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KO'd 3 times, looking for some friendly advice

Glad to hear some things were useful, each one of us has our own perspective on what may help.
Take what you think is helpful and leave the rest it costs you nothing.
But here is your problem---


(P.S. Worth noting, in all cycles I never made the peak and slowly lost it, each time I was wiped out in 1 bad position. )

And it's a easy problem to solve. Have a stop!

Run some backtest on your own trading to see the impact of having a stop. How often do you get spiked out? Are you still in net profit after that? If you are not profitable as a result, play around your stop position or strategy to see if it can be improved. Otherwise, you simply don't have enough of a profitable edge.

With most trading, but especially leverage instruments like FX/CFDs, not having a stop is simply a guarantee to being KO'd on a long enough timeframe. You may find success in the short term (as you have during the 3 cycles), as the market does have a mean-reversion tendency that works a lot of the time. So you can sometimes afford to be offside by a mile, hold and pray and have the position come back in the green (many learn the wrong lesson here about having conviction - when in fact they just couldn't admit they got it wrong). But over a long enough timeframe, this approach stops working and you lose all the little gains you've made in one go.

Risk management ain't free. There is no other way of avoiding big loss except for stopping a loss when it's small. The cost of that is potential profits foregone, and it's a cost of the trading business. It can be optimised / reduced, but it's not avoidable.
Further to SKC's comments.

Some positive and specific comment regarding our O/Ps problem.

There are 3 ways to profit in the market other than Arbitrage

(1) Have more winning trades than losing trades---where the cumulative total of winning trades exceeds the cumulative total of losing trades. (Having more winning trades in itself may not mean you are profitable--infact you can go broke).

(2) Have larger winning trades than losing trades----where the cumulative total of winning trades exceeds the cumulative total of losing trades. (Bigger winners than losers will not in itself guarantee profit--in fact you can go broke)

(3) A combination of both.

This is known as a positive expectancy---but before we explore how to get there lets clear a few common mis understood "Facts"

Many believe a positive expectancy is determined at the point of placing a trade.
They believe that the trade which has a potential to move from $1 to $1.50 with a risk of 50c has given you the trader a positive expectancy. this is nothing more than a positive potential.

Positive expectancy can only be determined from closed trades where we know profit and loss.
If we have 2 x profit to every loss we have a positive expectancy of 2.

In your case you kill your positive expectancy with one bad trade---not once but 3 times.

Lets have a look at Trembling Hands Scatter chart to further illustrate during this discussion.

Click to Expand

Now have a look at AREA 1 here you'll see a sharp rise in profit
There are LOTS more wins than losses.
There are Much larger wins than losses.
This is clearly number 3 of the list above.

There are lots more losses than wins and you'll note that the
amount gained doesn't out weigh the amount lost.
This is what a breakdown in positive expectancy looks like.

Same number of trades but a clear increase in winning size to losing size.
Hence a sharp rise to profit again.

Stat 1
Less wins than losses


Stat 2
Average win nearly twice that of average loss.

Clearly this days trading has an overall positive expectancy.

So you can clearly see the adage of Cut losers short and let winners run.

Personally I'm more ruthless again. Those who know my trading style know I have a load of Break even trades.
These trades have a MASSIVE effect on my final expectancy not to mention my peace of mind.
Its common for me to set a B/E stop and go to bed. Often I'm stopped out but very so often I get 80-150 ticks on the DAX at $35 AU a tick.

Just consider this.

(1) If I set a 20 tick Stop loss and have that hit more often than not say 20 out of 25 trades
then I'm down 500 ticks.
(2) If I'm stopped out at B/E I'm down ----Brokerage.

5 trades at say 100 tick profit at (1) I'm at a net loss
at (2) I'm at a really healthy profit and expectancy.

So what I have come to do in refining my trading is.


Hopping onto momentum is a lot easier than anticipating coming momentum.
I can move the B/E more often and far quicker if I've hopped on board momentum.
The only time my stop is hit is when momentum fools me. I have 4 momentum trade triggers.

Ill share one here.

(2) Trade Management.

Always get stop to B/E be very happy if stopped at B/E as 90% of the time you'd have been stopped at a loss stop!
Add to trades if momentum signals continuation
Treat this trade as a single trade.
Hold trades longer if they are coming to a known resistance or support level
Hold O/N ( I get up at 5 am so can close night trades first thing.) If that level is a long way away and it is clear enough that price is trending toward it--long or short.

