected, then it's highly unlikely to be banned, restricted or similar..!!
As horrible, sad and gruesome as this is, remember there's hundreds of innocents murdered each year in Australia, and thousands each year in other countries. Had the victim not been fresh-faced, young and wholesome, you would hardly be aware of it. Dos the fact that she lived in Melbourne mean more than if she had lived in Budapest? What if she was not fresh-faced, wholesome and young? On the news there were total strangers weeping at the dress shop where she disappeared. Many of them didn't know her at all.

At first I wondered whether this was people being manipulated by the media. Then I realized it wasn't so much about that, even though there's an element of this at play. The root cause is that people believe that "bad things shouldn't happen to good people"... and the image of Jill was of a "good person". We want to feel that if we are good, that somehow we are safe. When this belief is ripped from under our feet, the reaction is strong.

Beliefs are extremely powerful. What we feel is about us, not her.

I hope the family finds some peace. But really... deep down... it's about me... just as your reaction is about you.

I think her fresh face typified the young woman of today, typical, out for a drink with friends then a short walk home.

Thousands do this all the time, not so much any more, this nasty piece of work took away the innocence and feeling of security for thousands of young women and those who love them, the fact we saw her moments before she was taken gives a chillling edge to it all.

It brings tears to many peoples eyes to see that footage and know that was the last time anyone saw her alive..

As for other murders here and overseas, yes they go on all the time but not as visible and to someone who was very much one of us.
Gringotts Bank: your PM inbox is full. Could you clear it out?
... , it's the publishing of his photo thats the contempt of Court issue.

added - I mean as far as the general public go, media outlets have to toe the line.

The trick is photo was published before he was charged officially.

I also think this 'fair trial' thing is a joke, not publishing photo.
Humans are emotional and prejudice is one of the traits that saves us from otherwise nasty surprises, so I think this 'fair trial' is political correctness for the sake of professional legal people who are more and more detached from real life.

Let's not forget that this monster was supposedly rehabilitated after violent sexual crime and on bail after king hit.
Whoever from parole board who signed off the release has some blame in his/her folder.

If everything was by the letter of the law, this precious snowflake would be still in locker.

Of course correct me if I am wrong.

Of course correct me if I am wrong.

No you're right.

Photos have been removed from web sites, the justice system needs an overhaul, perhaps then we wouldn't hope this guy gets out so some real justice can be dispensed.
Look at the distain people have with the alleged perp to realize courts are out off touch
I think that this case was different because it went Missing Person -> Suspect Found -> Body Found + social media.

I am sure that the same would have happened if the Samantha Knight tragedy had happened in this day and age.
I think, guilt beyond any shadow of doubt, won't be difficult to prove. If as reported, the suspect took the police to the body. One would think a confession was forthcomming.
Yes, there is a confession and he led her to the body.

I think this case was different because of the CCTV footage, and the media/police calling the public in for help -- who is this man talking to her etc?
I think people would have got involved more so.
I like to see the outcome of all cases.

Agree with your comments Happy and Mr Burns, regarding leniency in our justice system.

Agree, Agree Agree wholeheartedly
The more public outcry over letting these people live the better.
The law has gone so far backwards in the last few decades that this type of behavious is almost now encouraged. - No reason not to commit these crimes - No real punishment.

What a big man! Can commit this against a defensless woman, but put him in a police car and all he can do is hide his ugly face from the media.

How can his defence be jeopardised by us commenting when he took the police to her grave?

I now wonder if he will get some sort of lesser sentence because he plead guilty.
Isn't that part of the law a joke too.
I now wonder if he will get some sort of lesser sentence because he plead guilty.
Isn't that part of the law a joke too.

This guy wil get life, anything less and there would be a riot.

The justice systen can work when it's forced to.

Too bad they've already let countless scum loose to roam free among us and our families.
30000 people airing their dirty laundry. That's all I saw.

Just allow the poor family to grieve and stop adding to their difficulties.

If people desperately want to have a peace march (and achieve nothing), then do it without involving them.
30000 people airing their dirty laundry. That's all I saw.

Just allow the poor family to grieve and stop adding to their difficulties.

If people desperately want to have a peace march (and achieve nothing), then do it without involving them.

The family were there, WTF is wrong with you ?
The family were there, WTF is wrong with you ?
I definitely have sympathy for the poor girl and her family. It's just the huge reaction from people that didn't know her. At heart, such people are more concerned with themselves than the girl or her family. It's just screwed up.

Bad things happen to good people, and there's not a damn thing any peace march will do to remedy that. That's how life is.
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