Sadly, you're right. I think most investors do not take sufficient care and scrutinize all of the available information prior to making investments. Also, I'm one of the investors who is now suffering because of the over reliance placed upon fund managers and IFA's - and the misplaced assumptions that:
* the best interests of both fund managers and investors must be the same, so therefore all actions by the managers must therefore be in the best interests of the investors
* on-going advice provided by the same financial advisors who introduced investors to the funds, and who continue to receive trailing commissions, must be independent and balanced - and in the best interests of the investor
These misplaced assumptions remind me of the oft repeated saying by an old work colleague that "in the race of life, always back self-interest because you know it's having a fair dinkum go".
However naive, I expect that information should be presented in a way that is clear and accurate. LM's advice dated 22 June 2012 included a table entitled "Retail Performance Comparison of $10,000 investment since inception" in which performance of FMIF is compared against two funds which LM considers 'comparable', and taking into consideration full performance and any unit price movements over time ie. Challenger Howard Mortgage Fund and Colonial First State Mortgage Income Fund
Putting aside for the moment a detailed comparison, this table shows the FMIF as having 0.00%; 2.50% and 4.83% performance over the last 1 year, 3 year and 5 year periods respectively.
HOW CAN THIS BE SO?????????, given:
* the unit value has fallen 27% (to 73 cents) in the last 2 years
* no income has accrued since 1/1/2010
IThe reality with this mob is that they will do anything to prolong the existence of the FMIF because that is where they are paid from. On My calculations based on the size of their other funds, FMIF accounts for circa 75% of their total topline revenue. If it were to be liquidated in its entirety which it should have been over three years ago that cashflow stops for LM. This is one of the key points where the RE I believe has breached the corporations act in that it has put its own interest ahaed of those of its investors
I would be suggesting to you all to work on a Zero return from FMIF. The debt to asset ratio of as you know is now north of 70% based on rubbery valuations. This is largely because most of the borrowers/loans are in default and interest owing has been capitalised to the point that there is areally big chance of negative equity situation. 18 months ago I was advised that they had identified properties to sell and were vigorously marketing them. I asked to see the marketing advertisements etc and who they were listed with and they would not provide that information.
Only last week they were to commence adviser briefings with more this week. None went ahead last week, would be interesting to see whether they went ahead this week.
And then we have the financial advisors on the drip feed - it'll be interesting to see (if possible), the number of advisors who say "liquidate the fund LM - give punters back their money": translated as, "we know that we're severing the fiscal drip, but we think it's the right thing to do.
Others might say "hang in there LM - the market'll improve": may be translated by some investors as "we care, we want punters to have a fair crack at recovery - we're not thinking of that handy fiscal drip, we think it's the right thing to do", other investors might come to a very different translation.
"Irishdan", you're right about those accruals - it might be comforting for investors to see a lift up in fund value as a consequence of any level of accruals (interest receivable), but if such accruals don't translate to cash, there'll simply be a price to pay (for investors) in the future, and that future might be quite near.
However the substantive losses will probably be incurred when assets are actually sold - as I've previously mentioned, if such assets aren't being sold because the market isn't willing to pay the price, then bringing down the price to meet the market in order to make sales and return money to investors (and to repay bank debt) could every well be a real shocker for investors (whether they hold or sell).
Thanks for all research Dinga, ASICK, Irishdan.
I also happen to be an unlucky investor who has been led down the LM garden path by their financial advisor. I actually asked for the funds to be redeemed before the GFC and subsequent LM freeze, but was refused redemption once the fund was frozen, even though an redemption application was subimitted 6 months earlier. Like many others, I'm tearing my hair out about this.
So Piper Alderman are looking into action re: LM and the frozen funds? I also heard this firm ( were also interested in representing investors. Is there a consensus yet as to which firm would be the best to represent investors?
Additionally, has anyone been in contact with the financial ombudsman regarding this?
As an aside, I'm sure you all know about LM's expansion plans...
Please excuse any ignorance on my behalf regarding this - I've only just come across this forum.
... "Various of your questions properly require information currently being finalised for all investors, including the BIS Shrapnel report.
Please bear with us while BIS shrapnel finalises that report and it is fully considered by LM and integrated into our financial modelling; to then be included with all the information for investors, with a two week consultation period with the regulator regarding same, following which it will be ready to send to investors." ...
Isn't the 'financial modelling' the very thing you're seeking information on?
An analogy might be "We're waiting for the numbers to add BEFORE we're prepared to show you how to add numbers".
Dinga, Methinks more BS from LM - to my mind there's no transparency in anything you've posted from LM. :1zhelp:
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