(3) Exit.

Momentum comes in different intensities.
Low resists in lower time frames
Stronger blasts through. Identify suspected intensity to determine hold time.
(I hold from 1 min to 5 hrs) Rarely O/N unless its crystal clear in my mind.

Trade on SIM for hrs until you can read exactly what your seeing on the chart.
It will be like you have a sixth sense.
You'll see a setup and know EXACTLY what its likely to do.

Don't trade if your Under-capitalized!---EVER!

Now back to my video!
Was a great Video on all last night.

" Silence of the Muppets "
Was a great Video on all last night.

" Silence of the Muppets "
LOL ... glad you posted some thing on topic.
I read it several times it does not include everything (entry parameters) It's not a trading system but it does hold information usually hidden to most traders. +1
Unfortunately your black and white views are still flawed.
Good information and feedback comes in many forms, books, experience and media as the OP mentioned was helpful.
"Analysing ones trading performance" is a rarely mentioned few know of the tools / software and know to track trading performance. There's another thread all on it's own.
Take it away duckman .....
LOL ... glad you posted some thing on topic.
I read it several times it does not include everything (entry parameters) It's not a trading system but it does hold information usually hidden to most traders. +1

Seriously its clear I have to explain how to digest and apply that which I have written!
See below as well.

Unfortunately your black and white views are still flawed.
Good information and feedback comes in many forms, books, experience and media as the OP mentioned was helpful.

No one has yet been able to direct me to where in the videos suggested---specific help for his problem is??!!
Reason being is there is nothing but general stuff designed to act as a lure to attract a new client.
Good information is RARE. In any format.

"Analysing ones trading performance" is a rarely mentioned few know of the tools / software and know to track trading performance. There's another thread all on it's own.
Take it away duckman .....

That's which is hidden to MOST TRADERS is still hidden from your self.(In bold)
You think that is how to solve his problem---ey ey ey ey ey!

To be honest there is only 1 post on topic --- my in depth answer.
A lot of stuff written up here from experienced guys is lost on the masses---they just don't know what it is they are looking at!
Tech/a you might as well have told the op to buy low and sell high and closed the thread.

Your three points are in no doubt right and I am sure op knows this already but what your posts lack (your statements) is the how, when and importantly why.

Hence the links we provided to the opp - they cover the how, when and why which brings together all the elements into a potential strategy the op can build on or refine his existing strategy.
Here's a little recap for yah tech ..
I don't make claims to know what you think I should know
I posted a link to some thing that was helpful as stated in his reply (did you miss that ????)
NO it didn't solve the worlds hunger problem !!! or all of his issues. But once again what you missed was he mentioned it broadened his thinking of other possibilities related to his approach next time round.
I will continue to post what I think might be helpful to others, they will take what they think is helpful and leave the rest. That is the purpose of a public forum, everyone from different levels can chime in.
Is this your very own private forum I didn't see the sign's lol
The problem is you've made this your life ! Sad really ....
Take a holiday and unwind do what ever it takes to keep things in perspective.
Its a public forum ... jokes on you
By shorter window, I will try to close my trades within a 4 hour window as opposed to 1-2 days.

Just to amend my earlier remark on trying to close trades earlier - I'll try to close them when they've run their course; I'll just try to keep them shorter so my doors are open to other trading possibilities*

Glad to hear some things were useful, each one of us has our own perspective on what may help.
Take what you think is helpful and leave the rest it costs you nothing.

Thanks, I do appreciate the source, as long as something is of value it’s always worth the trip!

That is embarrassingly something I really didn't consider

I tend to use my demo account to test different trading strategies than refine what I have. If I picked up on something that I wasn't confident or certain of with an indicator or trend, but I'd like to keep track of purely out of curiosity and the 'what if' scenario, I'll just pile into it on the demo to see where it goes.

I will run some back test on trades I actually took and see where they would end, and how I would have potentially placed new orders, TPs and SLs. I know many of my orders would have been stopped out, although they usually came back favourably, in context of my problem its likely irrelevant - I should have just bailed out and provided a lower entry point and re-assessed the swing size and momentum.. but live and learn. I look forward to the results whatever they are

You and your videos!

