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For those interested this article appeared a couple of days ago and mentions possible plans by FTI to hand back control to LM management and the need for additional finance, ideally from Deutsche bank
"FTI Consulting is set to apply to the Queensland Supreme Court to be installed as receiver of LM Investment Management’s controversial $401 million property fund."
and who could blame them? after all, there's a bag full of $$$$ on offer ....
Rumours ..
... a potential filing for bankruptcy
... the potential loss of a beautiful abode
Well Thomas, I am..... picked up the USB stick apparently containing both FMIF and CPAIF registers of members, without any further unnecessary hindrance from LM.
Have only had a very cursory look, but was shocked (when really I shouldn't have been - since the Federal Court noted there were a large number of elderly investors in FMIF) to see a large number of listings of deceased estates. Let's hope there are not very many more of us in that category before we can retrieve at least some of our monies...
Will be having a much better look over the weekend, to see how best I can try to facilitate the networking between we poor investors, and the development of options/consensus on how best to proceed to maximise the chances.
As always, really welcome the benefit of the experience of folks who have trod similar, unfortunate paths....
Thank you ASICK for this link.
As a new member of this Forum I have been very grateful for the numerous earlier posts that you - and others such as DINGA (who generously took the initiative to actually start the Forum to bring people together) - have made. Like countless others I just wish I had been more alert to all these sorts of issues before investing in LM.
Any thoughts as to my earlier post/query re. financial advisors being treated as creditors .. ? Or are their commissions just breadcrumbs when set alongside the other losses from the fund ?
Thanks and regards.
From today's media reports nationally it looks like where there was smoke there is now fire... What is wrong with these guys and Related Party transactions. Have they not heard of arms length transactions ??? The Gold Coast is a joke as were the cliche beachfront mansions bought with other people's money...
By the way what were Drake's academic qualifications...
Hi Taja,
It seems the advisor commissions are/were drawn from the fund. See 2012 financials page 8 ($2,165,236 paid), and page 18 (note 2(I) - commission may be paid).
However, as a guess, any legal obligation to pay advisors might arise out of an agreement between LMIML and the advisors (with the $$$ drawn by LMIML from the fund as authorised by the PDS).
"LM Investment Management, had not resigned as trustee of the fund, despite a provision in the fund constitution stipulating it must do so upon the appointment of administrators. He denied it would be a conflict of interest to be appointed as both receiver of the fund and administrator of LMIM." (emphasis added)
Ah, the fresh aroma of $$$$$s wafting gently thru the air.
Dear ASICK -
Thanks again for the thoughts and the links. The SMH article link suggests that financial advisors may still be "owed" some $ 9.9 million on top of the $ 2.165 million already paid out, which you refer to. I still find it hard to accept that promises by LM to these advisors (even via written agreements with LM) for % commissions still places them in the category of "creditors", with the priority claim on funds that being a "creditor" entails. Surely to be a creditor you have had to have lent something .. But then I have been very naive so far and still have a great deal to learn about this murky world.
On another issue - I had asked DINGA is could share the register list of investors (he mentioned having got hold of this some months ago, last year). I would be keen to try and contact fellow investors here in Thailand. Any chance you might have this and be able to share?
Thanks and regards.
For the interest of others, this is the reply I received from FTI re what is a creditor
This is what I asked - I am advised that you consider Investors such as myself NOT CREDITORS, given the definition in the ASIC Doc I find this difficult to understand.
Specifically I have applied for a Redemption in 2008 and along with many thousands of other similar Investors we have requested our money back. If that does not fits the ASIC definition I don’t know what does
I fully understand that DB etc are Creditors , but most of the money that LM has is Investors money NOT so called creditors. At last check DB was owed only $25 -29Mil . Investors are owed Hundreds of Millions in Redemptions.
A detailed explanation is requested re why you do not consider Investors as Creditors is requested please ...
Dear all,
I'm one of the poor foreign investors in LM performance fund. Who can tell how many investors we are in this fund? Apparently, the creditors, advisors (who advised us to invest in this fund) benefit from a priority over the others (investors). There are meetings planned with creditors not with any of us by FTI. Who can help us to defend our interest? How can we get together and represented by an association based in Australia? I think that it's important to be heard...
... As I noted above, I will try and get a list of investors and let you know. Like you, I am outside Australia (a UK national living in Thailand) and I am especially keen to hook up with others – especially those who may have been “persuaded” by the same Bangkok-based financial advisor (who assured me that LM was “bank-like”, solid, v low risk, and all the rest – all of which I bought like a child).
In regard to pressing our collective interest – given our absence from the meetings being run by FTI and general lack of any voice for investors – please note that at least two Aussie law firms are on the case: Piper Alderman and Slater & Gordon. I am trying to talk to them to see (a) what line they will be taking and (b) what they can do for non-Australians such as ourselves. Will post anything I hear.
Regards to all from Thailand.
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