Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

LDR - Lode Resources

27 June 2010
Lode Resources was established for the primary purpose of exploring and acquiring gold, copper and silver exploration tenements in the New England Fold Belt of NSW, Australia.

The Company is exploring tenements located in the New England Fold Belt in northern NSW and covers an area of more than 950 square kilometres. All the Company’s exploration licences are fully granted and fully owned by the Company.

Lode's six projects have the following key criteria:
  • 100% ownership;
  • significant preliminary surface work including geochemistry and/or geophysics;
  • under drilled and/or open-ended brownfields prospects; and
  • demonstrated high grade mineralisation and/or potential for large mineral occurrences.
The company has inherited a significant geological database as well as undertaking its own exploration work and believes the Tenements have potential for the discovery of large scale commercially viable gold, copper and silver mineralisation.

The six projects are:

Uralla Gold (incorporating Uralla West): The historical and significant Uralla Goldfield where two mineralisation styles are being targeted, that being high grade mineralised veins and high tonnage mineralisation associated with cupula structures. Previous work has discovered and delineated the former style of mineralisation in high-grade lodes that remain open and many targets including high grade surface samples, defined through preliminary surface work, were not followed up with drilling.

Webbs Consol Silver: Webbs Consol is a historical silver mining centre with high grade silver bearing lodes providing attractive targets that are essentially drill ready. Historical records of underground sampling indicated open ended high-grade mineralisation remains at relative shallow depths and subsequent geophysical anomalies were never followed-up by drilling.

Fender Copper: This project has four known copper deposits of which the Trough Gully copper mine is a drill ready target. In addition previous exploration surface work has delineated two significant copper anomalies presenting potential large tonnage targets.

Elsinore Copper: The project possesses a large 6km regional magnetic and IP anomaly with anomalous base/precious metals in geochemical sampling.

Thor Gold: This project contains a large 2km long gold anomaly potentially associated with high level intrusions and/or the surface representation of large and deep crustal structures.

Tea Tree: This project covers a historical goldfield which is underexplored with only two drill holes of which one intercepted gold mineralisation but with no follow-up drilling.

It is anticipated that LDR will list on the ASX during May 2021.

Listing date25 May 2021 #
Company contact details
Ph: 02 9008 1381
Principal ActivitiesMineral exploration
GICS industry groupTBA
Issue Price$0.20
Issue TypeOrdinary Fully Paid Shares
Security codeLDR
Capital to be Raised$7,500,000
Expected offer close date10 May 2021
UnderwriterNot underwritten. Novus Capital Limited (Lead Manager)
An inauspicious launch today... opened at 17c, ended Day One at 13.5c.. :(

Doing a little better today, up to 16c following the release of their July Presentation. Makes interesting reading.
and 17c.

IPO raises $5,115,200 (was targeting $7.5M)

Interesting presentation. LDR makes the case the New England Fold Belt had as interesting and prolific a history of success as the Lachlan FB, but is now under explored and under drilled for gold, silver and copper

a. Three projects drill ready
b. Targeting gold, silver and copper mineralisation
c. Brownfield status defined by historical mining and significant surface work
d. Under drilled and/or open ended mineralisation
e. Drilling commences 3Q21

Prospective Projects
1. Uralla Gold ........ Intrusive Related Gold System (IRGS) constituting a significant gold field ... drill ready
2. Webbs Consol Silver ... High grade silver bearing lodes, 3 attractive targets ... drill ready
3. Trough Gully (Fender) .... VMS style copper deposit ... drill ready
4. Elsinore ........ Large regional magnetic and IP anomaly with anomalous base/precious metals in geochemical sampling
5. Thor ............. Large gold anomaly potentially associated with high level intrusions or major regional fault structures
6. Tea Tree ..... Underexplored goldfield
I see this one got a bit excited today from the "significant sulphides intersected" announcement.
Might be worth a look into with that sort of market reaction?

LDR has intersected high-grade silver-lead-zinc-copper mineralisation at Tangoa West Prospect at Webbs Consol Silver-Base Metals Project. AgEq grades from Hole WCS019 got as high as 1,074g/t over a 5.9m width between 37m and 56.2m.

All of the mineralisation is at shallow depths making the mining of it cheaper and faster.

This looks good to me. The mineralisation at Webbs looks more widespread than previously thought with a mineral system strike length of around 3km. Historical mining appears to have only scratched the surface.

Up 180% today.
Since listing;

• Drill hole WCS045 at Webbs Consol Silver Project’s Tangoa West Lode has returned very significant results:
o 116.1m @ 1,003 g/t AgEq1 from 90.9m including;
▪ 15.3m @ 1,489 g/t AgEq1 from 126.0m and
▪ 9.0m @ 1,552 g/t AgEq1 from 172.0m and
▪ 9.0m @ 1,592 g/t AgEq1 from 185.0m and
▪ 8.1m @ 2,200 g/t AgEq1 from 196.0m including;
▪ 3.1m @ 3,325 g/t AgEq1 from 201.0m
• WCS045 intercept of 116.1m @ 1,003 g/t AgEq1 is seven times greater than the mineral endowment of recently reported WCS044 intercept of 54.0m @ 304 g/t AgEq1
• WCS045 drill intercept more than doubles Tangoa West Lode mineralisation to a depth of 200m vertically and the lode width appears to increase with depth
• WCS045 drill intercept comprises several exceptionally high-grade zones with a cumulative 41.1m @ 1,664 g/t AgEq1
No posts (comments) after prior news of high grade silver incepts announced (17/1/23). In this news LDR mentioned that results were "due imminently" for follow up drill holes (WCS044, WCSO45).

Today they released details of these drill holes with the outstanding silver results in WCS045.
The opportunity to buy some LDR (gamble) prior to today's news was available to all of us. Congrats to those that did (and existing holders). To the rest of us, keep looking, there's plenty of great opportunities out there.
The day after releasing good drill results . . . you guessed it, a trading halt to raise capital.
I have selected the LDR in our Magnificent and Sometimes Merciless December 2023 Monthly Regatta again
Hopefully I will do a lot better One Year later

Sailing the Volatile LDR for SILVER--------One WEEK at a Time ---------&---------------------One DAY at a Time


Salute and Gods' Speed
and now, Antimony

• With the grant of EL9662, Lode has now secured additional antimony prospects including the historic Magwood Antimony Mine, a former primary producer of antimony (Sb).
• 19 antimony prospects have been recently identified within Lode’s EL9662 and EL9319 which, with a combined area of 1,914 km2, forming a strategic antimony exploration portfolio in an area of significant historical antimony production.
• The Magwood mine was in production mainly between 1941 and 1970 with recorded yearly production grades ranging from 4% to 62% Sb and was Australia’s primary antimony producer at the time.
• Despite decades of production Magwood has never been drilled and there is almost no historical drilling within Lode’s antimony project area despite the geology being considered highly prospective for orogenic structurally-controlled antimony mineralisation. Detailed surface work here is almost nonexistent.
• Lode has now commenced field activities which is expected to ramp up into the Dec Quarter and beyond.
