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Looking for the grand unifying theory...

10 August 2015
Hi all,
the frustration is coming to a head for me... i'm hoping that there's someone in the world who has found some way to unify all our program and platform requirements?...

currently i am charting on trading view, executing through MT4, using a position size calculator on my android phone, and trying to journal in excel spreadsheet.
it's infuriating.

is anyone else finding that they NEED a coherent package?...

If i'm dreamin', tell me so...

but i'm looking for one platform for charting, execution, ea's, journalling, brokerage, and historical statistical analysis of my trade records, all in one... y'know all the bells and whistles... one click trade, trade management, auto transfer of signals into the platform to be executed...

am i asking for too much from the industry?...

even if it's not possible, if anyone has a setup that sort of comes close, i'm *very* interested to know how you all do it, and how you achieve some level of efficiency in all this...

many thanks!.
Im pretty sure you can do this with IB.
Im sure they have interfaces.

You need to get with an expert who can work
with you. To programme some of your proprietary stuff
to integrate with IB's.
I have to agree with tech/a
IB is your best if not the only possibility because of the APIs on offer.
There is a simple one for Excel that should meet your requirements, and a more adventurous one for Python.
But as tech/a said, you will have to write the code.
Python the way to go more flexible.
Before you ask no I cant code in python but
have someone who does. Im not set up with IB.
In the way you are wanting but sure you can do it.

I know people how are.

1. @efflux, checkout the chartist as they cover most of what you are after -

2. Personally, I use three pieces of software to achieve the requirements you have listed above & all three work hand-in-glove. Amibroker is a charting program that's powerful & ultra-fast Exploration tool to scan the market for opportunities & inefficiencies. With Amibroker & a good Data supplier, you are good to go. Share Trade Tracker handles all the paperwork & reporting. If you have these three pieces of software you have the complete package (IMHO).

There are 3 pieces of software I couldn't live without as a trader:
(1) AmiBroker -
(2) Norgate data -
(3) Share Trade Tracker -

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