An update on the RG45 issue - which I find completely extraordinary (but I guess not really surprising given the continuing littany of LM disappointments)
Under ASIC Regulatory Guide 45, LM is required to provide updated RG45 disclosures at least every 6 months or more frequently to explain if material changes occur earlier.
The latest RG45's for the FMIF and CPAIF (and I assume WFMIF) were issued in August 2011, with the accompanying Portfolio Update as at 31 May 2011.
When I asked to be provided with a copy of the February 2012 updates, LM advised that "ASIC only requires RG45 documents to be completed as and when there has been a 'material change' to the funds, the last time was in August 2011."
When I asked LM to reconsider that extraordinary advice (since there had clearly been many material changes since May 2011/August 2011 including LM's radically changed strategy; arrangements with Deutsche Bank; write-down in unit values; liquidity position; LVRs etcetc), LM simply said "We are preparing an updated RG 45 to accompany the further financial and asset information to be sent to investors with the voting information and their invitation to elect investment allocations".
I find it very disturbing that financial information of critical interest to investors has not been updated for over a year.
Of even more concern to me is that in May 2012 LM was asking investors approve major changes to the FMIF Constitution (with profound implications for their investments) without the benefit of updated/current information.
I also think it is completely unacceptable for investors to now have to wait another 2 or 3 months before receiving such information (assuming the new vote occurs in August/September) 2012.
I have raised these concerns with LM but don't hold much hope of success since an email to me from the CEO (Mr Drake) himself was that "we are hardly in the mood to respond to your ongoing deluge of demands".
Is this behaviour typical of that exhibited by REs of other frozen funds????
Any tips/suggestions on what we poor investors can do to best protect our interests?
Well, I thought I'd seen it all. I've just read the letter LM sent to investors - what a load of rubbish.
The law mandates that an investor is entitled to obtain a copy of the fund's members' registry for the purpose of writing to investors and expressing an opinion as well as to seek the opinions of others. Without such a course of action, members could not get together and pursue common goals such as changing a manager or amending the fund's constitution.
Yes, investors are all strangers to each other until they get to know each other - I most certainly hope that members of the LMIF get to know each other sooner rather than later - get a copy of the registry - talk to each other - and do what you feel you have to do.
Good luck with it.
"Managing registry access requests
Many managers have sought to deflect this activity on the basis of privacy concerns. Generally, this defence has proved weak and the Federal Court has ordered fulfilment of requests in accordance with the relevant governing law – the Corporations Act. The list of those who have been dragged before the Federal Court include AXA, Challenger, Clime Asset Management, LM Investment Management and Wesfarmers (who settled on the steps of the Court).
The Corporations Amendment (No. 1) Act 2010 has introduced provisions whereby issuers of securities under the Corporations Act may limit certain access to member registers to protect investors. However, these amendments are restricted in their application.
In addition, the amendments introduced new obligations with regard to computer access that most issuers would be unprepared for." (emphasis added)
“Australian law was amended in December 2010, to prevent the use of member registers to make unsolicited offers to Australian investors. As a destination for international investment, Australia needs to comprehensively outlaw Tweed’s practices in order to protect all investors."
and so it should have been - a little too late for Trilogy's PFMF.
However, the amendment does not prohibit members obtaining the registry with the view of contacting each other in order to change the manager or the fund's constitution.
"Obtaining a copy of the register of members
The responsible entity of a scheme is required under the Corporations Act to maintain a register of members of the scheme. The register may assist members considering calling a meeting by providing contact details for other members. A responsible entity must provide a copy of the members’ register within 7 days, if a person requests it and pays the necessary fee."$file/info111-information-for-investors-in-frozen-funds.pdf (bottom page 4 of 12)
UPDATE - LM has moved on some important issues.
2. LM has agreed to provide the minutes of the FMIF Members' meeting on 16 May 2012. Have suggested this kind of information/documents should in the future be circulated as a matter of course, and not be dependent upon request by a member.
UPDATE - LM has moved on some important issues.
1. I've been advised that the Members' Registers for both the FMIF and CPAIF will be provided to me. I have arranged to collect the USB stick this Tuesday, 19 June and will provide a further update then.
Call me Thomas, but I will believe it when I see it......
Have just received the minutes - haven't had time to consider (esp the implications of the vote split) but here they are....
View attachment 47562
Have just received the minutes - haven't had time to consider (esp the implications of the vote split) but here they are....
View attachment 47562
At last, an excellent article by a knowledgeable, financial journo.
Attached is LM response to this SMH article. As usual, am posting it with some very brief and initial thoughts:
1. This communication seems very different in style to the usual LM material - bears the fingerprints of PR professionals????
2. The style of this response, provision of the 16 May meeting minutes, promise of updated RG45, eventual delivery of the FMIF and CPAIF members' registers - do these indicate a more open and reasonable approach to valid investor concerns??? (very much hope so, although LM previously told me I would be hearing from their lawyers)
3. Fee levels seem extraordinary - especially for the feeder funds. If the true fees are to be totalled (ie. FMIF plus Feeder Funds), this means my CPAIF fee hit has been:
* 2008: 1.21%
* 2009: 5.92%
* 2010: 2.17%
* 2011: 4.93%
OUCH! Why should this be so?????? What am I missing????
4. The table of comparative performance would seem very rubbery - and especially dependent upon the re-appraisal of the realistic value of the underlying assets, and the effect on unit prices. Awaiting that detail with much interest.
Anyhow, here it is:
View attachment 47596
“The three feeder funds are naturally also frozen and affected by the same provision.** These funds will also be given the opportunity to vote for similar constitutional changes to implement liquidity mechanisms within those funds to provide the same investor choices as to “hold” or “sell”, or a combination of the two.* The LM First Mortgage Income Fund will allocate the interests of those funds to “sell” or “hold” as directed by their investors.”
Actually, the members of the feeders have no right to 'direct' the FMIF to do anything. The manager (as manager of the feeder funds) will cause units invested in the FMIF on behalf of members of the feeder funds to be “held” or “sold” according to feeder funds' members' elections. Members shouldn't forget that members of the feeder funds are not 'relatives' of members of the LMIF.
My understanding is that LM (as RE of each Feeder Fund) holds those investments on behalf of the unit holders, and therefore cannot exercise those FMIF investments since it has 'an interest' in the proposed changes to the Constitution.
* I also understand that LM can apply to ASIC, to gain relief from this standard restriction - for example where there is a benefit to be gained for investors.
Clearly if an unrelated party was RE of those feeder funds, that RE could - and no doubt would - want to vote on those changes - presumably after canvassing the opinions of the individual investors. Seems to me a similar outcome is what investors in CPAIF, WFMIF and ICPAIF should be demanding - since they collectively hold 43.8% of the value of the FMIF.
What I find bloody annoying are the mixed messages being given by LM on whether or not the Feeder Fund members will be allowed to vote on changes to the FMIF Constitution (see the latest example above)
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