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Labor Tax Policy, where is it?

7 May 2006
Since the Liberals introduced the new IR laws, Labor and the unions have been running a scare campaign against these laws, commonly known as the ‘your rights at work’ campaign.
But my question is this;
If Labor and the unions care so much about ‘your rights at work’ then why do they support a policy that would chip away at the very reason we all go to work? That reason being money!
The policy I’m talking about is of course Wayne Swans (and Latham’s) tax policy which from what we have been told thus far is the one that Labor will take to the upcoming election.
Obviously yesterday’s announcement on tax from the Liberals has shaken Rudd up a bit and he says that he will review the Liberals new tax policy and come to a conclusion on what to do in the lead up to the election. Excuse my language but what a wank that is! The simple fact is that Kevin Rudd and Wayne Swan were attacked on this very issue months ago and they have had every chance to address it properly.

Please note that the tax rates in the quote below don't include yesterday’s further tax cuts, so Labor has been well and truly behind on this issue for quite some time.
here is the Liberals new tax policy announced yesterday, oh and I have to say thank you to trinity because I stole this from your thread

If Labor take their current tax policy to the polls and win the election then nothing will stop them from bringing it into force in the future. It will be a good way for a Labor federal government to make a quick buck if things go a bit pear shaped!


Patience Mint Man, Patience...

The mid year economic budget was reviewed and its findings released on Monday showing an extra 50odd billion flowing into the govt. kitty... and 2 hours later the Liberals release their new tax policy... which showed exactly how to spend that 50bill that wasn't there two hours ago.

They obviously new it was coming, but thats the bonus of being the incumbent govt with the resources of treasury...

Wouldn't expect Labor to have an alternate plan, with this NEW money, for a few more weeks...

Mint Man,

I am voting Liberal,

Rudd has nothing, all he dose is nit pick at the current with out really adding anything better.

I think labour will get in just on the fact of people could be looking for change. I sure hope they don't get in, sure the libs sent us to a war that had no right or meaning but hey they are doing a great job managing the economy. my
Patience you say? I think we have waited long enough!
Ive been waiting months for Labor to say something about tax. In fact I was going to post this thread up 2 months ago because Labor has been so hush hush about their tax policy, probably because its higher than the Liberals. But I suppose thats their plan right? dont say anything because we might screw up.
How can we possibly vote in a Labor government? We dont even know what to expect! or should I say, we only know half the story.

My bet is that, once again, kevin Rudd will pull out the Me Too policy.

Anyway, my initial point was that Labor have a very out dated 2005 Tax policy. Why have they not updated it yet? They have had since 2005 to do so.
In the last 2 years they could have at least shown the initiative of updating their old tax policy. Instead they have shown lazyness and opted to mislead or not come clean to the public about their tax policy. I bet my bottom dollar that alot of people dont even know what Labors Tax policy currently is.

There’s no doubt the tax system needs real reform which tax’s cuts do not really address

Injecting $34bil into an economy already on inflation alert to me seems odd unless you just don’t care about interest rates or longer term trends.

Considering the amount of serious infrastructure that’s needed around this country to support the future generation continue real economic growth I struggle with the short term greed give me the money now tax cut mentality which is no doubt a vote getter.

To me it’s purely opportunistic politics and disparate at that not a long term plan carefully thought out using the full resources of a government, pity because it tarnishes Costello.

Mint Man,

I am voting Liberal,

Rudd has nothing, all he dose is nit pick at the current with out really adding anything better.

What about hospitals. You obviously haven't used them lately. What about trade training in schools. Obviously you haven't needed a tradesman lately. You obviously haven't a grandson trying to bargain in the workplace. I have had considerable experience with those 3 recently and that is enough to make me favour Rudd without remembering all or any of Howards deceit. Howard has nothing to offer apart from tax cuts which must be made at the expense of nation building infrastructure.

I am not voting liberal.

Very good post, I concur on all points, especially as these resources are needed to increase infrastructure to help our exports and to make us more internationally competitive. For example, what about improving the dreadful shipping services for coal exports from Newcastle?

