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Labor's carbon tax lie

Newport D, as originally proposed, was to be 1000 MW although only half was ever built. On the other hand, Loy Yang A, Loy Yang B, Hazelwood and Yallourn W between them are about 6350 MW between them. There goes the gas...
Should have added that for those not aware, these plants are all in Vic and account for the majority of electricity generation in that state.

Newport D is in the Melbourne city area (not to be confused with the long abandoned and now demolished Spencer St power station which ceased operation 30 years ago). Associated with it is a tall chimney clearly visible across the water from city buildings and some suburbs. It normally runs on gas but is also able to burn oil.
The bottom line here is that there's going to be an awful lot of pain for many Australians.

Sure, some have the financial means to install solar (as I have) and some can cope with the physical labour required to burn wood.

But what about (for example) the 70 year old lady who lives just up the road from me? I doubt that she can afford solar and she certainly isn't in a position to deal with firewood. And, as with many people that age, she is home quite a lot therefore needing heating for many hours. What is she supposed to do? Shiver in the dark?
I hope all goes tp plan because I don't think Abbotts plan of reversing it will be possible by the time he gets the chance to do so.
His fundamental credibility on achieving office will depend on the reversal of the carbon tax. It is his basic mantra. He wouldn't last five minutes if he does not move to reverse it, even if it means going to a double dissolution election.

If he were to achieve a landslide victory such as we've just seen in Queensland, the ALP would look ridiculous if they didn't go along with his legislation to reverse the tax.
But if a double dissolution was necessary, I wouldn't doubt for a minute that the Libs will go for this.

Exactly right and the point I've been trying to make.


Apparently she is indeed meant to shiver in the dark. The Greens couldn't care less.
Neither, it seems, does the government.
Sure, some have the financial means to install solar (as I have) and some can cope with the physical labour required to burn wood.
With a wood heater, a large stockpile of firewood out the back, solar panels and a juicy feed-in tariff, I don't expect to pay for electricity again for several years.

There's nothing quiet like the the smell of 2-stroke and freshly felled timber in the morning.

It's all very unfortunate though for those who Labor and the Greens supposedly represent.
Newman admits Queenslanders will be better off under carbon tax

Perhaps he fell for Julia's charms.
Newman admits Queenslanders will be better off under carbon tax

Rumpole, you have started only part of Newman's statement to dramatically change it's meaning - as you have done. He actually qualified that statement with the conditions of federal "compensation" and "lnp reforms".

IF treasury modelling has got it right - THEN some people may be better off by a coupl of bucks a week due to federal compensation. However it seems that treasury has not got it right (as many of us have suspected). Read this exceprt from Calliopes link:

What a rip off...
If Campbell Newman thinks he can trust Julia Gillard in any negotiations, he won't be the first to be in for a rude suprise.
If Campbell Newman thinks he can trust Julia Gillard in any negotiations, he won't be the first to be in for a rude suprise.

I think he is using tactics very well here - maybe even playing her at her own game. Time will tell...
Well that's one thing I've learnt here anyway...

Haha - what was left out of these statements of both Gillard and Swan? Please play the whole 15 sec clip as Swan also categorically rules out a carbon tax. Complete sentences recorded...LOL

These statements above would have convinced some voters that alp had understood majority voter sentiment and would not go the way of carbon pricing. If they had been honest about it, I doubt alp would have come anywhere close to even a hung parliament. Shameful stuff to say the least.
Haha - what was left out of these statements of both Gillard and Swan? Please play the whole 15 sec clip as Swan also categorically rules out a carbon tax. Complete sentences recorded...LOL

Indeed and I also remember "There will never, ever be a GST".

Lets face it, Gillard does not lead a government, she leads a Coalition, just one less formalised than than the LNP. People voted for the Greens as well and the Greens had the right to put conditions on their support. Gillard's statement about no carbon tax under a Government I lead has got her into trouble with the voters, and it may lead to her losing the next election. But by the time the election rolls around people may have gotten used to the idea. Who knows ?
Indeed and I also remember "There will never, ever be a GST"..

How often do you numpties have to be reminded that
Howard took his GST backflip to an election?
He did not ram it down the throats of voters - he asked for their approval.

Not only has Gillard backflipped and legislated anyway, she also went against a strong majority as shown by the professional opinion polls. Shame, shame, shame.

Oh, and now Gillard wants us to trust her ??? Is she for real ???

Oh, and now Gillard wants us to trust her ??? Is she for real ???

She's got to be kidding!? (she is really insulting all of us)

How dumb does she think the electorate is ?? She obviously has forgotten the Mall lady and the QLD result!!
As an ABC luvvie you would have mastered all the dirty tricks long before you started flooding these threads with Greenies spin and ABC bias.

I happen to believe both parties are full of it, but I don't think that you can see that your side is as well.
I happen to believe both parties are full of it, but I don't think that you can see that your side is as well.

I think we can Rumpy it's just that we dont care what the opposition is like any more there's no choice, we just need a change and quick.
I think we can Rumpy it's just that we dont care what the opposition is like any more there's no choice, we just need a change and quick.

Well Burnsy, if you are happy to vote for a goofball that proposes more massive welfare like nanny subsidies without saying who is going to pay for it, and slugs business to pay for parental leave just so he can suck up to women voters, then I'm afraid you will get what you deserve.
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