Regarding bruham's comment that "only losers use managed funds", that's probably somewhat of a harsh generalisation.
What I don't like about managed funds is that you always pay a percentage of your invested capital to the Fund Manager. If the fund does brilliantly well (not often) then you probably won't mind, but bear in mind that if the market experiences a downturn and your capital invested sees a fall, you continue paying that percentage to the Fund Manager (even though to all intents and purposes his management is losing your money!) That said, I know a couple of people who have done well out of property trusts with about 20% pa capital growth and annual yield of around 7 or 8%, though there is not usually any franking attached to that yield.
I can't offer any advice, but have you considered buying a few blue chip companies with well established track records, and importantly, good dividend yield with 100% franking, so that even if the market drops you have the consolation of the income still coming. I always keep my long term investment funds in mostly this kind of stock and therefore get less concerned when the inevitable market falls occur.
Although I would imagine most of the members of this forum would be against this suggestion, you could also consider putting one small trade through via a full service broker, paying their minimum brokerage, usually about $95 (yes, far too much!). However, becoming a client will then entitle you to unlimited discussion with your advisor whose advice you can accept or reject and also access to all their research and their website.
You have probably also already had a look at the ASX website. If not, do. It contains a lot of useful information when you are starting out.
Whatever you decide, good luck, and don't be put off by disparaging comments.