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Lol, QE3? Try raising wages and giving something back to people to SPEND

Re: Lol, QE 3? Try raising wages and giving something back to people to SPEND

Inflation is measured as a general increase in the price of goods and services. There are considerations for substitutions and improved quality but they're far from perfect.

If all the tradespeople in an area suddenly got raised to 1.5 mill a year, they'd stop buying bread and start having their breakfast cooked by the restaurant industry the CPI just wouldn't' be able to handle that sort of a shift and would assume people still have bread for breakfast when working out the weighted basket of goods. Meanwhile 3 out of the 4 town bakeries have closed down and all the bread being sold now costs $4 instead of $1 an the price of restaurant cooked food has gone through the roof as the 1.5M tradie will glady pay for it.

The person on minimum wage say $17 an hour, is stuck eating $4 loaves of bread.

In your world, there is now only one bakery in the town and a fancy restaurant. The bakery employees are now all unemployed, leaving the remaining bakery to increase it's price to $5.

The end result is less jobs - less bakeries and due to monopolistic position is raises the price to $6. People are broke and hungry.

In my world 10% of income is spent on bread, bread went up 400% means you get a 40% raise in the minimum wage which means all of the bakeries stay operational, selling bread at $4 a loaf to workers on $23.8 an hour enough to keep pace with the increased price of bread due to a re-structuring of the economy.

My shares in the bread company continue to increase by 8% every six months and everyone is happy - inflation also bumps up those share prices and the bread company retains profitability AND there is a booming restaurant industry in the town.

Oh, the tradies however, extracting maximum utility due to the monopoly position of their labour can only extract $7 an hour less from the company as it has to pay an increased minimum wage.

End result - bread companies more profitable - restaurant and tradies slightly less profitable winners compensated the losers.

A few tradies are pissed off that poor people can afford bread. We call them "austrian school economists"
Re: Lol, QE 3? Try raising wages and giving something back to people to SPEND

YOU HAVE NO ARGUMENT! So you resort to this sort of bollocks, gawd if I had a dollar for every little Internet troll that has resorted to calling me disingenuous, asinine or better still, a sociopath... LOL --> simply because they can't muster an argument to save their sorry butts!

GO ON... tell the folks at home why 150K a year minimum wages would fail and then in the next breath tell them why say a 35K minimum wage would work and just what is so different, that is aside from scale!

I mean you yourself argue that more is better right? 2 is > 1 and 150 is > 35

Can't do it can you?

Re: Lol, QE 3? Try raising wages and giving something back to people to SPEND

LOL... I just had to preserve this gem.

And you are the guy telling people they are spouting nonsense.

DUDE! If you can't see why that is wrong NO ONE can help you.

Take the blue pill and let the fantasy resume.

Don't go into business, your head would explode having to deal with free market realities!


Thanks for the chuckle.
Re: Lol, QE 3? Try raising wages and giving something back to people to SPEND

You're depending on an argument from a first year introductory text book which has been proven to have no practical application at all.
solid argument, im laying bets that Mr Magoo isn't a sydney uni arts student working in a cafe

If I were an arts student I would care about the human side of all of this. I personally hate people. I don't care if they're rich or poor, but I do want to live in an environment where I can one day invest and become wealthier than other people so that I can have power of them.

For that to happen I need two things :

1) The economy to grow
2) I need to earn enough to be able to one day invest in said economy

As for working in a Cafe, I wish. Lots of sexy young ladies work in Cafes. I could try and impress them with my office job. Unfortunately I'm not good looking enough to work in a Sydney Cafe. Otherwise I would get a weekend cash job for play money and to ruthlessly hit on the women working there.
Re: Lol, QE 3? Try raising wages and giving something back to people to SPEND

You're depending on an argument from a first year introductory text book which has been proven to have no practical application at all.

Even if that was the case, cite reference please, the argument is very sound and it stands head and shoulders above NO ARGUMENT AT ALL!

Come on dufus U can do better than that! :
Re: Lol, QE 3? Try raising wages and giving something back to people to SPEND

Even if that was the case, cite reference please, the argument is very sound and it stands head and shoulders above NO ARGUMENT AT ALL!

Come on dufus U can do better than that! :

I just gave you an entire page of references. It is obvious I'm being trolled.

If you have some emperical evidence I would love to see it. I am happy to be proven wrong.
Re: Lol, QE 3? Try raising wages and giving something back to people to SPEND

I just gave you an entire page of references.

Not for that last claim you didn't. You LIE!

It is obvious I'm being trolled.

Come now Gloria, complain to a mod if you feel an affront upon your person has tarnished your, ahem, impeccable reputation.

If you have some emperical evidence I would love to see it. I am happy to be proven wrong.

After you my dear fellow... but we get ahead of ourselves, first you should present a logical argument... a coherent thesis as to why peoples asses don't get fired when employers are forced to pay them too much!

Pssssst.... you are talking to someone who has actually replaced low paid positions with better equipment and fewer but more highly paid operators due to minimum wage requirements.

Before you call me heartless the move defended the company, giving the rest of the employees greater security, my first duty was to actually stay in business.

Ya see kid I have actually been there and done it...
Saw this today and thought it was a good "economics for dummies" approach of showing just how much debt the US has, and how little would result from "taking it all from the rich". Unfortunately, he didn't show what effect would be made if spending was cut back to a "bare bones" govt.

Re: Lol, QE 3? Try raising wages and giving something back to people to SPEND

You lost me at "C".

Your argument amounts to this :

There was a rabbit on a stone, so I shot the kangaroo and then ran out of pink paint. That is why you should never leave you umbrella out in the sun !

You'd be surprised to find I've actually been involved with similar obviously not controlling all of it myself and the funniest part is that it was nothing to do with minimum wage. Infact the low skilled workers were already on more than that.
Re: Lol, QE 3? Try raising wages and giving something back to people to SPEND

You'd be surprised to find I've actually been involved with similar obviously not controlling all of it myself and the funniest part is that it was nothing to do with minimum wage. Infact the low skilled workers were already on more than that.

Then you haven't been involved have you? You where dealing with a market set wage above minimum, you had the possibility of offering lower wages and retaining the positions.... interesting that you still chose the knife. We put it off as long as we could but in the end union storm troopers kept trying to stir our shop up and ended up forcing our hand.

Magoo you have done it again!

It is very obvious you don't really get this, put yourself in the driving seat of a small business, ask yourself how you would handle a wage that the market will no longer allow you to pay, what gives genius?

You still need to say why we can't set the floor at 150K and put Australian workers at the top of the international tree. Why, if your argument (such as it is --> cut and paste from a wiki) is correct can't we just do that? STOP RUNNING AWAY FROM A LEGITIMATE QUESTION.
Re: Lol, QE 3? Try raising wages and giving something back to people to SPEND

You're depending on an argument from a first year introductory text book which has been proven to have no practical application at all.

US teenage and black unemployment figures pre and post effective minimum wage (the first 10 years of the minimum wage was so low it effectively didnt exist due to ww2 inflation)...

your example of the $1.5million dollar tradie is ridiculous... if tradies pay went to $1.5 million and everything else ceterus paribus, what sort of price would the business charge to make a profit with such high costs? How many consumers would they find at said prices? Would people not be attracted at such high wages as to increase the supply of labour and thus bring wage prices down for tradies?

You are a pyromaniac in a field of strawmen
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