The coalition's tax policy looks inflationary leading the RBA to increase interest rates further, which would no doubt bring howls of protest and derision from the Howard/Costello quarter.

Hopefully the ALP policy when it is released may be more responsible.

Just my worth.
I am quite undecided. I am a 3 yr old migrant and, I do not understand which area falls under which jurisdiction. Such as hospitals, Federal or State's responsibility?

Much to my concern is on housing affordability and economic outlook. What say both parties regarding housing affordability?

Under which government would the economy be better off?

I hope Labor doesn't do a me-too becuase this tax policy released is typical of howards previous policies... focused on bribes, with no real reform...

The tax systems is screwed, its a diabolically complex, and needs a major overhaul, not just a reduction in tax scales

I would like to see a massive simplification of the tax system, three tax scales...
tax free, 15% and 30%... thats it.

It will save a hell of a lot of money wasted in accounting fees and all these companies, trusts, etc...
If your only 3 years old then you can't vote, but for 3 you have great spelling... just kidding.
Hospitals are state, roads are mostly state, rail is state. NSW fail on all.
I think that when it comes to the economy the Liberals win hands down.
As for housing that is a tricky issue. It will take more than a silver bullet quick fix policy
last time I checked the labor states run these

Better check again. Liberals have reduced their share hospital funding, Rudd says he will fix them in cooperation with the states. Major roads are federally funded. Road and Rail need massive amounts of federal money. You must agree on trade training. You are confused as you said.
You must agree on trade training. You are confused as you said.

We really are paying a terrible price for the shellacking in terms of funding the education system got (or didn't get), in the late 90s and so far into the 00s. And that is at all levels of education, but especially post-school.

The Trade system also runs in Federal money (or lack of).
Rubbish nioka. The simple fact is that Labor run these. If they were any good at budgets then the hospitals wouldn't be in such a state of crisis.
I dont know about any other state but in NSW the hospitals and roads (roads in my area anyway) are up to ****.
I dont know about any other state but in NSW the hospitals and roads (roads in my area anyway) are up to ****.

Having spent quite a bit of time travelling around the central coast in a truck, I can't disagree with that at all.Not much fun!

But that's not a party issue. On a state level, the libs would ignore the central coast just as much as labour do. If it's not in Sydney, it won't get much attention.
work choices and tax cuts go hand in hand. Where most people on low wages won't be getting wage increases anywhere near inflation the tax cuts will bumb up their take home cash thus effectively bringing up their wages. If we had large wages increases and tax cuts then we would fuel inflation.

I wasn't around when the labour gov of hawke and keating were in with high interest rates etc. But from what i gather economic conditions in australia are largely dictated by the economic conditions of the world (since we are such a small player) And the role of gov is to make the best out of whatever situation we are in. Keating and hawke did bring in alot of reforms which were painful at the time but built a good base for current economic prosperity. Floating the dollar etc.

My point is that it would be pretty difficult to stuff up the Oz economy atm with our commodity boom and the labour gov of WA and QLD seem to be doing very well.
The rich and upper middle class Vote liberals the poor and middle class vote labor ....

you can clearly see Liberal favor the one that has the cash and the one that own the business

fairly simple choice really depending on what camp you in, you know where to vote

The trick is for the Liberal to convince the poor that they can become rich like Liberal supporters if they vote for them ..
they may buy into it cos the poor need $$$ and see $$$ blinking and how they doing it?
round 1. Tax cut more $$$ in your pockets

Doh! I meant, have been here in Oz for only 3 years. :

Not looking for a quick fix on the housing issue, e.g. rent-fix would be stupid IMHO. However, there was an instance that Labor was proposing a "super annuation" type of fund for first home buyers, encourage first home buyers to save, with less tax on that fund, and fund can only be used for purchase of first home. I wonder what happened to that, just fizzled out.
I contend that inflation is precisely what Howard wants given its been his government's primary means of maintaining a booming economy.

Inflation is always popular in the early stages. It's the latter stages where it all goes pear shaped and ordinary people can't afford to live anymore - we're seeing the beginnings of those nasty effects now with real estate. Just wait until it's at the checkout and with every bill you get. History says that's exactly what's coming and it's not as far off as many may hope.
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