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Labor's carbon tax lie

Just curious on you thoughts on how Gillard stacks up to Abbott, Costello & Keating?

Actually I think that Gillard is a top rate parliamentary performer. way ahead of Abbott. She is just not PM material. (nor is Abbott.)
Actually I think that Gillard is a top rate parliamentary performer. way ahead of Abbott. She is just not PM material. (nor is Abbott.)

Yeah, our JU-LIAR is top rated in lies, deceit, spin and BS. This puts her way ahead of Abbott. Gillard is lucky she is an atheist. If she were a Catholic she would have to go confession on a daily basis to confess her sins.

Yeah, you got the last part right, she ain't Prime Minister material.
Actually I think that Gillard is a top rate parliamentary performer. way ahead of Abbott. She is just not PM material. (nor is Abbott.)

And her comparison to Costello and Keating?

Keating? I think you are confusing the art of the put down (which he was excellent at) and the qualities of leadership (which he was appalling at). He was just an effective bully.

As I've said before, Oz needs an Abbott to swing the pendulum back; away from the Orwellian dystopia that Australia is careering towards. Closet Fabians like Turnbull won't do that.
The indys have themselves in a right mess, they have stated repeatedly their agreement is with Julia Gillard only. How can they turn around and strike another deal with Crean, probably on revised terms and still show their face in public?

They will make noises of protest for sure (they have to be seen supporting Gillard in case she doesn't lose leadership). But once a new leader is installed, why would they want to ruin the next two years of being in the sun? New leader isn't going to upset them as he will also want time for the polls to recover.

It is potentially all bluff coming from Indies and almost certainly won't change their tune until Gillard is no longer leader.

Could be wrong, but it seems pretty sure they are not going to let the coalition have government as long as their day in the sun continues.

Remember when people scoffed at Tony Abbott for saying that global warming was a socialist conspiracy. Who's laughing now.

Lord Monkton - National Press Club address tomorrow 19 July. Bolt says that GetUp and friends have booked nearly half the seats. Note also that Monkton doesn't get the respect of an exclusive address. There must be an opponent from the warmist crowd to 'debate' him.

What are the (as one blogger termed them, 'Greenshirts') so afraid of?
Did anyone hear Alan Jones' comments this morning in regards to the use of tax payer money that is allowed to be used for advertising by any current Government in Office??

I only caught a little bit of his segment as l was driving to work in the wee hours this morning, but, Kevin Rudd introduced a law that banned all future Governments from using public funds for advertising campaigns unless there were certain mandates cleared. Alan Jones went on to say that the Carbon Tax advertising that will be coming later on this week is actually illegal, under laws introduced by Kevin Rudd.

If l find a link (or anyone else), please post......

More lies, lies, lies from the ALP
Paul Howes national secretary of the AWU has said that his union backs the carbon tax.

He has also stated that his union would not back it if one job was lost.

The government plans to close Hazelwood = job losses ???
Paul Howes national secretary of the AWU has said that his union backs the carbon tax.

He has also stated that his union would not back it if one job was lost.
He did indeed. He stated today that he has 'received sufficient assurance from the government that no jobs would be lost in manufacturing'.
Just in manufacturing? Does that line up with his original vow?

The government plans to close Hazelwood = job losses ???
Presumably the workers at Hazelwood will not be classified as being employed in manufacturing. Oh my, what a tangled web we weave.
It's up on the 2gb website now...

So, is the Government breaking any laws????
It's up on the 2gb website now...

So, is the Government breaking any laws????

Danny, I agree that this should be investigated and ai also think we need a inquiries into a lot of things.

What about the level of pork barelling that Gillard may have used to get into government and then to get what she wants passed? How has Aussie tax payer money been handled and why so much waste? Are they making AGW to be a bigger problem than it really is? Is "carbon tax" the most efficient way to reduce co2 IF it really is posing real danger? Was a flood levy really necessary or is it simply due to Gillard's fetishes with taxes? (She seems to have plenty for the things she wants).

I think a lot of things need to be investigated. I have never seen such a seemingly dodgy government from either side EVER in this country (Whitlam comes close).
Danny, I agree that this should be investigated and ai also think we need a inquiries into a lot of things.

What about the level of pork barelling that Gillard may have used to get into government and then to get what she wants passed?
This is something I believe really needs to be thoroughly investigated. I recall reading one list of federally funded projects for Tony Windsor's electorate that made my jaw drop. Probably the same applies in Mr Oakeshott's domain.
As you say, Sails, this is taxpayer funding and absolutely should not be used as a bribe to those members for their support to keep Ms Gillard in power.

I find it difficult to see any difference between this and any other sort of bribery, viz as just one example, that for which Gordon Nuttall has gone to jail for an extraordinarily long time.

If some supporter of this process can explain why it's OK, I'd be very interested and appreciative.
An advertisement which includes a nice shot of Gordon Dam to promote an environmental policy endorsed by Bob Brown.

Oh the irony... The greatest engineering icon of the organisation whose dam ambitions were fought so strongly by Bob Brown is now being used to promote the carbon tax. If there's one thing that Bob doesn't like and never will it's the Gordon power scheme (to the point that the more extreme elements of the Green movement refuse to even use its correct name in reference to it).

Meanwhile, Alec Marr is now the boss of a woodchip mill. No, I'm not joking there. A former Wilderness Society (which is very closely associated with the greens much as the unions are with Labor) guru is now running a woodchip mill.

What next? John Howard running the unions?
Anyone here remember the Harridine subsidy?

A few years ago when the Tasmanian independant held the balance of power in the senate, there were a few special concessions for Tasmania, like free cars on the Spirit of Tasmania etc.

Unfortunately there is nothing new here in special deals for the independants seats. May we wish we are all in very marginal seats.

I read about an Australian market gardener who said that with glass houses, to gain maximum plant growth he pumps in CO2 to a level of 1000ppm, and contrasts this with the warmists insistence that if CO2 levels reach 500ppm it's catastrophic for the planet.
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