I find this very reassuring, you've outlined roughly what I've been doing, except much safer - with B/E and SLs.

This only emphasises to me I must learn pyramiding too.

You noted you have 4 momentum trade triggers. I think the one you've outlined is roughly in line with one of mine. I try to seek spikes in context with the overall candle body position, and then I look for any consolidation in pricing over time (time isn't set - its based on how long I expected to be in the trade), narrowing of trade volumes/price activity (i.e. B Bands) and obviously the existing trend momentum, and various support/resistance points.

Worth noting I always used TPs, I just never used them too far in range of potential, as I usually had them there to take advantage of unexpected spikes; but I'm sure others do this too.

Thanks a lot for your in-depth break down and analysis. I will definitely be paying heed to (2) Trade Management. This will help me a lot in managing me O/N holdings, purely in peace of mind - I lost some sleep on large open trades


I just made an analysis of my last profitable trade and realised, using SL's (to book profit) and pyramiding it would have made me a significant amount more. Assuming I made SLs and reinvested gains at Fib points, on a $1,030 investment, with a pure buy low, sell high, it would net $2,608 in 3 days. If I use SLs, TPs and Pyramiding, it would have netted $3,603.62. That's quite significant.. I have a lot to learn. The total at risk would only be $30 too.

EDIT: I have got a small order trade on the books, it could lead somewhere, it might not - I hope OPEC does nothing about oil. Then I can try pyramiding
What is the difference between God and our very own tech/a ?
Just a bit of Friday afternoon fun......
God doesn't loiter around stock forums thinking that he is tech/a
Have a great weekend, one and all.

Will look at some specifics with regard to the 3 profit makers with regard to strategy/trading plan development

Flat out with very elderly parents
But will respond when I can

Sunday is always demanding ----- you know how it is.
(1) Have more winning trades than losing trades---where the cumulative total of winning trades exceeds the cumulative total of losing trades. (Having more winning trades in itself may not mean you are profitable--in fact you can go broke).

Firstly I will disregard the "Method" where by traders hold trades that are losers in definitely to claim they haven't liquidated a loss as they are still in a position and winners only are liquidated.

In this scenario (more winning trades than losing trades) you generally find there are more trades.
The trades are shorter in time frame and may not have a formal stop loss. I have found traders who are instantly decisive are best suited to this style.They don't hesitate when taking a trade---closing a trade or stopping a trade. They are very fast and are generally all in --- not loading up a trade. This is suited to DOM trading/Volume/price/Bots--- trading where its clear to the trader instantly and risk can be very minimal.
Smaller time frame charts I find best (1 min)

(2) Have larger winning trades than losing trades----where the cumulative total of winning trades exceeds the cumulative total of losing trades. (Bigger winners than losers will not in itself guarantee profit--in fact you can go broke)

Extended time frames but very tight stops and I have found bringing to B/E quickly increases my closed trade Profit to Loss ration dramatically. I can trade more often (Not sticking around in no mans land between buy price and stop loss (When its wider) waiting to profit or having my stop taken out. This suits my trading style where I look to hop on momentum and ride it until I can see its stopping. If I miss time it ill miss a few ticks as it comes back on me to stop me out at B/E.

Every now and then Ill be taken out because I get it completely wrong fro the get go. There is ALWAYS a technical stop very close that I use. This is suited to Volume/Price and Pattern Analysis. I'm sure there are other methods but that is my chosen analysis.

Id don't trade every session I wait for volatility in other markets before I trade. I want momentum and I don't care which way. 1 min then 3 min charts I find best

(3) A combination of both.

For me this is additional to 2. If I'm on a clear momentum trade I will add quickly. I'm a small futures trader with 3 being my max placement.(For the DAX that's around $110 a tick.)

Here I'll either close contracts as weakness appears and hold one or 2 longer or Ill just close them all on an obvious fast rally ---If I'm at the screen. My aim is to have a contract running if possible in the key direction.
On Rare occasions Ill hold one over night and have traded short term around it.

In these trades you'll always have to give back some profit to gain more profit. Often its adding to the position while its correcting that helps the bottom line. but it takes a long time to identify corrections in a move or a reversal of sentiment.
One is profitable and one is a profit killer.

