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Labor's carbon tax lie

How comforting was it the see Craig Emmerson singing a ditty about the Carbon Tax and what Abbott said, apparently he took several days composing it, greatr to see your taxes at work and a pay rise to boot.

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Even the revered Professor Garnaut is critical of Labor's clowning and has called for a more appropriate, serious approach to the carbon tax. (from today's "The Australian").
Even the revered Professor Garnaut is critical of Labor's clowning and has called for a more appropriate, serious approach to the carbon tax. (from today's "The Australian").

No surprises Ms Gillard was going to defend the good Dr Emerson. Wonder how many dittys she's heard and in what circumstances?

No what Abbott will do is let it progress to a trading scheme which what it really is.
No surprises Ms Gillard was going to defend the good Dr Emerson. Wonder how many dittys she's heard and in what circumstances?

Want me to quote a 100 Abbott slogans (dittys) while he is dressed up in workers clothing........vomit!
Want me to quote a 100 Abbott slogans (dittys) while he is dressed up in workers clothing........vomit!

Be my guest. My favorite one was a couple of months ago when he compared Chifley's 'light on the hill' to Gillard/Thomson's 'red light on the hill'.

99 dittys/slogans to go. Abbott still standing. The song Labor should be singing is 'ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall'. At regular intervals, another future Labor leadership candidate falls off his or her perch. Can't imagine Dr Emerson having the letters PM after his name now, will be expecting him to bop up and down every time I see him.

The good Dr act was hot on the heels of Bill "I don't know what the PM said but whatever it was I agree with her and support her" Shorten. The next few months will see Greg "I will die in the ditch over voting against the carbon tax repeal after the next election" Combet fall off the wall.

Already gone are:

Simon "I hate Kevin" Crean,
Stephen "I hate Defence" Smith,
Stephen "I hate Telstra in my jackboots" Conroy

A party in self-destruct mode, destroying its future and creaming its next generation at the same time. Come back Paul Keating - all is forgiven. You're a perfect gentleman compared to this crowd. Al least noone could accuse Keating of lacking conviction, heart and passion.

You will truly know pain when Abbott becomes PM and all his cheer squad here disappear.
You will truly know pain when Abbott becomes PM and all his cheer squad here disappear.

Which cheer squad is that IF?

I see most as a bit concerned about Abbott, but a far lesser evil than the Fabians.
You will truly know pain when Abbott becomes PM and all his cheer squad here disappear.

+ 1. Not expecting much when Abbott becomes PM. Short honeymoon perhaps. He will have to be very surprising, and show form he hasn't yet shown, to end up with a legacy above the flatline.

A humble Turnbull, who has learnt to manage people and lower his own self-image, would do much better. Everything I've heard of him in the last 2 years suggests that, but no-one will even think of dumping a first-term PM.
Agree 100%. Keating had wit, intelligence, erudition, all of which are entirely absent in the Labor Party of today.

No what Abbott will do is let it progress to a trading scheme which what it really is.
There was some discussion on Radio National this evening re the dropping of the floor price.
Wow! When the tax has only been around for a few days.

It's an interesting 'middle ground' option, but one wonders whether the electorate will turn on Abbott for making it 'dormant' in this way.

Given all the effort going into building an 'Abbott-proof fence' around it right now, he might be thinking that the double-whammy of hibernating it and then losing a future election to allow it to be re-started is a bit of a self-inflicted wound.

Labor might also be willing to pass a bill with $0 carbon tax than repeal the carbon tax legislation. So there's the cue...
It seems Australia is paying one of the highest carbon taxes. It raises around $77.3 million per week while Europe's emissions trading scheme - which covers 30 nations - raises around only $23 million.

That's three times as much and yet we emit less than a quarter of Europe's co2 emissions. What a rip off...

Read more of this interesting article from the Minerals Council of Australia:
Agree 100%. Keating had wit, intelligence, erudition, all of which are entirely absent in the Labor Party of today.

Not to mention a knowledge of economics (even if imperfectly, unfairly and corrosively applied).

I still hate him, but acknowledge the important reforms he and Hawke implemented under the circumstances of the era. Even at the time I secretly admitted this to myself.

But this Labor gu'mint are muppets in the truest sense, with IQs (sans human intervention) to match.
Labor is right when they talk about about pricing carbon dioxide as the most efficient model. The problem with their's though it that it's purity is somewhat compromised by industry subsidies and a giant Green Energy slush fund. A lower starting price and less (or none) of the other nonsense would have at least given their argument some substance.

Labor have made a far bigger botch of their carbon price than John Hewson did with the GST in 1993, and it almost cost John Howard office two elections later in 1998.

The Coalition's policies are nonsense too, but the public hatred Labor has created for carbon pricing will take a long time for any political party to overcome. I don't expect to see anything rational on this from either side any time soon, but sometimes it's nice to dream.

Then there's the question of whether we should be doing it at all and if so, in step with the rest of the world, not way ahead of it.
You will truly know pain when Abbott becomes PM and all his cheer squad here disappear.

I have no doubt, IFocus, I will be the first to bag off at Abbott and the coalition if in my opinion they stuff up.
I will be just as vocal against them as I am against labor, if they perform as badly. There is no way I will condone, what I see as poor government, no matter which side of politics they come from.
You can take that to the bank.

If and when Abbott wins the next election , he will have to replicate what 'CANDO' is impilmenting in Queensland and that is weed out the dead wood PS in Canberra.
First to go in my mind should be the Climate Chamge committee which I believe has over 1000 doing what I do not know.

thats what happens when you elect the left factions in the centre left party, you get the most intellectually bankrupt mob of halfwits this country has seen in decades

Malcolm wont be staying around for nothing, he will likely wait for an Abbott blow up or weakening of the rights hold over the party but having said that the Liberals will give Abbott a lot of room if he gets a big result which at the moment looks like a given.

The real question is what is it that Abbott stands for?

Now that he is a hell bent popular politician who will say any thing to any minority group that they want hear its hard to work out who he is going to give favours to.

His mantra about repealing taxes sacking public servants and giving out money just needn't add up, its a known fact that there isn't much fat left in the federal landscape.

It will be really interesting on how Abbott plays out the only real certainly is that he has some really nasty Karma coming his way one from his nasty past.
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