1,3 then 9 min I find best here.

I can post some chart later if your interested

Will look at some specifics with regard to the 3 profit makers with regard to strategy/trading plan development

Flat out with very elderly parents
But will respond when I can

Sunday is always demanding ----- you know how it is.

Cheers! Appreciate it, good luck with the parents, hope all goes well

I really do appreciate these scenarios being written out; I've written 3 or 4 different responses so far and deleted them because I come to an answer at the end.

With regard to your 1 min, then 3 min charts - are you looking to trade within these windows, or are you looking for Entry/Exit points? I'm assuming the 9 minute is to identify bigger signals to allow you to synchronize with the 1 or 3 minute charts more accurately?

If you get time I'd really like to see a chart, and how the 1, 3 and 9 minute frames are utilised as part of the whole picture.

Here I'll either close contracts as weakness appears and hold one or 2 longer or Ill just close them all on an obvious fast rally ---If I'm at the screen. My aim is to have a contract running if possible in the key direction.

This is something I need to work on, recognising that the good times are over and cashing in on them - the moving Stop Losses to book profits did help immensely on Friday - I will likely always use these to move further ahead than just B/E to compensate for this problem until I find another solution. This worked well for me yesterday, so thanks.. this thread has already been of value!

P.S. Given these shorter time-spans, what technical studies are best applied? Stochastic/ROC come to mind, but these tend to show what is happening - is there anything that provides more foresight like the DOM?

P.P.S I just checked the DAX, wow that things been flying!

I initially have a look at the big picture--longer term. Then drill it down to the immediate trade timeframe.
Sometimes it will be obvious in the 9 min frame the position that should be taken--continuation or reversal.
In particular I'm looking for Support and resistance areas and their strength. Longer term ones with multiple tests are stronger than those found in the lower timeframes. High volume particularly on APPROACHING S or R indicates that its likely to hold. Volume as it pushes through----or where it is low and just continues to rise or fall---indicates continuation. This can and is seen in the various timeframes 1,3,9. Some trades don't last past 1
I will shift timeframes as pivot's in a lower timeframe move me to the next. Of course as soon as I have a pivot in any time above my buy price I move to B/E. If stopped rinse and repeat.

The earlier I'm on a move (In a session) the better.

If you get time I'd really like to see a chart, and how the 1, 3 and 9 minute frames are utilised as part of the whole picture.

When I'm on Ill attempt to do one win lose or draw as it happens. But have a few things on at the moment.

This will happen in various timeframes. Immediate exit means less profit more often---calculated holding means larger wins less often. Unfortunately and experience thing.

P.S. Given these shorter time-spans, what technical studies are best applied? Stochastic/ROC come to mind, but these tend to show what is happening - is there anything that provides more foresight like the DOM?

What I'm describing here are discretionary shorter term methods. Personally I find ALL indicators far to slow. Infact the only place I've found useful for some indicators is in system design on a weekly or EOD basis.

P.P.S I just checked the DAX, wow that things been flying!

Its the European Hang Seng

Id suggest cutting teeth on Index futures using the FTSE or SPI.

I'm beginning to feel a bit the same regarding indicators, etc. I'm finding drawing and anticipating emerging patterns is more useful, and trading 'with the grain' as someone mentioned here (or in another thread) that it is better to trade with the market than against it.

I might reset my demo account and start with $1K AUD, focus on 2-5 trades per day, and at the end of 2 weeks I'll post the results here. I'll try to stick strictly to patterns and technical analysis rather than trading economic data, etc.

I will stop trading real cash and wait until I'm much more certain and quick in interpreting my technical data and recognising patterns.

I also want to move to a DMA platform, and will focus on trading cash indexes.

If nobody objects I'll swap my IG account to their DMA platform; unless there's a better alternative?
If you get time I'd really like to see a chart, and how the 1, 3 and 9 minute frames are utilized as part of the whole picture.

A really good time for an example here playing out now.
Im short at 10035 with an initial stop at 10048

(Just went to B/E)

Now the daily shows the setup.
Followed by the 1 min to take the trade
Then the 3 min to confirm and I move to B/E

Now at 10014 and I'm watching price action here as we have had another test which appears to have failed.

Click to expand.

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